Version 20.11 - Known Issues

Window Margin Size settings are nice, but in the Skill window they turn a window border as wide as an Houston high way

into a margin as wide as a German Autobahn


The margin is still wider than in any other window in non-compact mode. This is hilarious.

Photon ship 3D preview exceeds window border.

The Loot All button is clipping into the margin.


They are not guaranteed to spawn, there is a chance for each system to contain them. Additionally, the new asteroid belts they appear in are ‘beacons’ rather than traditional asteroid belts found in the probe scanner window or the right click drop down asteroid belts menu.

Noted, thanks for reporting.

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I can’t find the new ores in a search. Also, are they supposed to be added to some of the existing ore refining categories? i.e. so refining skills and t2 crystal work… Compression?

  • We made an improvement to the sorting by name in the New Eden Store.

Could you also remove that bug that makes inventory not be sorted at all ?

sort by name/type are the same, and do not sort anyhow (it’s a complete mess)

sort by type should be sort by (,,
sort by name should be sorty by (,

It was working fine 6 month ago I believe.

save isk
Nestor Friendship League SKIN → Issue!
this is how it looked before the patch.
and after the patch the textures are missing

not a bug, work like this for as long as there has been

after even 6 years still learning. thanks!

More reasons why CCP’s insistence on padding is just plain stupid.

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I am having this problem as well.

Can’t locate any of the new asteroid deposits. Yesterday I found 1 in 9 Blue AO stars, today it’s Zero. Unlikely to make a major impact on Isogen prices as it is currently.

What happened here?

Skills didn’t have the white background before, it’s harder to read the training time

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Multiple overviews have lost columns

I’ve enabled multiple overviews and love the new feature. One problem though is that I can no longer specify which columns to display. In fact, many of the columns that were present on my pre-updrade overview have disappeard (eg: tags, angular velocity, radial velocity).

Hope this is a bug and not a “feature.”

EDIT: See this reply for how columns can now be set individually for each overview tab. My bad, I didn’t see it.

Maliko overview 2022-12-14

its Gandalf fighting the balrog in the station

Under known issues you forgot to add “Camera still spawns inside the floor when docking in NPC stations.”


Chat messages have different heights for message separation gaps.

Does not say what item(s) are being trashed anymore.


The observatory flashpoints are not spawning in pochven, is it intended nerf, or a bug

See the below post for more on the observatory flashpoints site spawning.

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Why does Remvoe Bookmarks only have a yellow ! while it is a non-reversible action, but
Remove Waypoint, which is easily reversible, has a red !?

This makes no sense and needs to be fixed. And you need consistency with these icons.


Good job. Now the flash symbol indicating accelerated training is nigh invisible. This needs fixing.

The range and angle sliders in the Probe scanner are too narrow, too faint and too hard to see. They need to be taller and brighter, just like they were in the old UI, so that it does not become a chore to use them.

Don’t know why CCP constantly keeps messing with stuff that doesn’t need it.

The AIR Career Program screen was just fine before the new changes. Now it has the rewards section all bunched up so that you can’t even read what the items are.

The ‘Claim All’ button overlaps the ‘Your Rewards’ text and the red number indicating the amount of available rewards covers the ‘Claim All’ text.

The 4 Career Paths take up way too much screen space, there’s plenty of room on the screen to place those closer together so that the rewards section can be enlarged and not be all bunched up.

As it is now, it looks very unprofessional. This type of shoddy work is inexcusable and something you’d expect to see from students learning how to code.