Photon is shite.
I cancelled my omega sub yesterday. Also used the thumbs down on exit to let them know Photon is shite.
Won’t be back to play with this shite UI.
They were warned.
Photon is shite.
I cancelled my omega sub yesterday. Also used the thumbs down on exit to let them know Photon is shite.
Won’t be back to play with this shite UI.
They were warned.
That’s the perfect gadget for people like Brisc Rubal.
While the buttons are clean in itself, they are bad. Their orientation breaks with the multi button design concept of Photon. The left button should have the angled corner on the left side, the middle buttons should be squares. That would follow their design concept from other places (undock button, contract type filter buttons, etc) and would look much better and more consistent. They could also be narrower and only have the same padding pixel count that is above,below the text instead of double the pixels on the sides as it is now.
Related funfact: He served the maximum amount of jailtime time in office permitted by CCP, he can no longer run for CSM.
Thank you for describing the options, I choose 1.
And why do you think that the reluctance to use photon out is not enough, and I don’t want to fix it and finish it with custom mods, I just have no desire to use it.
I think that the community has already voiced its opinion and the vast majority is AGAINST, but the developers do not want to admit failure.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and everyone has different tastes.
Shhh. Don’t spoil his big announcement
The problem with making this claim is that it’s just… blatantly not true. 113 users have commented in this thread. Right now, as we cruise toward DT, there are 9,495 accounts connected to TQ.
There is no world in which 113 is the ‘vast majority’ of 9,495. And 9,495 isn’t even the majority of the people who’ll be logged in today—PCU will be between 20 and 25k, as it has been each day for the last few months.
CCP has told us, many times, that the actual vast majority of the EVE Community… opts out of the EVE Community. They don’t read /r/eve, they don’t come to the forums, they don’t engage with people outside their small group… if they’re even in a small group… they just play their part of the game, whatever part that might be.
And then you run into the problem of ‘silence is consent’. It is. It’s tacit consent, but it still counts. So if the actual, measurable, demonstrable ‘vast majority’ isn’t actually complaining to CCP, then no, the vast majority hasn’t voiced their opinion, and the only measurable way their opinions have registered at all is to say ‘eh, it’s good enough that we can’t be bothered objecting’.
UI and UX are similar but different concepts. CCP is obsessed with making buttons more round and big. This will certainly help distinguish each button for players, especially those with aged eyes. It’s all good, and we are not opposed to it.
The problem is that the user experience (UX) has been worsened in Photon. This means that in Photon, you have to open an extra window to select certain buttons, which could easily be single-clicked from the menu in the previous User Interface.
A good example of this can be seen here : Version 21.02 - General Feedback - #39 by 1eg01as
What we need is to have all the columns within a single click’s reach in the first window. If the window cannot show all four columns in the specific width, the columns just need to be shortened or vertically lined up.
UI is just a tool to attain better user experience. A good-looking UI doesn’t necessarily achieve better UX. CCP is obsessed with ostensible appearances to lure newbies, but they always neglect the user experience, which determines the core value of the game.
This is the pattern in which they have been failing in the past few years in every single aspect of the operation.
If it is about refactoring the code base - why does Photon look different? If it is about improving the UI - why has everything changed? Was the old UI so crappy that incremental changes would not fix it? This thing looks to me like a “relaunch” - something wise designers avoid like the devil.
You have died. Would you like to purchase Plex or review what went wrong in battle? Y/N
That last one about reviewing what went wrong is not such a bad idea, IMHO. It would be kind of nice to be able to replay a battle and learn from your mistakes.
Over on the CSM summit thread he suggested that the reason he had decided not to run was because I was so beastly to him… I let that one pass!
Yeah, I know… which is why it’s not at all fair to say this is a ‘2023 UI’. It’s a partial UI, at best.
I’ve gone over my issues w/the windows they’ve redone, at length. All of them—every last one—waste space, in a game where information management is the single most critical function there is. That means I need my screen space. It doesn’t matter how large my monitor is, or how many of them I have, I need my screen space, and that means CCP does not have the luxury of wasting my space.
Wasting my space means I need to put in more time and effort sorting things, going through things, and often enough, even just seeing the right things. So wasting my space is wasting my time. And I ain’t getting any more of that.
The market window, for example: You can’t close the tree in the left-hand panel. Sure, I could go to the ‘Quickbar’ tab, but that’s not really closing the tree, and now that panel’s still taking up as much space with even less information. So if I can’t close that tree, why the hell do I need to full path for the item displayed and taking up multiple lines in the main window? Why do I need, for example:
Ship SKINS / Haulers and Industrial Ships / Industrial Command Ships / ORE /
sitting above ‘Orca Amarr Industrial Livery SKIN’? I don’t. Is it supposed to be there to provide a useful link? Because I can click on it. And clicking on it… puts me at the ORE command ship SKIN list, which, ok… but a) it doesn’t put me there in the item tree in the left-hand pane, which would be not only potentially useful, but would also make some damed sense, since I can’t turn off that panel. And b) if I click in the ‘Haulers and Industrial Ships’ pare of that blatant ‘This is the path for that item’ link? Yeah, still takes me to just the ORE command ships.
