Version 21.02 - General Feedback

You’ve got something funky going on in your settings.

This is my screen, and this is default.

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Really, really?

You deign to offer one response in this entire thread, but then start sneaking in your own personal Likes to the rare individual who actually thinks Photon is good? Start padding the Like count for positive posts?

We would love it if you would actually engage in a proper dialogue with your paying customers rather than hiding in the shadows. Brisc and I have had a major bust up over Photon, but at least he has the guts to engage on your behalf.


to be fair If you’ve got one person representing a large group with a couple of very specific issues asking if a thread is being monitored, it’s the decent thing to do to respond that it is. It also means that we know these big lists of very specific issues are being read as well and that the work people are doing with them are not a waste of time.

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Given how people have been behaving in here, I am surprised anybody from CCP even bothered posting at all.

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Under general settings, it would appear you have color blind mode toggled to on.

According to support, they can’t reproduce that bug or glitch, and thus it doesn’t matter. It must be in our imagination. Sometimes my display animation will stop working after a few hours. I reported this with screenshots.

Enjoy your permanent UI bugs!

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It seems that some of the glitches are graphics related not UI and that sounds like one of them, try switching the version of DX you are using in launcher and make sure you have downloaded the full client.

This my second posting from twelve hours ago.
I’m that near blind person in real life who played EVE over a decade as a merchant.
I cried how many players had shared a like to my first post.
I didn’t expect any. None.
Thank you all and able for showing support. You are also showing this update didn’t go as well planned nor welcomed with banner. Thank you. It meant a lot to me knowing the EVE players care. And knowing they are having troubles too with this update.
I am pleased reading some players are making suggestions known to correct some of the update issues. to other players. Thank you all too. I smile : )

I was hoping for maybe … maybe a tiny quick update patch this morning allowing players to make adjustment(s) to the Regional Market contrast highlighting. That alone would help so many players and I now. Yes I have faith that tiny patch would shown players that CCP is/was making immediate better ‘modifications’ and more improvements soon to follow. None came. I was very sad. Help us. : (

The Regional Market is near useless to me now. Others had wrote the same. I noticed some resellers are now changing prices thinking their own order was someone else’s order. Yeah not good.
I deleted ALL my market orders this morning for no patch had came.
I’m now gone buying ore and minerals in four Amarr regions. I’m the one who had a very wide umbrella coverage and drove those WTB prices up thrice a day. I disappeared. I can’t discern the market anymore post update.

I wish for … I want … CCP devs make a small patch on Tuesday update something that can correct this highlighting contrast issue. Other modifications are welcomed. For the players and I. I have faith in you all.
If no update comes on Tuesday? I decided to just make many many many free contracts and give it all away. And trash some. And leave. I’m taking my jacket, Raven, and Charon. I played damn hard for those.

As for you Brisc thank you for the nice reply back writing you don’t represent the company. You don’t represent EVE. You do represent the players. You wrote that about yourself. You just did. You followed your reply putting me down.
I did know about the update would come when announced a year ago. You wrote I hadn’t to justify yourself
I did mentioned in my first post I had requested Support Help on this update. NO I will not give you my request for another support help as you suggested. As you wrote you don’t represent the company nor EVE. You just wrote that. I don’t understand how can you be on the team and not be representing?
I read the players are ‘complainers’
I read a replay to a player as being ‘absurdly selfish’
I read a reply to another player ‘you also don’t have best interests of the game at heart’
You wrote that Brisc in twelve hours on this site.
That is now on social media what you had shared for anyone to read.
That represents EVE to people curious about this game, new, and old players
Am I wrong on anything I had said and advocated for?

Thank you players. I really mean that. Thank you.
As for you high-sec gankers that had burned my ships over the decade - I’m still bitter.


swimming letters with added dots. was hoping to lighten the solid box… =)

Nah, man, he meant that it was objectively happening. How many people? Doesn’t matter, which is why I swung to the most extreme example. And yeah, the old UI did fail that. I know that for a fact because four years ago when I went blind1, it absolutely contributed to eye strain.

Why? They’re professionals. Lay you pretty good odds they’re the people most likely to have glare shields over their screens, for example. And, as we see every time we submit a ticket: they can’t test every combination of monitor (almost typed ‘minotaur’ twice because of that damned footnote. Can you guess what I was trying to work on last night?) and video card. They tell us that right on the support process. So no, we can’t assume they’d be getting the same output as a random 1/10th of 1% of users might.

