Version 22.01 - Equinox - General Feedback

Of course it is CCPs problem when we quit because of their ■■■■.

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Did you even see what i replied to?

Who are you even talking to now?

EDIT: Hmm not saying a response icon on my own post either, guess some forum break down.

@ALau_IV you replied to a statement i made last month. If you follow the trail you would see why i made the statement

The person i was referring to, refused to change their settings to maximize shading of planets because they run 12 PI alts. It’s their problem they cant see the planet right

First off happy to see what we can expect everywhere with what mil upgrade.
Comes right into my issue why are forsaken rally points a minor threat upgrade as we always have had em in null with their upgrades.
And secondly why are they so so F***ing sparse now only 1 or 3 if you have great true sec WTF is that, even compensating for new respawn time, the new max is slower and less available then the 5 i can now get in a .4 system while in new system id get maybe 1 with new system


Capital focused escalations (Shielded/Infested Starbase and the Capital Staging/Hive sites)

Escalation Expiration timer from 24 hours to 72 hours.

Longer expiration of useless escalations aren’T an improvement.


“We want to thank everyone who has taken the time to express their feedback and assure you that we are actively listening and taking it into account as we work on upcoming changes in close collaboration with the CSM”

Ok great but where is your apology for goofing it up 3 or 4 times? Even basic school boi stuff like the spreadsheet with the wrong figures.

Git gud, get it done “mostly” right from now on and, as always: learn to code.


All I get from that announcement is;
“We acknowledge we chopped both of your legs off.
Thanks for letting us know that we had done that.
Here is a band aid and an Aspirin”


I agree, but is of obviously by design though, because CCP thinks we only log in to give them money, not to have fun.

So they want these 30% PLEX when you trade it to your alt. And if someone actually make an alliance skin, they of course want hundreds of PLEX from every member to use it.


When has dailies ever been fun?

They are chores you need to do, you are cranky because you log in to do them when you don’t want to, while on to daily you don’t have time to chat or do things with others. And once you are done with dailies, if you actually had playtime today - you used up a chunk of that game time, and has less time to play with others.

Dailies are never good for gameplay. They just make you log in all your alt accounts so the server number says 20000 instead of 7000. All it does is give the devs a way to mislead management and playerbase, about how much their changes sucks and have sucked for years.


And as I said to exactly that.

Of course it is CCPs problem when we quit because of their ■■■■.

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Still dont get how you blame someones graphics card on CCP. But whatever

CCP is responsible for making their game look ok in all settings. They are the ones responsible for both the game and available settings.
Pulling a “just upgrade to 10k€/whatever rig” as a solution is just utterly devoid from realism.


What you have waiting for you now, is the entire game. If the entire game with the last 8-10 years changes (remember that in 2010-2014 50k-60k players were on every day, without any dailies or anything like that - simply because the game was awesome), sucks so much that just clicking a Claim button was more fun, then well, tell CCP that. They obviously need to be told in very baby-like language and very very many times, that going from 60K real and paid players online, to 20k alts and free accounts, shows they have made some VERY poor choices, again and again and again.

I am always sad I missed these years when talking about Eve changes, and wish they would just roll the game back to about a year before I started play.


It can’t remember camera zoom status from system to system.


You may not want them at the bottom, so now you have to go in and click untrain, or use the horrible poorly made in game queue system to move the skills into place 1 by 1 by. Much faster to inject, then add each skill level where you want them, than use the automatic add.

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is that true that after todays patch, only your first account gets the “free” sp’s ? all others go empty ?
because it says “omega-time capsuleers”…

I got it on 2 of my omega accounts

All 3 of mine got the free 15k SP.

okay - after several times opening and closing dat store - it magically appears…