There’s no reason for the whole damned spammy path. There is not one single bit of additional functionality vs just making that a button that says ‘Similar items’ or something. It’s just wasted space.
Down at the bottom, there’s 3 buttons. If you scale down to 90% to get the smallest possible UI window, there’s… 2 buttons, and a dropdown. And behind the dropdown is… ONE WHOLE BUTTON. A dropdown for ONE ITEM. Just put all 3 under the dropdown and be done with it! And put it on the same line as ‘BUYERS’, FFS. Because nothing else is on that line. Minimum window width, ‘Buyers’ AND the 2.5 visible buttons all still fit without overlap. So why do they need to be on two different lines?
Same with the ‘New Eden Store’ ‘Market Orders’ ‘Multibuy’ buttons up top. The smallest possible window condenses 3 buttons into… 2 buttons and a third ‘dropdown’ button of ONE WHOLE BUTTON. Make it one button and put it onto the same (otherwise completely empty, wasted space) line as ‘Sellers’. Just change ‘Sellers’ to ‘Offers’.
Pointless. Stupid. Wastes my goddamned space.
And every border has a frame around it that’s easily 2 characters wide. So over the width of the 2 panels, that’s 8 character-lengths wasted. I mean, sure, what can you fit into 8 characters, right?
Caldari - 7 characters
Porpoise - 8 characters
Hell, the ‘Expires in’ column only holds 15 characters, max.
Over and over, every window, there’s space that could be conveying useful information, could be actually helping the player manage their incoming info load. So what do we get? Wasted. Space. All over the goddamned place.
This isn’t a 2023 UI. It’s a half-done UI. Modern UIs get the hell out of your way. This one gets in the way by taking up more space than it has to.
I have an open-ended question for CCP to ponder. I don’t think they read these comments at all and I realize only the players will appreciate what I am about to ask and explain in greater detail.
Q: Why on Earth did you pay cash money to create a user interface (UI) no one loves and very few tolerate, when all you had to do was allow player-made modifications to the UI?
Now to explain, the long running MMO of the original Guild Wars (some people call it GW1) is still up and running to this day, allows modification of their the menus, status bars, and icons to provide additional functionality or visual appeal.
You can read about it on their official company owned wiki here. While they officially state they do not support these mods, they also state they won’t stop them. This alone made playing Guild Wars all those years a very unique experience. Some weekends I return to PvP there in Factions. My custom UI there remains intact and functional.
While those mods use a third party tool to manipulate the textures through the DirectX, all you (CCP) had to do was build a user folder in My Documents and place UI mods within. We are smart enough to figure it out and where is the harm done? If some user want psychedelic UI and I desire dark and gloomy, I don’t have to see his custom UI to appreciate my own. Money saved and users content.
I suspect a cousin or some other relative of a CEO needs a job at CCP. Maybe I am wrong, but I highly expect to never get any response or movement from an official at CCP or Pearl Abyss to reply. At most I expect some cheers and jeers from the users.
Because that wasn’t all they had to do. The new UI’s pretty blatantly being rebuilt from the ground up to handle and/or enable changes in data architecture and/or how they’re handling the server/client transfers on things, etc etc. Front-end changes this extensive and this ‘everything, everywhere, all at once’ are always mandated by changes under the hood that the old front end wasn’t capable of handling.
That’s why the opt-out had to go away, too: the data management guys have lost patience and want to get the back-end changed over (or maybe even need to, in order to handle things like the new data structures for the allegiances and whatever the new name for InterBux is, etc etc), and the UI team (who do not work on other parts of the game, I’m sure) are just out of time.
lock window size
there is a fundamental issue with testing. Be it brisc or anyone else doing QC
The new font looks terrible on 1080p monitors. it’s too squashed together so you need to UI scale higher. If they want to replicate a lot of the issues with space then this is what they are going to have to do on their 4k monitors.
You assume that QC is a concept understood at CCP…
I have found one thing - precisely one thing - that I like about Photon. The Stack All button. But of course that means having the window not compacted. Grrrr.
This make no sense, why are these buttons in a different colour, when the different colours mean … nothing???
My eve used to run at such fps… my puter was a heater. Then I went into nvidia control panel and checked verticle sync. All of the sudden, cool computer.