And I say that as someone with… wait for it… years of professional experience as a QA/QC tester, back in the early 90s. No, your developers will never get all of the edge cases. They can’t even properly test more than maybe about 30% of operating conditions, which is why we have these betatest rollouts to Sisi and then the opt-ins. That’s what it’s for. It’s why even after all the testing, sometimes things are still buggy when they go live (and I don’t just mean CCP there, either).

They’re the experts at making this stuff. After 15+ years, there’s plenty of experts at experiencing it.

And that’s one thing you learn, working QA/QC: the folks operating the software/system ultimately will know the systems they use, and how they use them, better than the guys who design them. Not right away, and not all of them… but yeah. Power users matter for this stuff, and when they kvetch, you listen.

1. I got better. It was cataracts, and I had both lenses replaced, which is why I can no longer do any really precise work when painting minis mutter… can’t focus that closely now. Kinda miss being ridiculously nearsighted, sometimes.


Colorblind setting got enabled, I suspect.

You think there are any power users in this thread besides yourself?

Will it be possible to improve padlock icons in the future?
I know it’s not the most urgent and there are bigger problems mentioned earlier, but maybe someday?

Now with many small windows in the compact mode next to each other, the first thing that catches the eye are these big clunky padlocks.
It’s not something I have to click on and look at often. I rather block and forget.
So personally, I’d consider hiding them in the “…” menus next to it I mean that which is at overview windows top.
And if it must be visible all the time, maybe you can introduce something very minimalistic in its place, for example, a circle outline (unlocked) - a filled circle (locked) and in compact mode a dot outline (unlocked) a filled dot (locked) or something like that, of course, is not a ready-made proposal, just something to think about.
The most important thing is that such icons like small circle or dot, thanks to their simplicity, even in a non-compact version could be like idk maybe 50% or 90% smaller than this padlock and still legible.
And then we would have a situation in which the form of this information is in the right proportion to other more important ones that are around maybe.

And because we play this game often and it is not a place intended only for a single visit, we do not need to use such commonly known symbols as a padlock, but replace them with more minimalist markings. And so after two or three uses, everyone will know it.

I wouldn’t necessarily categorize myself as one.

But yeah, I think the damned-near-blind player who’s been successful market trader for years probably knows their part of the UI inside-out, because they’d have to. And I’m reasonably sure the people who have made that kind of investment of time and effort are also the ones most likely to show up here and voice their complaints. Because they’ve made the investment.

It’s the people who haven’t made the investment to learn their part of the game who tend to just shrug, ‘meh’, and trundle on.


technically I’m 30 eve players in a trench coat and we want our recall probes button back :colbert:


My experience here is that the people complaining the loudest fall into two categories - people who constantly complain about everything (you know who I mean) and people who were so clueless they had no idea photon was a thing until it was made permanent Tuesday.

I would expect most power users have already made their peace with it because they could see it was coming. But hey, maybe I’m wrong and the guy typing in all caps is actually a power user in disguise.

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I mean, a fair number of guys typing in all caps are definitely using:smirk:

I think the people complaining the loudest are probably the people who really love(d) this game, but can’t stand to see the UI/UX changes made by a team that can only be overseen by an individual who has absolutely no clue what good UI/UX design is.

From the red dot, bong bong bong, character screen, skill queue, etc. All signs have pointed to someone in upper management having a personal say in really stupid shenanagins that take forever/never get reverted.

For me personally, the amount of (mostly) vertical padding and wasted space annoys me to the point that I’m in a bad mood before I even starting doing anything. Combined with all the other small, and not-so-small annoyances, that have infiltrated the UI experience, EVE is something that I can walk away from, for now at least.

Hopefully photon will reach a point where I can live with it, but it’s presently nowhere even close, and shouldn’t have been pushed in it’s current state.

Also, there has been at least one (maybe two?) patches where photon was turned on by default and you had to opt out for the Old_UI, the only people who didn’t know photon was a thing are those who haven’t logged on in six months.


What actually changed vs the opt in opt out in terms of graphics.

I don’t understand why i get sick now where, before i was fine for 18 years.

So What can we do to actually figure out the problem, I don’t see anything that stands out that is actually a glaring problem?

So is my only option to wait and hope ccp can come up with some Accessibility option


Do i have to buy a new Rig, where do I even begin to fix getting sick from it

Especially since this is starting to feel like a individual problem that cant get the resources to solve the problem.

There hasn’t been a noticeable drop in players, So is this time just going to be the edge case?

I don’t see anything visibly wrong save ants on the edge of objects and movement of random pixels that would cause it