Version 22.01 - Equinox - General Feedback

Jang Eun-Ha created this shipline with a focus on afffordable, nice looking SKINs:

  • There is no Filter to search for an Artist
  • There is no Artist Profile where you can see all the different Skins/Skinlines an Artist creates.
  • There is no rating for artists.
  • There is not even a filter for sort by price

Those would be nice additions and it only requires some nice UI designer and a little bit of backend work. I think you shouldn’t have released the SKINR market without those features.


you sound like the right person to create evestagram.

if this is for real then majority of space systems is rendered completely useless. I don’t think that is their intention? Eitherway, the last couple of years it became much less sandbox.

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The SKINR needs a slider to adjust the opacity/strength of a color. That default red is a really nice hue of red, but it’s way too strong to be useful. If we could tone down the strength of the color somewhat, it could be much better suited for skins. Same goes for yellow, green and blue.

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Is this a complaint about the empty space where two additional items might fit? Looks like you’re on the last page…

Except that he isn’t on the last page.


This is a clear deterioration for the inhabitants of null space. This is according to the patch description. What are they offering us now? New escalations. Escalations for capital, where the only profit is 200kk, for which you need, firstly, a dread costing at least 8kkk, the second is an alt with cyno. Both accounts first need to be upgraded to the required level; the necessary structures for parking a capital class ship and consumables are needed. Cyno glows throughout space, notifying everyone where the capital has jumped and should I risk it just to compensate for the escalation 40 times?And this escalation with POS? It takes three! supercarrier to destroy it. Three! For a box of 123kk you risk 3 supercarriers worth at least 240kkk. Nothing else falls from them!


My name is Lacisum Utama. Firstly, I would like to apologize for the wall of text (they are legendary among my group). I am a former HS Care bear turned NS enthusiast who has risen through the ranks in a small group, starting my own corp, becoming a Diplo, FC, and now Alliance CEO. I have experienced a lot in my time in EVE, and have always strived to keep learning the game and to grow the community we all love.

I would be the first to tell you I do not know everything still, but would also be the first to join you to explore the unknowns and figure it out together. Having lived out in Nullsec for about 3-4 years now, we finally decided to take a bit of Sov last year to experience what all the hullabaloo was about so when these changes were announced, our entire group became giddy to experience such a historic change to New Eden.

Having Played EVE since 2008, I have only had the need to post on the forums twice before. The first being about the Trig Invasion bugs that were known and patched far too late, the second being Siege Green (that I believe we are still waiting for an official post-mortem dev blog on the outcome that was promised, scheduled and postponed) and how that would affect smaller groups. I feel compelled to post again regarding Equinox.

Thoughts on Equinox
I think I can speak for most people about the excitement surrounding the changes to null. The player base was pumped for something new and fresh and excited for the changes that would offer more game play options. However the general consensus is that the ball was dropped. This update was overhyped and so far has under delivered. Todays fumble and lack of communication around it is just another instance of some isuses the community has raised over the years. Now I fully understand the playerbase does not have all the behind the scenes workings and details of whats going on and perhaps that is part of the problem.

Equinox Deployment
June 11th is earmarked as the release date but after over a month of hype, 4 days before the rollout, we are told that most of the features for this update are delayed for a staggered roll out. So we get this big update, game changing features, and cannot interact with most of it on Day 1 (or even Day 9 still). So far we have seen rebalances to the new ships, not once but twice. An unannounced delay to the swap to the new SovHub functionality, a promised daily log in track that on Day 1, didnt exist, and on Day 2 or 3 had rewards changed. It goes without saying this was not the smoothest deployment and not as smooth as the last few big updates.

SovHub Activation Day
From the inception the changes to Sov regarding power/workforce were unbalanced and needed a deeper look. There was a general feeling that a rebalance would be coming and numbers would change. HOWEVER, nothing official from CCP (that I have found) until it was time to push button for new system and… wheres the button? How many Players alarm clocked DT today to push this button only to find out after, they they had to do it all again next week? How much prep from all groups went into gearing up for 11:00 today only to be told at 11:05 “HAHA not today try again next week maybe”. This is not a decision that was made at 10:59 today. This is something that should have been communicated much sooner.

An upgraded POCO (that you cant upgrade from pocos already in space), that costs multiple times its predacessor with no notifications to owners if it gets shot? or robbed? This breaks away from all current structure mechanics. An upgraded structure that loses functionality.

Skyhooks are not Mobile Depots to be scooped and deployed on a whim. These are anchorable structures that need defending, and deserve a notification like all other anchorable structures. If the intent for robbing the skyhook was similar to robbing an ESS, the system in place works well, the one big difference is Skyhooks can be shot, reinforced and killed an ESS cannot. As such, It needs to follow the same mechanics for structures already in the game in this regard and notify the owner when its being shot.

