If your prey can escape after 15 minutes regardless of efforts, there’s no point in putting much effort into chasing an ever warping around group of targets. Anything that enters warp in less than 10 seconds cannot realistically be caught because of how long 1 scan cycle takes.
Yes, that’s what people used to do in the past. And even if you managed to get to the next system, you were still in null sec or low sec or had to go through W-space. It required from some actual effort from hostiles to manage to escape from an unfavorable response. You couldn’t just wait for 15 minutes and filament back into actual safety. It’s a completely bonkers concept to argue for and to think it’s a good thing to have.
at no point in Eve history was nullsec anything other than mostly empty. The abundance error was extremely damaging to the game and was fixed for the long term until now.
When I logged on yesterday there was a brand-new shiny obnoxious flashing icon in the top left corner of my screen. This is apparently to tell me that I have no skills in my training queue. Thanks, I already knew that! Can we please get rid of this irritating flashing icon?
That is not the point at all. They could also log off after 15 minutes in the past and wait out the defender’s motivation to camp their logged off chars. The point is that they were still in that same system when they log back in. They had to put in effort to get out of their hunting grounds unscathed. They could not just wait 15 minutes while wearing down a timer and then just peace out to safety on the other side of the cluster. That is the point.
Another point is that nothing has changed for the defenders in terms of available tactics to engage with these filaments. They still only have combat probes or gate camping available. Hunters, on the other hand, got an overpowered GIFF-GOOJFF card that has no appropriate counter. It doesn’t even require a learnable skill to use. You can just light it anywhere if you don’t like a situation and you are gone. No skill required beyond warping to a save spot (or even a celestial, really) and light it. That is the point.
And it’s good that this is gone from wormhole space.
Because you could not warp to them for mechanical reasons? Because you could not scan them because they warp faster than your probes cycle? Because they stayed at range from their target and were not in bubble range of dictors? Because a Lachesis can only really tackle 2 things from an entire fleet? Because they disengaged immediately and warped to safety when an unfavorable defender response landed on their victim’s grid? You know, just typical EVE things that you should know about instead of try-harding to defend this ridiculous mechanic.
Warp Matrix Convergence Filaments: Please restore the flavor text describing these unusable but now collectible items. Simply add the “Expired” message to the top of the original descriptions.
I understand players need to know that these items don’t work, but it goes too far to delete all information about what these items were used for.
Why the hell is a paying customer confronted with a blinking skill button in the Neocom?
On top of that, there are three more buttons that you can not remove from the Neocom. Why are the buttons: daily login campaigns, unclaimed items to redeem and New Eden Store not removable? Why can’t they be turned of , hidden?
Most players realy don’t need the crap that is handed out as breadcrumbs. Actually they are annoying as f****.
Please make Eve great again and remove the crappy buttons. A lot of people get sick of the crap. Please use the precious time to make Eve great again.
Does CCP intentionally forget to announce some events or big patches these days? No prior announcement of the GG, no prio announcement of a rather substantial patch this week. Why is all the information about the GG suddenly included in a hard to read patch notes text instead of its own article like in all the years before? What’s the point behind this communication incoherence?
Why is there no link to the brand new events page in the patch notes? Why does the Event Page not have the same information that you wrote down in the patch notes? What is the point of this Event Page if it doesn’t tell you everything about event? The patch notes does anyway so discovery and keeping things mysterious is not an argument. Alternatively, why is there no link to the patch notes with all the details on the Event Page?
Good to see that this stupid blinking skill training icon is gone. And look at the speed. Only 3 days! That’s worlds better than when the red dot made its rounds through the cluster. An appreciated positive signal.
The “Disable All Blinking” toggle on the Neocom will now affect the Skill Icon
Have you also put some effort into making the “Disable Button Blinking” work for the DLC and Redeeming Queue buttons?
The Defect Fixes link at the top of the patch notes is not working. The other links move the page to the respective section, but DF does nothing.
Thank you for getting rid of the stupid flashy thing on the skill icon! It still makes the rest of the neocom look it’s age, but at least it’s not flashing at you constantly.
But the issue is not resolved! The issue is not getting a blinking notification that I have mail. The issue is the blinking skill icon, now if I turn off the icon blink, it kills all other notification blink. This fix it throwing the baby out with the bath water.
For characters that cannot train, there should be no blinking even if the blinking option is toggled. The warning sign was replaced with a pause icon to indicate that that the character is not eligible to train (due to alpha restrictions, or other characters on the account training).
The blinking should happen if and only if the character is eligible to train and currently is not. The rationale is to remind players that may have overlooked their skill queue being completed.
Sooo. is the dps of the guardians gala sites bugged again? It says Battlecruisers are recommended. I did one in a Deimos and the site put out some serious dps. I survived with 10% hull. my >700dps tank only held because i overheated my reps and ate a booster. I don’t see a t1 battlecruiser doing these sites and survive… Or is it how it’s supposed to be?