It’s an element in the UI.
UI elements are relevant to the UI.
There is a problem with the UI element in question.
It’s a problem which existed in the old UI as well.
It’s a problem which is exactly the kind of thing the devs promised to fix with the new UI.
It’s not fixed in the new UI.
How exactly is commenting about a failure to deliver on a promise made about the new UI not relevant to the new UI? Because it looks pretty relevant to me.
Only issue I’m noticing is that the new skilling spree quests such as kill 10 trglavians in abyssal space takes too long for lower sp characters. It’s lower SP characters that need the skill points the most, but it takes so long that I’m sure many of them just lose heart and quit before they reach the goal. Maybe lower the numbers or what would be better, just have “kill x enemies in abyssal space” so that if they get a swarm of drones in a t0 or t1 abyss, they can get a nice little boost.
So… to “To To immortalize your character on the mosaic” i just have to do the three dailys.
Since the update i just have the three abyssal-dailies. I dont do abyssals.
Does my task stays like this and for me its just i cant “immortalize my character on the mosaic”?
Or can the daily task change?
@MalcomReynolds_Serenity no offense, but you fail to understand the topic is not limited to only UI. This is all the changes made to the game version. If they changed the skin, it is a valid point. As we have read here, there are very few people coming to the rescue of this new UI. By this statistic alone, anyone should understand it was unpopular.
I don’t think many people desire to quit playing over issues with the UI. Anyone commenting on the issue, is hoping the developers will fix or revert it. Anyone who felt that way already left the game without much commentary. The people in this thread still care enough to complain about it.
I’ve noticed many times over those past 2+ years that updates in the early part of the next month often are still under the previous month’s numbering. I think they wait till the first “major” patch day Tuesday before they renumber to the current month.
They should probably just commit to publishing big updates on the first Tuesday of every month, but… eh, don’t hold your breath.
it’s not completely clear what they meant by 3… they said there was gonna be mining dailies (there were, for 4 straight days last week, Tu+W+Th+F), and abyssal dailies (there were, for 4 straight days over the weekend and into this week, Sa+Su+M+Tu), and I think the original devblog mentioned regular ol’ dailies.
Now, regular ol’ dailies were running for 43 days by my count before the previous 8 days of “special” dailies mentioned above. They may be coming back tomorrow at downtime… or not. We’ll see.
Anyway, assume they do… did you have do at least one day’s worth of dailies during the mining period, the abyssal period, and the regular dailies period?
Or just 3 of those days randomly?
I didn’t take part in the mining or abyssal dailies, but I do tend to do 95-99% of the dailies on the regular NPC kill days (and on snowballing/fireworking days, too, for holidays and such). Sooooo… guess we’ll see.
After 3 mini-patches zero issues with photon-ui were addressed which is kinda sad.
Ok, after 3 weeks of using it i can add some more feedback. First of all - i’ve “adopted” to using it (it doesn’t mean that i like it - so this “adoption rate” = adapt or die ;p) and the most significant part of this adoption was ui scaling option:
So if you’re still hating this ui or even don’t want to play anymore - try this option! For real.
And don’t forget to enable this aswell:
Voila: now it has become even more compact than it was before photon The only issue i have now it’s the ridiculously small fonts in some windows and areas. Sometimes even partially in one window (combat log):
I really want an option to choose font for every ui element like it’s now for the chat windows. Because choosing global “large” will ruin most of the windows - especially overview and scanner windows, where i want to keep it small. But i want a bigger fonts in notifications, agents briefings (like if someone reads those), hints, etc.
Now some negative feedback:
I have to re-enable moons displaying in space every time i log in. CCP??
Sometimes column margins sizes in the overview are changed on log in and i really hate it - i’ve wasted a ton of my time to properly set it.
Enabling coloring to the ships text in space makes it bold. Especially in lighter areas (or in direction of sun), like if the font is reflecting the light. But CCP said they weren’t able to reproduce this bug and closed the report. So i want to ask ppl - is it just me? No one else experienced this? Actually not a big issue, it was just unusual at first and I’ve already got used to it:
Hair thin scrollbars - the more i use it the more annoying it becomes. Why on earth? You’re not even using this “freed space”. It’s just unaviable wasted space with a scroller that is just invisible on some backgrounds.
Nothing changed with the skin. Even if it did, whether or not a skin can be purchased on the market has nothing to do with photonUI. The exact same thing was present in the garbage UI before it. It is specific to photon UI because earlier in the thread that is what it was attributed to.
There is no statistic. Almost exclusively entirely meritless whining.
That is demonstrably false. whining on the forum over non-issues, isn’t caring. Its toxicity for people who have no other outlet.
PhotonUI will never be reverted and opt out will never come back.
I don’t understand why special gameplay is required, to recognize the contributions of active players. Players didn’t have to do anything special to qualify for names on the EVE monument 10 years ago, but have to jump through hoops for CCP to pick out which character portraits to use in the photo mosaic? We could do any number of other EVE activities, and not qualify. I don’t want to be a rat in this maze.
I’d like to request more fine-tuned safety settings, so that you can avoid accidentally shooting wrecks thus taking security hits all to no real purpose, or perhaps destroying your mission objective by selecting a “prevent ship from shooting wrecks” button in preferences; a similar option could apply to avoid provoking self-defense from drifters, edencom, trigs, and empires.
Sounds to me like someone is calling the kettle black? If you like the new Photon UI, then “GOOD for you” but many people who opted to evaluate it expressed an alternate opinion and you call it whining. You fail to understand the meaning of FEEDBACK. You also still don’t seem to comprehend this thread is NOT just about the Photon UI but ALL the changes made to the game. I am not attacking you but seriously trying to educate you. Either you are trolling or you just don’t have a firm grasp on how things work, I am not sure which but try to show some consideration toward other opinions.