Version 22.01 - Equinox - General Feedback

I bet even fewer people do the repair tasks or the 5 sig scan. Scanning 2 specific sites is ridiculously easy with the increased demand for relic and data loot these days. Every region spams these sites (to an almost annoyingly extent).

Wellā€¦ it was very random. You can complete it with 2-3 scans if youā€™re lucky or fail to find any of the required sites after doing 15 scans.
I prefer 5 sig scan over 2 data/relic/combat/wormhole, because its more predictable.


Well, if I had not completed my milestones already, today would have been a particularly bad day. Only 1 out of 8 (lol) things (the Scan 5 Sigs) would have been easily achievable for me, while I could have gotten 2 if I had 2 WH/2 Relics/2 Datas in the mix. Less variety, especially with the larger number of tasks, doesnā€™t help. I cannot mine, I cannot manufacture, I have no access to missions (got 3 of those, yay), I cannot armor repair, and killing 25 NPCs is quite a lot harder than scanning for this particular ship.

At least give something exploration related in return: Introduce the ā€œhack 5 containersā€ task. If you are scanning 5 sigs anyway, chances are high that you find a data/relic site, and thus can complete 2 tasks in one strike.

ā€œHack 5 containersā€ makes sense, because it rewards you for something that actually gives you certain profit.
With ā€œscan 5 sigsā€ I usually go through 3 systems, scan those sigs and donā€™t even bother warping to them - useless operation just to get my SP.

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That would be disproportionate to all other daily goal

That would be disproportionate to all other daily goal

In what way?

some data/relic only have 2 cans. Meaning you need to also scan multiple sigs

some data/relic only have 2 cans. Meaning you need to also scan multiple sigs

Ah, ok. I didnā€™t realize that. The ones Iā€™m exploring have 5 containers.

Only a few High Sec datas/relics have only 2 cans. Most sites have at least 3, the majority has 4+.

You need to scan 5 signatures anyway. Thereā€™s nothing disproportionate to scan signatures to get the 5 containers. There are also combat sites that have fewer than 25 NPCs in them. Is it disproportionate to run several combat sites to get to the number?

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SKINR still isnā€™t worth using. 15-20% tax is still too high, especially in the same patch that you reduce normal market tax to 4%.

And also, why? Why not just 10 per level? Too much DB load?

Iā€™ll simplify: You need to scan the sig first (goal) then hack the cans (another goal that cannot be done without scanning)

Itā€™s kinda like an escallation goalā€¦ With the randomness of scanning WH or combat sites when your goal is doing hacking. Might as well add complete a DED site.

The goal change was to make it more accessible, not adding complexity on top of it.

In addition, certain goal types that were difficult or geographically challenging for many pilots have been removed, making it easier for anyone to complete the Daily Goals

Equinox Update: Tweaks & Balances | EVE Online

Your alliance needs to instal the iHub upgrade.

Iā€™m happy that you went from 4 to 8 choices to complete daily.
Sometimes there were things that were plain tedious, so no fun only spending time. Now itā€™s much more doable.

I may even not be disappointed in the time limit anymore !

Also good to get rid of the scan X sigs. Except WH those were a nogo most of the time. maybe could keep WH to keep something doable for WS dwellers ?

Capital scalations are worth it now?

The goal of ā€œHack 5 containersā€ is not more or less complex than ā€œScan 5 Signaturesā€. It can be done in any area of space, it can be done typically within these 5 scans, itā€™s typically not added work but just another step on top of an already finished/running daily task. It does not make things more complicated or harder to achieve. In contrast, compound tasks like these make it faster to to get the goals if, for instance, the only thing you do is exploration. If you are required to do other tasks than exploration, these ADG would be more complicated and harder to complete.

15-20% tax is about right. Sure, 10% would be better - but I think 15-20% is enough of an incentive to sell more SKINs. I took me all of the Daily Goals to knock it down to 17%. Iā€™ll be at 16% long before the first SKIN comes off the assembly lineā€¦

The only really pressing item that needs to be fixed is the pattern reversion when we go back in to edit a SKIN. This is (and really should be) the only SKINR priority for the next update.

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Hi there,

I just want to note that the capital escalation runs out of time way earlier than the timer, i had this issue twice and iā€™m not sure if this is intentional or an actual issue. the last one had like 3-4 hours left and i could not warp to it (i got a message like itā€™s too late or something like that).

ps: iā€™m not sure if anyone reported this or not (i did not read all the threads relatives to the expension).


Removing the scanning goals for the daily tasks while keeping tasks for LP etc are very negative. I live in WH space and almost never venture outside so getting the daily tasks completed is all but impossible now unless I leave WH space providing zero incentive to log in to complete them. You should keep the Scannable options in the queue rather than removing them as it fits more playstyles.

You should also add a notification when your adding something special to the NES store as its not something that one just visits without the need to purchase something from there. Either that or just make it as a pop up reward that is prompted for delivery upon login for the accounts it applies to rather than hiding it away inside some sub system.

RE the Skinner system: oh the bloody skinner system is trash. 14million SKP worth of skills to train and billions of isk for the books all to be asked to fork over Plex to even play with the system. Itā€™s not even worth it for anyone but the most elite or wealthy who have nothing better to spend their skill points on.

The whole system should be based off of drops or loot from NPC rats. I also donā€™t see any mechanic that truly makes a skin unique when someone can copy another personā€™s design with minimal effort. 14 m skp worth of skills just to make skins seems kind of overkill IMHO especially in comparison to other skills such as ship/mod building which actually has game based impact.

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Iā€™m a little confused by this. They removed the very specific objectives (ā€œscan 2 wormholes,ā€ ā€œscan 2 data sites,ā€ etc.) and just left the generic objective ā€œscan 5 signatures.ā€ Even if it requires more scans, I find the latter way easier to complete, as I would often scan more than 5 signatures, just trying to find the specific ones I was looking for. Now, any 5 will meet the goal.

How is this a problem? Am I missing something?


Project Discovery P4 killed the server. It would be really nice of CCP if they alerted players of bigger deployments ahead of time again and schedule a longer DTā€¦ 4 startup attempts now and still not working.