Version 20.11 - General Feedback

Not sure what the logic behind this HUD color change was? Too easy to see, let’s change that?

Edit: Also it turned my Shield Alarm back on, which caused my HUD shield ring to flash constantly and took forever to diagnose (I turned it off so long ago I forgot it was even a thing).


Why is that new Docking overlay still showing on my screen? It serves no purpose. We already have sound notification from Aura. It’s a completely useless feature … even worse, it breaks immersion and looks like it doesn’t belong. There is some awful crap being forced on players, but for me this is the worst of all.

Where is the option to turn off that damn “Docking” overlay?


No compression or refining boosts for the new ores? They don’t seem to have been added to any of the existing skills…

The new ore is found in anomalies or asteroid belts? I’m asking because I found a system with an A0 Blue star in null sec and checked a few asteroid belts and saw just the old ore in there. I also made sure to add the new ore to my overview. If I’m missing something please let me know. Thanks

The people complaining about Photon being default should just try it. It’s way better.

Looking forward to when the old UI is deleted completely.

I’m not seeing the new ore either in null sec.

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Please stop doing this. Forcing people to reset their graphics settings over and over again is a douche move. Do Not force it on people. Make trying it an option. It’s just getting annoying now.


I was hyper against Photon on first “lets force everyone to use this nonsense of a bloat…” … now it’s kinda… maybe… usable… maybe. Still too bloated compared to old interface, unless you use compact mode on like everything that supports one and even that is marginally OK in some places.

Suggestion: make a setting to activate compact mode in one go on everything that has one. Save us some clicking.

Issue: Margin sizes.
Is that setting only for show? I mean, it does absolutely nothing when u change the setting, window headers remain unchanged regardless of the option… Take a look. And yeah, i’ve restarted the game to verify.

Bottom line… still “Nope!” but not “nope nope nope!!!”
So for now, good bye Photon UI! Welcome back classic! Maybe in 2 or 3 iterations… hopefully not years. o7


We have “rolled” out a few rare events for medium and small Upwell hangars.

I didn’t know small upwell hangars existed. I guess you mean large and medium?

:handshake: We have updated the scrollbar in Photon UI, the scrollbar is now static and no longer expands and collapses when hovering over it.


I wanted to. But it is absolutely useless even for a scout alt.

The Selected Item under Photon is not containing a portrait with the link to the pilot. What nonsense is that?

They did?
Where is your proof?
your screenshots?
Location Lists?

and I am talking about HS.
Only confirmed information will work here.

So cough it up @Gix_Firebrand or stop being a troll.

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Make sure beacons are ticked in overview settings. The anoms appear on overview with an asteroid belt icon, if they are in system. The Agency will guide you to the systems but won’t warp you to them and will tell you nothing is there once you arrive in system. It’s bizarre.


AGAIN with that font size getting enlarge.

  • Come on , I don’t even see all my tab names in overview …

Horrible as expected , as usual, you don’t listen to customer.

Since 2008, I’ve seen so much useless change, and unwanted change.

  • Always more and more issue
  • No update on persistent issue like your bad chat server and bad ddos protection
  • Im leaving this game and I hope your game will dies soon enough

(sarcasm) yay more things that only benefit null sec and WH miners!!

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ROFL bro. They said they added them. Go and find them :smiley:

What troll the truth?

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First of all bro, thank you for the laugh :smiley:

The idea of someone getting this ragehard over literal pixel rocks in space is just well, ROFL :smiley:

Just cause ya’ll can’t find rocks in space, don’t mean there aren’t rocks in space :smiley:

How is it nerf when they literally added stuff? Did someone change the meaning of nerf or

What troll the truth? They literally added the ores my guy.

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I’ve been a critic of the Photon UI for some time. The changes in the patch notes gave me hope that it’s finally getting to a point where it’s worth using, and I was going to opt back in to test it.

I logged on, and it’s the default again (though not noted in the patch notes).

Before I get to the positives, two negatives.

  1. Please, if you’re going to make changes like this, document them in the release notes. Yes, it was mentioned in an earlier blog post that it’d be pushed back to default for everyone - but this should be in the patch notes when it happens.

  2. Please persist settings across if people change into the Photon UI (whether you force them or they choose to move over). A prime example for me is the colour palette - on the classic UI I had the “match the UI colouring to the ship” option ticked - but when you pushed me across to Photon UI, this was removed. When I realised this and turned it on, I realised that it was a significant contributor to some of my negative feelings about Photon UI.

Now, the positives.

  1. There doesn’t appear (as yet) to be the same broken window alignment issues moving from classic UI. Windows line up in the Photon UI as they did in the classic UI. Big win. Thank you.
  2. When setting the margins and headers to “compact”, the same number of items (when “icons” as the display option) display in the same sized window. More good news.
  3. Not sure on reasons yet, but I don’t want to immediately vomit using it now. Maybe it’s because I realised the colour palette can set appropriately (though on darker themes, there’s still insufficient contrast between the margins and the “content” part of windows.

Something I’ve noticed that I’m not sure how I feel about it yet - when right clicking on a warpable object in space (something you can warp to), there used to be two entries for warping to it - warp to the default, or warp to… with a selection menu that followed after you hovered or clicked. Now there’s only one - and clicking on the default entry immediately warps to that, rather than allowing you to the use the sub-menu. The same is true of the interface in a few other places - clicking used to allow you to open the sub-menu (though it didn’t hold it as is traditional under the Microsoft Windows UI concepts, which is how I think I’d like to see it actually behave). It’s just a minor change, and maybe I’ll get used to it - but it’s frustrating at this stage.

I totally agree.

Esc, Feature Previews, turn off Photon UI. It no longer munts your window positions and/or Neocom at the same time. Yay.

It IS actually getting better. Slowly, almost painfully, but I’m not running screaming back to the Classic UI just yet (and I’ve been a vocal opponent of Photon in the past).

Completely agree.

This has been my opinion for a while. They are getting better, though there are still fundamental flaws.

A much better option.

Totally agree here too.

Active channel is underlined, channels with change since you last looked are bold for me at present, they seem to stand out quite nicely against the non-bold other channels with no activity.

I noticed differences on some windows, but not others. It would be LOVELY to have a “put all Windows into compact mode” option.

Yeah, I still don’t know why they did this. It added zero to the game, and took away a lot (including introducing unnecessary delay in the docking process

I have tried it several times. This is the first time I’ve persisted with it beyond about 15 minutes, because it was previously completely unworkable for many players. You’re entitled to your opinion. As are others entitled to theirs.

Yes plz. :slight_smile:

Uh. I sort of followed but then you lost me there mate :smiley:

What’s funny is aren’t you dissing a real person right now too? Wouldn’t that also make you human trash? :smiley:

Anyways, you realize there may be less systems in HS for that right?

Also it’s a buff but should HS be more profitable than null/low?

It’s ok bro. Keep raging over the rocks :smiley:

“Your people”. LOL.

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For the last time. I don’t want to use the damn Photon UI. Stop force enabling it…


Oh boy, a little grey line and some very marginal bold effect applied, on a monochrome grayish palette. So glad we have advanced from monochrome green/amber to monochrome gray interface too, took only 40 years. Would be nice if someone invented a UI that allows for multiple colors to exist at the same time. might help in immediately identifying stuff at a glance. Will CCP be the first company to use multiple colors? Who knows.