Version 22.01 - Equinox - General Feedback

I could say I agree with you that it was short-sighted, and probably an easy fix. But knowing CCP it will probably never get implemented.

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Removing the 25 salvage daily took a day, until they fix it.
Seems simple enough to do the same with LP if they canā€™t fix LP easily.

Itā€™s a bug supposedlyā€¦IMHO
since you can work around it by setting your LP tax to 99.9% and then itā€™ll work, for the time being :stuck_out_tongue:

Thereā€™s a tiny little thing with the new hanger cards for your ships.

Shuttles are listed as haulers.


I donā€™t know about you, but 10 m3 isnā€™t quite ā€œmassive quantity of goodsā€ to me :slight_smile:


Says the man who has never sleazed tens of billions worth of t2 BPOs thru Uedema in a shuttle.

And for the record, Iā€™ve never done that either.


But your alt did? :smirk: :blush:

I dont do alts.

And you can believe that if you want :slight_smile:

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Empire of alts confirmed. :smiling_imp: :popcorn: :innocent:

Your name resembles Andrew Tate way too much for me to take you seriously :smiley:

lmao ! ā€œperfect safetyā€ - where ? and even if ā€¦ made by whom ? you have no clueā€¦


You forgot to account for the 30% vendor fee, plus the additional listing fee, that Iā€™m hearing will be the norm once the paragon market opens :wink:





30 ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  % Vendor ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  fee. And possible re-listing fee. Which idiot will buy another ones skin in the first place when you can make it ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  yourself. report CCP for scamming. :partying_face:


I donā€™t know about you but Iā€™ve been playing for more than a decade. The direction this game is going is ubisoft/blizzard style. I must admit, last couple of years i just hop in for a few months and thatā€™s that. I guess for nostalgia reasons.


Itā€™s a bit of a grind to rack up LP from non-faction warfare corporations with the expectation to use the LP to purchase faction ships to have it all disappeared without a replacement (not even a Blue Print Copy?). I would like to see the Faction Ships to be restored and/or replaced with Blue Print Copies.

Now I know of one pirateā€™s skin in which I would buy.

They are owned by investors which means it will always travel in that direction.
Iā€™ve been playing since 2007 but I agree with you.

They do indeed offer blueprint copies of ships in the faction stores. If thereā€™s a specific ship/LP store combo that doesnā€™t have the BPC when it should, Iā€™d probably bug report it in case CCP forgot something

Some do, but not all. For example, of the 47 NPC Corporations in Caldari that had Faction Ships, only 11 NPC Corporations have BPC now and the remainder 36 NPC Corporations have nothing to supplement in that regard.

The Infrustructure Hold Should be able to Hold Command Centers, and Pos Structures.
After all, Itā€™s all Classed as Infrastructure in the Game. So makes 0% sense why a Mobile depot can fit in the hold but a Control tower cant.