why on earth can we not at least share what our Skinr designs look like ingame?
(i’m not asking that we can share designs to make it collaborative but hey, that would be nice)
SKINR tool really REALLY needs to have a way to preview and work with SKIN elements you don’t have yet, and if they’re available for purchase with PLEX, it should give the option to do so, or check Market. There’s already a designation for infinite use elements, or a count for the ones that are activated. Seems like it’s possible to present the options not owner, where you can set a PLEX cost, or some way to link to it in Market to purchase, like Skill books, etc.
Currently we can see what a single color looks like over the entire ship, or a pattern with green color element, but we can’t mix and match anything that’s not already owned. This is making the shopping aspect of this very off-putting.
Probably beating a dead horse with this, but this seems like a must-have.
Were other Factions also moved?
I have the perfect Skinr answer.
I put everything up for sale
R.I.P Small/Mid NullSec Alliances or even R.I.P NullSec, the HS and WH people cry here, guess never hold sov, or calculated the coast of SOV, its not like chilling in HS and make stupid amount of isk with some Mission Running and OP FB, here you also have to defend your space, undock ships, doing SRP, all that stuff, there is no concord that safes you, or wh you can roll n chill, or did you had a fillament gang in WH once that just blobs in, be unsure if there is a blops fleet in you system, where is the cap range if they blob, and then this patch, just saying, R.I.P NullSec
A bit early to be writing null off, no?
Not everyone knows how to adapt
I have lived in high sec all the time I’ve been in Eve (since 2008) and although my alliance travels to low sec for FW and sometimes null for fights, I mainly make my isk in HS. I’d sure love to know where all this “stupid amount of isk” is made. I’ve not seen it, that’s for sure.
CCP has greatly decreased payouts on most profit making activities in all areas of the game. If you think running L4 missions, mining, manufacturing and (also greatly nerfed) incursions in HS are huge money makers you’re greatly mistaken.
Nobody makes you stay in Null.
I left because of those reasons, it turned into a job. Now I just chill and do what I want, when I want to with no in game stresses.
If living in Null makes you feel like that you need to move mate, before it stresses you out completely.
Null sounds more exciting than before to live in as a small group.
Just make sure you don’t invest more into the system than you are willing to loose farm it up take stuff out and sell it until everything invested in the system is payed off then have fun.
Null groups last months in their systems, you can pay off stuff in weeks the rest is pure profit.
I used to live in sov null long ago when it used to be dangerous (evicted twice 2008/2010 with no asset safety) and then it just kept getting safer more blue and more boring so I left for more dangerous things Low/wh’s/pochven I’ve lost a lot more isk in other places than I have in sov null it was by far the safest for me.
Wormholes recently bankrupt me on my main so I’m technically starting from scratch now wormholes are ■■■■■■■ insane to live in.
Not everyone knows…
…that there is a reason why NS wont push the button till they “have to”.
But i understand - in order to revive something, you have to kill it first - i guess…
I know it’s a very minor thing, but since the Expansion landed - the Exploration page in Agency started showing all systems, including ones with 0 sigs. And there is no way to filter it out. Just makes this page less useful.
i dont see that coming.
Systems have a different worth now. There are only a few Systems where you have enough energy so that you can build Caps (and nothing else), put an ansiblex (and nothing else) or can do ratting (and nothing else). There will be a lot unused space, because you have only 300 or so energy.
So - i think - the bigger the Corp/Alliance - the better their capability of holding the best constellation(s) of Systems.
You know, the regions/constellations/systems are not balanced for that kind of “update”. Its a lottery. There might be a Jackpotsystem now - with best sun and some ice and lava planets (imagine you can put Cap production and an ansi into 1 system xD) - but who do you think will hold those - a small alliance or corp ?
Go read the patch notes from the launcher CCP is buffing the power output of systems and delaying the launch till the 27th instead of today because of it.
"Originally, the transition to this new system of sovereignty was due to start today on 20 June, however the start of the sovereignty transition is now being delayed until 27 June. This decision has not been taken lightly, and there is great appreciation for the impact that these changes will have. By listening to your feedback, discussions, and communicating extensively with the CSM, there are a few small changes that will be made in order to bring this new system more in line with how it was intended to be. " - CCP
Guess we gonna figure that out next week then…
Why move SKINR to its own tab? Curious what community feedback this was supposedly based on…?
Oh sweet summer child.
That’s the joke.
I don’t wanna sound like I’m judging, but not everyone is a masochist.
For those of us who aren’t, times couldn’t be darker.
That just got notably more expensive, difficult to maintain, and thief-prone. Especially for smaller groups.
You used to live in sov null long ago when it used to be profitable.
Modern null sec is far from that.
And then it kept getting more dangerous, more wormhole chickens, more filaments, more MESS.
Congrats on getting bankrupt in the game’s premier safest crab space. Holy molly, you are going to be disappointed when you hit null again.
So 97.09% of systems will be useless instead of 97.23%?
Go live in a wormhole yourself put up a pos and solo live in it and then ask yourself how safe it feels. When you wake up in the morning and realize that they killed your guns and had 2 kiki’s putting your pos into reinforce while you where sleeping.
I have a feeling they are considering a 60% power buff on avg but a 40% anci plex cost nerf.