Looking at stealing. In what world does it make sense that the owner stealing from their own skyhook is more “profitable” and “efficient” than collecting from it normally? If you are a small group without 24/7 coverage, anyone at anytime can reset the production on the skyhooks since it takes 3 days, yes days, before reagents mature into something the owner can scoop. Or you can rob the immature reagents which by means of magic space powers, suddenly mature at a 40% reduced rate?.. So unless you rob your own skyhook prematurely, chances of making it 3 days for maturation is slim and declines the smaller the group is. Again, if the intent is to be similar to ESS game play, this is a drastic disconnect from mechanics already in the game as ESS payments are frequent and dont allow. Lets make this maturation cycles shorter, Lets integreate parts of the PI framework here so that players can choose tradeoffs, or at least be able to have a shot at scooping their stuff properly and not robbing from themselves.

During the dev streams there was mention of cyno jamming capabilities during a theft. I assume this is no longer the case? I cannot find any mention of that idea being trashed or adopted. If that no longer applies, good luck robbing from big blocs without a proper fleet because you will just be dropped on within 5 minutes, which was the whole reason for that idea.

There is a lot of talk about numbers not adding up with skyhook production, maturation, or theft. There are many mechanics/features already in game that can be added here to help. ESS logs for when they are robbed can be copied over for skyhooks, see who is robbing them in the past 48 hours. PI Extractor graphs for production can be copied over so players have a visual representation of the Skyhook Reagent production cycle. We have been told there is a ramp up and the longer a Skyhook goes without being robbed, the more it produces, However ingame info windows state a fixed rate what is true here?

Metenox Moon Drills comments and suggestions
Another feature not available Day 1. How many pilots have dreaded that “Anchor fleet forming” ping? 45 minute initial anchoring period? Yikes. While you dont have to form a second day, this differs from all current Upwell stucture deployment mechanics even though this is shorter and much simpler than trying to setup an old pos for passive harvesting.

Similarly to breaking tradition… Anyone know exactly how the reinforcement cycles work? “The Metenox Moon Drill features a unique reinforcement flow.” (from patch notes), The image states a “single, short reinforcement timer.” The dev stream hinted at a “2-25 hour window” but were looking at options. I cannot find ANY mention of an official ref cycle for the Metenox drills. Nothing in or out of game indicates what a “short reinforcement timer” actually means. Granted I understand CCP wants players to figure things out on their own, but they already opened the door by giving us those numbers and should confirm or debunk that. I would also like to suggest making reinforcement mechanics known in game somehow. Perhaps a special tab on the structure info window specifying the mechanics since they are no longer uniform across all structures or even areas of space.

One of the best moves about the Metenox is the ability to bring either a shield or armor fleet to repair the structure. No longer are you locked into bringing shield logi to repair! I believe this is a great mesh between mechanics of old and new and does not break from what is already around, but expands upon that game play. Great job CCP!

SovHub suggestions
Having fought around a SovHub already, these things are MASSIVE. While other structures such as the old IHUB/TCU, POCOs etc do not have or show a “docking radius” or a “0m line”. I believe the SovHub design should incorporate something like this. Just looking in space you are not sure where im going to bump something, where you might land if you warp at 0 or at range. The structure is so massive that an indication of the interaction radius would be incredibly helpful for players. Think of it like the blinking lights around an athanor. This also would indicate where you would get decloaked if you were sneaking up on someone and would be consistant with other structures in the game of this size. Another suggestion here, how about a visual indication (besides the spinning part in space) on the structure to indicate it is being entosis’d. Like the change to marauders when they Bastion, perhaps during a toast the lights dim or turn a redish color. I think visually that would look neat and add to the game play that is occuring around the structure

SKINR - DOA for me
Truthfully, I dont care about it, probably will never use it. But it is clear there are members of the playerbase who care deeply about it and have been disappointed. Hearing about no search functions, no great way to filter things, 30% taxes, inability to gift/trade skins to alts, and base prices being absurd, add in the plethra of skills to the mix, does not entice me to change my mind here. This is a feature players have wanted for a long time. Perhaps some SISI testing and some feedback from the people you are asking to sink money into would have greatly improved the reception of this on Day… 9… of the release.

Important Fixes

  1. Better communication. If you know a feature will be delayed, tell the player base before 5 minutes after it was supposed to go live, We pay good money to play and deserve that much. We would rather a delay leading to a full product than something being rushed out to meet a deadline.
  2. Skyhooks - Please follow structure notification mechanics already in game for all structures. Attack notices are a must. Please clearly document the functionality of Skyhooks as well as their yields and production sequences.
  3. Test Server - For the love of bob, figure out a way to bring the test server back. I fully understand not wanting to have the test server be a risk free place to min/max game play or to leak anything about upcoming events… but there has got to be a way to install a test server build that reduces or eliminates the ability to do that. A lot of features could get ironed out there with player feedback before being pushed live. Such as ship fitting stats (call for mass test, spawn ships with redacted info windows or turn off features you want to hide) so that when a ship gets released, you dont have to rebalance it every day that week. You could also get feedback for UI issues like the SKINR problems going on. When CCP was re-imagining FW the test server helped greatly to iron things out before it hit the main server, granted there were still some bugs and rebalancing to do once it reached that scale, but the starting point was much closer to completion than what we are seeing here with Equinox.

