Hmmm, if you’re right I’ll be right at the front with you ptichfork in hand!
You’re mistaken.
A filament can’t be activated while you have a timer on.
That means you can’t just drop into a system, attack, and when battle turns against you filament out.
Yeah i just have to chime in on the Neocom tweaks. They are trash! I like mine small, I had it small i want that back… Please let us have a thinner Neocom again
The blinky warning for the “no skills training” is annoying thou i did read that there is a fix coming so we can turn that off, I hope that’s true…
Calculator looks awful even if it is a bit bigger, just make the old one bigger and have it still look the same??
You guys ought to know there are a lot of players that have issues with visual changes in the gui by now.
And I don’t mean they are just picky and adverse to changes… I mean real medical reasons…
EDIT: Oh and while I’m at it… We want the colour back in the Neocom and station buttons… I’ve missed that for ages
When did the neocom got wider? I played after dt and it was still ok except the blinking. I relogged now and now the neocom takes more space than before, i cannot see all horizontal icons any more on my screen
I like the way the skill icon fade cycles.
Just when you thought that things could be getting worse, a patch comes along that makes things worse. why do i still bother playing this s**t game
Why … why did you do this?
First the change of the skill windows, that horrid abyssal new appeareance so many complained about. Nothing has really been rolled back or corrected, or did I miss it?
still those messed-up big buttons above, still those gigantic lists to scroll down below… what do you think CCP … that all people are playing on some gigantic TV screen? Have you never heard of something called Laptop?
But why I am so angry right now:
With today’s patch the whole stuff become even more worse … now the skill icon is BLINKING … some RED ALERT because “oh my god there are no skills inside and no queue running”
Did it really not occured no one on your side that there maybe be alt chars that are NOT SUPPOSED to be trainied? Like me on this char? That have their training finished?
Should I play now with it and have the whole time this shitty icon blinking?
And no means anywhere to be found found to deactivate it like I can deactivate that annyoing blinking on all the other icons in the list?
Do you really think that there are such no-brainers and kindergarden children around that they need to be shown : oh little kid, did you forgot your skill queue ?
… this is the most annoying thing since that desaster of yours with the red dot and not even near this still horrible mess of a skill GUI window
Make some hotfix, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, but either remove it or roll it back to the non-blinking old icon or give me a setting to switch it off.
And next time, if bringing something in like blinking icons, red dots, what ever … consider to add some checkbox into the settings menu so annoyed player like myself can switch that stuff off for a more and better immersive gameplay.
Thanks for reading
This made me lol - * A small hole at the back of the Jita 4-4 station has been closed. An acceptable number of station workers were sucked out during the repairs.
“Filthy Casuals” sounds like a great name for an alliance.
Filthy casual- kinda sounds like your mom.
give players what they’re asking for, rather than more nerfs to things they like.
Kinda sounds like your mom too.
*Laughs in High Sec
They’ve been sucking the life out of everything in High Sec for the last 10 years. Our complaints have gone unanswered. Yet as soon as the null sec complains, there’s a fix/revert in the next update. you guys make multiple orders of magnitude more ISK than HS players, yet you whine and cry like babies every time they knock it down a few notches.
I appreciate all the little changes/fixes to the UI… now please, for the love of god, allow those windows that have the ability to dock to do so on either side.
A few months ago, the probe scan windows was changed so that it docks on the right when previously it docked on the left. Why is docking on either side not an option? Seems silly. Please add the ability to dock windows on either side.
CCP ParagonCommunity Developer
Also whats a homeblest?
dark on one side and light on the other.
Kinda sounds like your…
I hope you guys will fix the damn increased Neocom width size or I will be done with this game. Seriously. This is the most annoying thing you have implemented the past couple of years. And that’s saying a lot because you have implemented many annoying things over the past 2 years.
Stop the
It has been over 3 hours Brisc. Have you had anyone in your alliance test this? Only a few people one these forums are taken seriously. It would be a big help if you were to help figure out what is going on with the DBM, as it is not acting like it says in the patch notes.
You are the only person I have seen who is claiming it’s not working how they explained it. Everybody else I’ve talked to is complaining that too much of the isk is going into the reserve bank, rather than the main bank. I’ve been pushing on the CSM to get them to swap the priority on how the isk goes to the banks so that more is going to the main bank rather than the reserves.
Either way, they still need to fix this because players were excited about it and now they aren’t.
It’s a bug. They are fixing it.
I was also concerned that all the isk was going into the reserve bank. I was upset that the isk per hour had not changed at all.
Thanks for the update, it wasn’t a harp againt you at all, you’re simply one of the only people who can get things done and have the player base believe you.
Does it mean:
You have an inferior account! You have an inferior account!
Sub to get rid of this! Sub to get rid of this!
…just to let the “alpha” players know what CCP really thinks of them?
WHY do you have to keep messing with the skill training menu icon(s) and focus on fixing the Skill Training UI itself (it’s ridiculously too big/bulky)?
A simple “line” was fine. The large “circle” is ridiculous. It’s big, pointless, and truly unnerving to have a flashing “!” if you’re not training.
Training skills take time. It’s basicly a “timeline”. Therefore: a CIRCLE is no way to represent the ongoing measurement of time.
Please fix this “simple” mess and put more work on changing the skill training UI instead.