Version 22.01 - Equinox - General Feedback

Maybe it’s an antimatter planet.

:upside_down_face: :psyccp:

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Maybe it’s a “Dark” Planet :thinking:

Really? You’re going to make me quote myself because you can’t read?

Show me where it says that power is the total output of the star or planet. Simple logic says it’s the net output, not the gross.

Please stop skipping the points that are inconvenient to your narrative, specifically when they directly counter your narrative.

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Well, maybe read and understand the entire post before you reply? When someone has already countered your argument in the very first sentence of the post you’re responding to, what are we supposed to think? :thinking:

How many times must I make the same point before the responsibility of understanding falls on you? Since I’m not using obscure or mystifying language, I only think it needs to be once.

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Maybe it’s “usable” power. Maybe CCP will add a Dyson Sphere as a structure to really boost the power of the sun…

That’s a better term for what I’m describing.



lmao - are you actually playing the game or just sitting on station and rotating your sub-caps ?

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Isn’t ship-spinning part of playing the game? I can spin mine faster than anyone. I’m elite spinner :grin:

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its that one lonely moment, when skinr makes at least somewhat sense…sure.
but before patching things like skinr into the game, you may want to fix the hangar first.
(you still cant spin your caps - only subcaps)

p.s.: you know about the “pro-spin” ? :stuck_out_tongue:

I think spinning ships is independent of skinr since much older.

Shoulda bought a two-car garage :sweat_smile:

Is that a ship-spinning competition? :grinning:

Got FPS drop today :frowning:
yesterday are fine :frowning:

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This is first time I am writing review and I have been playing this game for more than 10 years with some pauses.

I care about this game and enjoying it for long tome.

My humble review of this expansion:



  • Good new mechanic to game
  • Bring PvP Content


  • Lack of Notifications (Nobody can sit in system to guard it)
  • Lack of Logs



  • Really good new feature from my point of view.


  • High prices (If you reduce the prices more players will be using it)

New Escalations


  • New Content
  • Capital Conntent
  • Overal good change for this game even thou I know there will be a lot of players saying it is reduction of income, etc…


  • Risk vs Reward ratio



  • Mining anomaly
  • Passive moon mining
  • New Ore’s in Null


  • Reducing size of ore’s (This will affect the prices sooner or later, Which leads to less miners and less PvP)
  • A lot of miners have stopped mining at all because mining should be a semi afk activity, with this update mining with more chars than 4 requires a StarCraft player level of APM
  • The new mining mechanisms instead of motivating players to do mining are detrimental to their usual gameplay and is not suitable for multi-boxing, witch is a large part of what the EVE miners are used to do
  • This will not solve “scarcity problem” but it will be more amplified

New Sovereignity



  • A lot of micro management
  • Reducing structures in system
  • There will be only few system’s in region’s which will be suitable for ratting/mining which will lead to less activity.

I know there are some part’s which I not included but I didn’t test it so I will simply skip it.

Overall from what I can see this patch in actual state leads to less players and really need work/fixes.


Where did the blue loot from Limited, Standard, and Superior Sleeper sites went? After Equinox all of the blue loot in these sites has drastically dropped to ridicolous levels. The loot in these sites are not even make the sites worth runing which is ridiculous given how rare these sites are. A relic site in stain worth more on avarage than a sleeper data site found anywhere out in known space. Whoever implemented this change clearly hasn’t done exploration. One of the main income from exploration was the sleeper data sites. Now that the sleeper sites are drastically nerfed the income has drastically been reduced for an avarage explorer by around 30-50%.

Get working on this and fixing this. Exploring is one of the riskiest thing to do in eve given the nature of the business we constantly need to be on the move to earn with it yet it gets nerfed…

I suspect you were unwanted competition to dev friends in WHs so had to nerf it. Can’t have their gravy train disrupted by some non elite WHer scrub :smiley:

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All design elements, owned or unowned, are now available to preview in the SKINR Studio. Unowned design elements that are available in the Paragon Hub can now be purchased directly during design creation.

Neat, now the real discovery for design elements and desire to purchase or find them can begin.

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As soon as they fix SKINR…


I probably don’t need to reply to this but yeah, no alt trading.

CCP are still trying to make a thing of SKINR (look at todays shitshow) but are people really using it? I found 4 stiletto skins in paragon, not exactly earth shattering.

I don’t know if alt trading will ever be a thing. I guess one option would be to charge the % listing fee on the rendering price to convert it to a distributable item. Then it doesn’t matter if you trade or contract it - the tax has already been paid.