Version 22.01 - Equinox - General Feedback

They hire youtubers instead of experienced game programmers, what do you expect?


Kazuha Nolm
thatā€™s why i wanna know the name of the one who confused the hell out of CCP and pointed them in the wrong direction !!

( sarcasm alert !!! )

OK i have read some minutes from the CSM14 meetings with CCP.
I see how CSMs, particularly Gobbins pointing to problems with balances and game mechanics, and CCP instead of taking it for consideration just rebuffs him.
There is ZERO point in CSM like that, totally useless.
READ the minutes guys, you will see what they are doing.


We are on CSM 18 now, last meeting minutes were for CSM 14. Tells you a lot about how much they listen to CSM (no minutes means harder to show that they just ignored player feedback).


EXACTLY ( there is also NDA but it serves to cover fkups )

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In fairness, 90% of time the CSM tell CCP that X is a bad idea, and CCP says ā€œthank you for that inputā€ and does it anyway.

And then they ask the CSM for feedback on a fix to the problemā€¦after it has been deployed and lots more negative player sentiment has flooded the discord and forums.

But to answer your question, it was likely one or four of the nullsec CSM folks, in line with the ā€œnullsec focusā€ that this expansion was focused on.

You have spoken to them ? Because afaik, non of the null-CSM (Horde & Goons) like the way how CCP works right now.

Unlikely since the only thing we all agree on is that this patch is terrible.
It adds a lot more tedium, transferring things between systems but you can only transfer to one nearby system, no sending on, no splitting nothing, skyhooks that demand 24/7 protection and warning that barely works, especially with the new super spread out approach CCP is pushing, follow that with complete nerf to mining and a big one to rattingā€¦
Worst part is that only way to do sane ā€œrattingā€ now is CRABs which means that new players got shafted yet again.


To whom it may concern at CCP:

"If you feed your customers peanuts, you will get monkey behavior."

(slightly adapted version of a well-known wisdom in HR environments)


Eve online status says it all - logins are dropping fast over the last month.


Really pleased to see that, we need to tank it down to 20k or lower ideally. Ram it home to CCP, force them to get the message.


From their reply on Reddit it seems theyā€™re aware of player feelings about the expansion:


i know, my post was a SARCASM explosion :wink:

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CCP Donā€™t just listen and hear the CSM. FOLLOW THEIR ADVICE
( and that is NOT sarcasm )

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ā€œInvigorating nullsecā€.
Ha. What a bunch of crap.
So a holder logs inā€¦ and thereā€™s only a notification ā€œSkyhook has lost its shields. Reinforcement period is blah, blah, blahā€ā€¦
but no details of who attacked it or who stole the reagents.

Fine, no more skyhooks. If only the attackers benefit and the holders have to be 24/7 online in every timezone, you may as well change the logo to ā€œAbandoning nullsecā€.


Letā€™s see if ā€œawareā€ will translate into ā€œcareā€.

It would be sad to see CCP go into crisis mode.
It would be even worse if they did not go into crisis modeā€¦


Or just let us save a default. All other ā€œDonā€™t ask me againā€ options in Eve, saves your choice and reuses it. But not this one, why?

Standard pre Y2K code for such things would be to have %C for Character Name here, %T for Ship Type here, so you can just type ā€œDefaultā€ and click, donā€™t ask me again. And all your ships will be named ā€œDefaultā€, without giving away any intel on D Scan.

And idiots can still named their ship ā€œ%T - %Cā€ to result in BlingyFactionFrig - StupidPilot, giving away all the intel. that everyone been renaming their ships to hide for 2 decades.

I first thought the new planet look was a result of me turning graphics settings from near max to pretty much minimum on alt accounts.

Yes CCP, thats what your ā€œupdatesā€ looks like - going from high to low graphics.

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If they change things between test and real deployment, they need to go back to grade school and reconsider their careers. Because programming is not for them.

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Its not that they change it, a bug can happen when porting from test to main