Version 19.11 - General Feedback

CCP your swap over also robbed alot of players of their mining skillpoints. The new skills are more expensive and higher in skillpoint costs. You should have done a simple conversion system so players were not stuck to having to buy and reskill everything.


This update is absolute garbage, its completely unwanted and IS NOT an end to scarcity and shows that CCP enjoys lying to their customers. I’m not even surprised anymore that you were stupid enough to actually go through with this. Just mind boggling how you can see that the customers are PISSED and still double down on failed ideas.


Continues to eat popcorn.


Only a solo miner does that. But if you run about first scanning down mining anoms and then bookmarking the highest yield sites. You can fit a max tank/ max yield ship to go get to the highest yield asteroids pretty fast.

This is the day CCP killed the battle proc with the nerf bat. Big sadge RIP my baby :frowning:


You have to be joking lol.

RIP Procurer


Why, do you hope for a rough patch with a lot of bugs?

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So my Skiff cant be fitted properly any more and is:

easier to hit
less agile
and less tanky


loosing yield compared to before

and they expect me to mine now.

Yeah not gonna happen…


No, I expect it to be buggy because that is how CCP are running these days,

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Well if you’re designing for max yield, less tank isn’t important anyways. And if you’re going for max tank, CCP assumed you wouldn’t do that, which is why base hitpoints was increased but not the actual EHP. I mean they did promise the EHP of all barges would be “greatly increased” and why would they lie?

Guess nobody ever told you to ‘Hope for the best and expect the worst’?

Well, those changes kind of got stifled when the Ganker Player base got wind of it and realized they wouldn’t break even on ganks.


The Old Skiff was actually quite nice for lowsec mining players. Before the massive changes to the warp core stabs. Its been nerfed nerfed nerfed again.

I liked using the Skiff and Endurance because they had the same Ore hold numbers. 15,000m3 Which I knew made it very useful in collecting lowsec stuff. with a prop mod in mids, the ship was about as fast as a base frigate. Which allowed for some more aggressive play and searching for mining resources.

Then CCP came along with the nerf bat, first went the Passive Warp Core Stabs, which saved my bacon a few times in lowsec with the hunters out there. then the new Warp Core Stab only gave me +2 defense so anyone could catch and kill me, then the new Warp Core stab halved my drone control. So No Defense possible with the warp core stab on on the ship. Then this patch just put the nails in the coffin.

WHY CCP are you guys breathing those volcano fumes a bit too much?

This is not good gameplay consideration.


OK here goes…

Firstly, the graphics of the new mining modules looks pretty good… So positives done.

After playing for a few hours I have come to the conclusion that the whole wastage think is way out of wack… T2 Modulated Strip miners create waste at 35%, which is what you wanted… So in a set amount of time I mine X amount (including moving between rocks in the belt which are about 35km apart) and loosing 1/3 to waste.

But what is now happening is that when I use the T1 version is that I mine the whole rock, don’t have to travel within the belt and therefore I actually MINE MORE ORE IN THE SAME TIME.

How can it be right that I get better results using T1 drones and Strip modules than using T2 version. Where is the reward for skilling up to be able to use T2 modules.

***Please note that no scientific evaluation was done and is purely on my experience and feel ***


The drone role damage bonus for the Procurer/Skiff does no apply to the drone damage.
Please correct asap - or is this another, hidden, nerf to these to ships?


bait proc best proc

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Ship Balance:
Developer Comment:
“… we’re significantly improving the yield and survivability of the mining barges …”

I have a shield tanked Procurer.
Through the lost of 2 mids, I have a lost of 12.000 EHP.

“significantly improving the … survivability”?
A lost of 12.000 EHP?


A 5th mid … 1.9 sec. align time … 16.000 base shield EHP
would be a significant improvement of survivability.

But minus 2 mids + 18 sec. align time + … sorry … your words are not true.


They do not seem to be available in the Heimatar region market which is where I believe the two Thukker stations are:
Oremmulf V - Moon 20 - Thukker Mix Warehouse
Hurjafren VII - Moon 25 - Thukker Mix Factory
Have not checked NS yet.

The Mack is the new Skiff check it out. HUGE buff to the Mack