Hope for next week
“Next week you will get a full rundown of all the iterations being made, along with a breakdown of the new upgrades and what you can expect from each one.”

I strongly hope you will release these changes in a patch note or dev blog before 11:05 on the 27th. You owe the players that much. This also has implications for smaller groups, who are now in limbo, as they are not as able to pivot on a dime to game altering changes. Small groups do not have the capacity to change focus as quick and can be left behind and forgotten. I also hope if you need to delay this change again, that it will be communicated in a timely manner so players are not alarm clocking once again for a feature you had no intention of releasing on time. Your players want you to succeed, and if we have to wait a little longer for a more polished product, we are all for that. Just let us know thats whats going on and we will understand. Keeping us in the dark only undermines community confidence.

Thank you for coming to my utamaTalk. If you read all of that, thank you tenfold. Lets all keep working to make EVE the best game out there.

-Lacisum Utama


You don’t need supers to kill the tower, when it was first released the signature radius was too low so damage wasn’t applying properly (although even then you could still kill it with a single Zirnitra in 1 siege cycle). It was patched after the first day or 2 so that capital damage would apply properly.

But as you say, the rewards are still rubbish for an escalation that needs a capital considering it pays less than most 10/10s.

A 200mil site run in 1 seige cycle 5minutes and maybe 10minutes of moving so lets say 15minutes, that’s 800mil/h rates you pay for the dread that you risk in 4-5 hours.

That’s the exactly the same risk/reward as an ishtar, 60mil an hour for 300mil ship which is 5h’s and people afk those.

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An Ishtar can run sites continually, you’re not doing that with these. Not to mention if you’re buying the escalations to sustain 4/hour, you’re likely paying 100m for each one (current going rate for a 10/10 escalation).

It’s superficial cap content. Not like the cap content of old which had supers/titans/rorqs ratting in space as targets for extended periods of time.

Worse than crab beacons.


Yea but you run the normal sites go do the escalation go back to normal sites go do the escalation once you weave them in your not loosing your per hour rate’s, same as with burners its about weaving.

To go do that escalation you’ll typically need 2 accounts (recon alt).

Marginal increase in ISK if you purely run your own escalations and only if you rat in Ishtars. If you rat in marauders or run crabs, not worth doing at all.

Hardly gets the caps out in space to bring back the NPSI and WH roams for the constant flow of pinged content on the attacking/defending side we had in the 2016-2019 era, content will still be dry in null. Very little reinvigoration here.

People hate on the meta 5+ years back, but it had way more action and cheaper ship hulls which helped fund that action. Scarcity wasn’t a way to spring pvp to life, making ships/fits cheaper will do that, it was purely a way to force an uptick in store sales and CCP span a narrative that hoodwinked so many into thinking they prefer a game with everything costing more but the carrots providing less.

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Mass mining makes ship’s cheaper, increasing isk gains makes ships more expensive.

A combination of the 2 keeps prices low and wealth high to sustain content. ISK velocity tanked for a reason.

I mean they could increase faction loot drop from capital escalation content rather than increase isk gains and maybe reduce escalation distance so traveling time is shorter.

Pure isk injection makes every other place poorer, but giving sov nul more faction farm gives better income and makes it cheaper for everyone too win win.

May your astroids be thick and your inventory be blue.

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I’m with you there, I prefer the Albion Online model where pve income is in the form of drops rather than currency. This game has tons of headroom to inflate up item drops, if t2/faction is your green stuff, DED is blue and officer is purple, why not adopt a model where having blue modules or purple modules be slightly more common by putting them into more content in null/low.

That alongside buffing mining to keep hull prices down may spring a wave of content like times gone by perhaps.

This running high risk escalations in 5b hulls for scraps is such a poor value proposition, particularly given dreads are flown by dedicated accounts for the most part, currently my titan/dread, fax and super accounts are unsubbed as cap content is niche and outdated, just no value proposition for subbing them. Can’t just nerf cap pursuits out the game and wonder why those accounts unsub.

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Yea in albion online you see a few 8.4’s running around but in eve you never see officer fit dudes running around they are way to expensive.

And isk always feels the same where as an amazing drop is pure extacy.

CCP started the whole update off at the low end and look to be buffing upwards, I wouldn’t consider it the final state.

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Why the tooltip for untrained skills no longer has the “Inject” button? That’s all I care about from the skillbook, not the prerequisites


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