Version 22.01 - Equinox - General Feedback

That was over 10 years ago.

That is a lie. They are not reverted, but reinforced. It’s still deep scarcity, and nullsec has it the worst.

Ever since the monumental stupidity of blackout this argument is decisively invalid.

Hisec devastation of 2013 is the very reason I ended up in nullsec. De-scarcify hisec to pre-2013 point and I’ll be back there without minding nullsec existence.

I will have to agree on that. Phoebe, the best patch for nullsec, got basically reverted into non-existence.

I explained the state of nullsec up there. It’s no privilege, and no ivory tower, it’s a giant stinking stagnating chore-ridden septic.

I was both renter and sov holder, and it was the same chorefest. Nullsec is bloc of 200+ accounts pre system, or death.

You are completely ignorant.

There isn’t a renter corp with PI tax above 3%, the usual is 2%. There isn’t a renter corp with ratting tax above 10%, the usual would 0-5%. There isn’t a renter corp where you “donate” anything to anyone, except maybe for ice, but you use the infrastructure that this ice powers so its kinda fair.
Why, would you ask, and that is decisively stupid question to ask for how obvious the answer is: because if you go above that, you will lose every capsuleer to the corp that doesn’t, within a week. Yeah I’ve seen greedy stupid CEOs do that and the corp they led went straight to the dumpster. If you actually see a corp with this amount of tax, I would bet it’s a one-man corp where owner uses tax to consolidate assets from alts.
Scraps is what you have instead of a brain, bud.

My issues, that you would know if you were capable of reading, was not even with ISK. I complained about chorefest. I complained that there’s nothing for me to tap into after the chorefest. And that chorefest isn’t about the ISK either, it’s about maintaining lights on and security, and it’s a chore you have to do regardless of ISK. I complained about filament douchery, I complained that we still had no apology and acceptance of liability for blackout from CCP, I complained about mining being rekt, I complained about cap building made impossible, and many other stupid things, but not even once I complained about ISK. L2READ.


General Feedback ? Let’s see. For nullsec it is starting to look like Scarcity 2.0 combined with less freedom in the sandbox. What does one get by combining “less fun” with “less isk” (besides less risk taking) in a game. Asking for a friend.


Could be it, I play in low graphics Potato mode.

lol brutal


Was CCP trying to kill all sources of income for high sec? Lowering the demand for high sec gas is a really extreme measure. What was the point?

Even worse than that, if you have an activity you like you should stop doing it and go for the next alt to get more rewards.
It’s good to give people a reason to do activities, it’s not when the reward needs to change alts.

Equinox Expansion player pov: yay, skin customisation.

I just made a Skin for 160 PLEX, that’s ± 800M ISK.
On top of that it takes 15 days to cook, but you can pay 300 PLEX to have it delivered immediately. Seriously?

I have yet to market it but that means I’d put it up for 460 PLEX plus, let’s say as a super casual player I make 20 PLEX per day x 15, another 300 PLEX which give me the grand total of 760 PLEX selling price.

I promise this SKIN is super cool and I am pretty sure some clone with half a brain will actually buy it. Will you not?

Equinox Expansion CCP pov: let’s increase the RMT

sincerely ■■■■ YOU CCP

edit the math was off


There has got to be some skill training and we can think of how we research blueprints

When SKINR was previewed prior to Equinox being released I don’t think players were expecting 8+ day lead times to render or hundreds of PLEX… I think a lot of players may be holding off rendering anything until this is revised.


ccp always tells us something about meaningful and opportunities, but they don’t take it seriously themselves.


I just have too much cash on hand and thought to give this a try. What a dumbo I am :smiley:


14days CRAZY… Plex grab!


14 days is not bad, the fact there is a complete now thou is different.
But I guess just never click it.

We play Eve its a long term strategy game, a few days is only going to mentally destroy the instant gratification crowed and turn them into milked cows.


There are reason why a “corp” would do that, and you would know if that was your thing. And 100% tax is something in this game, so the devs should have taken this into accout when they designed the feature. But that’s fine, my remark was not for you, but for the devs. They should rework this particular daily to count the LP given by the agent, not what ends in the wallet. Simple.
Ciao bye!

There are 3 other options…

Fixing the issue is the only one that make sense

Only for those of you under 100% tax. The vast majority of us are fine…

That’s devs decision

I wouldn’t hold my breath…

I wont bend the knees, nor drop my pants and bend over