Version 22.01 - Equinox - General Feedback

As far as I understood, you have a 20ish minute timer running in the moment you warp into the anomaly. If you are afk-ratting, its fine… your Ishtar needs more than 20 minutes to complete. So if you have finished, the new side will insta respawn. But if you are Stormbringer-ratting and complete your side in 3(?) minutes you have to wait for 17 minutes for respawn.

So…i think they killed the Stormbringer too, or what should I do with them now ?

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Alternatively, you can spend 1.5 minutes jumping two systems away where there are 4 anomalies, clear those, and then come back. Possibly doing 1-2 in the in-between systems.

Why are you people pushing this “null means 500 people in 1 system, and 500 empty systems around it for safety” narrative that CCP has been trying to kill for several years now?

Scarcity 2.1


I am not alone in the space. If i would do it - noone else could…
Besides having and maintaining the 3 asked systems to do so. (including the possibility to actually have enough energy to run the upgrades)


more like 3.0 - feels like they skipped a whole version xD


they removed many anome of systems you dont get it but you should learn math

recently resubscribed, being excited about NULL potential improvement.
HUGELY disappointed, should have not believed CCP propaganda. Just about every aspect of NULL changes is poorly thought through, and rather nerfed to the ground than improved.


To Whom It May Concern,

As a long-time player since the very beginning in 2005, I feel compelled to express my deep frustration and disappointment with the recent changes targeting miners. I’ve enjoyed spending my days stripping belts and enjoying a cold beer, but the recent adjustments to anomalies, reducing their size from 3 or 4 million m³ to a mere 2 million m³, have made this nearly impossible. Why would you nerf the game under the guise of an expansion? It feels like false advertising, which I believe borders on illegal.

Instead of diminishing the experience for miners, I urge you to FIX this patch. Doubling the rock size by 100% across the board and decreasing the upgrade stats would not only restore balance but also enhance the gameplay experience for all. These minor changes can transform the patch from a source of frustration to a truly positive update. Please listen to your dedicated player base and make these necessary adjustments.

A Dedicated Miner


False advertising lol no.

yeah in the same boat, resubscribed after 3 years out of the game due to Scarcity. Given it 3 weeks, but I’ve unsubbed my accounts again.

CCP will never change.

  • Supercap indy not fixed, hey let’s remove our epic gear and wonder why players feel deflated!
  • Mining nerfed
  • Ratting nerfed
  • SKIINR excessively monetised and swallows skins into the abyss
  • Corp projects are a huge fail and do not get used. Much talked about SRP project doesn’t check fits so is effectively useless.
  • Dailies ignored as many can’t be done in null
  • CCP designing towards tedium to try to make some numbers balance, ignoring that a game should be about fun.
  • Null wars/content significantly down on 2015-2019 era. No pings anymore.
  • No reason to sub dedicated cap accounts, 0 value for money in having them which totally undermines the YEARS spent creating them.

I don’t think I’ll ever understand CCP at this point. Game could be banging, they could bring back the 10k viewer stream events (supercap battles), but stubbornly they won’t.

They are incredibly tone deaf, how they thought Equinox would be well-received is beyond me. It’s just completely ■■■■.


Equinox has been a massively retrograde step.



*** CCP designing towards tedium to try to make some numbers balance, ignoring that a game should be about fun."**


I also always wonder, when CCP says “we thoroughly consulted CSM”
Who is that brilliant CSM guy that they talked to?
PLEASE give me his char so i NEVER vote for him.


its not only a single CSM (crumplezone special member or so) - there are “some”.

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Those CSMs I know said opposite of this patch. It’s up to you to decide who to believe.

Not only that ! They’ve also been warned about the “instant respawn of anomalies” and why ppl would use Stormbringers - its the same problem like in pochven. And now they try to sell it as “hyper-optimized tactics” instead of “simple game mechanics from 2 years ago which we ignored”.

As said - i believe the CSM’s are just the crumple zone for CCP’s ignorance and propaganda.


It may simply be the case that the CSM is consulted and its views considered - but that there is no compulsion on the Company to take on board any of the suggestions or advice it receives.


That’s right. Well, then there nothing surprising about such patch, I guess

Yeah, they sure do listen to are CSM…

ccp as a company is a lame duck