Version 22.01 - Equinox - General Feedback

Fountain Resident Feedback

Sov Changes:

  • Currently in the current level design/balancing of the numbers and amount of resources generated by the system, it seems to me like a nerf in null sec

  • Since cannot be transfered, Power is the main issue, where:

    • Only 6 systems of ENTIRE EVE can support 3 Upgrades (Mining, Ratting, Ansiblex)
    • Only 152 (5,6%) systems of EVE can support 2 Upgrades (Mining and Ratting 3)
  • Suns generate very little energy compared to planets

  • Suggestion: A good system should itself be able to generate resources (At least 4700 power) to support:

    • Upgrade for ratting level 3
    • Upgrade for mining
    • Upgrade for: Ansiblex or Pharolux or Tenebrex
  • New Mining Upgrades: the reproc yield is just so low that it is volume wise WORSE then veldspar, you are better off continueing to moon mine and import veldspar from highsec

Carrier Changes:

  • Carrier conduit currently uses an enormous amount of fuel, and due to this, it cannot even achieve full LY jump range as it requires more fuel than can fit in the carrierā€™s fuel bay

  • ā€“Heavy Fighters MJD not working-- ā†’ Update: Fixed

  • Question: Shouldnā€™t super carriers be capable of Conduit Jump as well?

New Escalations:

  • In general, all escalations are appearing very frequently, I donā€™t think itā€™s intentional

  • Risk/reward is not attractive, putting on a super capital or several dreads to earn 300 million ISK is not worth it.

    • Serpentis Shielded Starbase: Forcefield is too tanky needing 3 AntiCapital Dreads to take down, loot was just a Overseer which is worth 130 million on the market, besides having to share this miserable reward with 3 players, itā€™s not worth the time, effort and risk to do this.

    • Serpentis Capital Staging: Itā€™s Ok to kill 3 NPC dreads and some subcapital ships, but I would be happier if some of these NPC dreads had the chance to be Faction (Shadow Serpentis Dread) or even a Titan NPC.

    • Serpentis Occupied Mine: Itā€™s Ok, but having to travel up to 9 jumps just to kill a Battleship Faction (Shadow Serpentis), dropping an average of 20M ISK and having to return another 9 jumps is not worth it, I prefer to continue ratting. Suggestion is to make this appear closer.


  • Coporation Bulletins is not working, atm is just a black screen

Air Daily Goal:

  • System is great but now we need to work everyday on every alt, and I was dissatisfied to learn that skill point gains were nerfed: Down to 225k monthly SP + 5k day, from ~300k monthly + 10k/day

  • I miss Free Skins and Boosters :frowning:


  • I thought the number of Skills needed to use Skinr was exaggerated, the return on investment of Skill Points with ISK is not worth it.

  • I would like to be able to view the nanocoats (and other components sold on the market) that I donā€™t have on my ship before purchasing.

  • Fee to sell Skins from Skinr is too high (30% + list fee), we already paying thing with PLEX !!

  • Add an option to privately transfer a skin to another player (without having to pay fees)


As I barely sign in nowadays currently not, but you are right I will check it out someday as it sounds like a fun thing to use oneā€™s creativity. Just not interested nor have time for it at the moment (applies to EVE in general these days).

Do any of the new ships have Fleet Hanger?

Just about impossible to see your extractor heads now on a few of the planets.

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It would be nice to see the current PLEX Vault balance in Ship SKINR somewhere, without the need to look for it around.


Hilarious to see NS care bears whining about putting caps on grid for 300M when theyā€™ve been all over this thread telling WH dwellers thatā€™s what you should have to do for drifters.

C5/C6 site changes are garbage. Goal of getting more caps in space is completely screwed with new mechanics.

Move the drifter loot to avengers if you want caps undocking in high-class wh.

ETA: And please please please spend at least 2 seconds thinking about changes you make. The drifter needs to be tackled to kill it or it warps off. If you forget to tackle it now, it just warps and despawns. Did you mean to not have drifters hanging out on WHs anymore?

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Even more than just scrolling, you now have to be careful where you click to move items. If you are selecting several and then accidently click in between the lines it goes back into a selection mode. Very cumbersome.


Are you new to C5/6 krabbing? Any experienced whā€™r has tackle and that is the least of the concern.

I think NSā€™rs are complaining because the risk / reward sucks. In a C6 I can make 500-700mil a site with drifterā€¦ 3x NFIā€™s and a decent pilot can one cycle the siteā€¦ The only risk is being rolled in on. Which is really only a problem if you are solo and dont have any defense fleetā€¦

While in NS, I meanā€¦ from what Iā€™ve seen the Starbase site requires a HAW and a cap dread at a minimum, but the issue is that it paysā€¦ 130m + 70ish from tower loot + maybe 30-50m salvage? In the same amount of time, if not longer. The only difference is you can run these under the ā€œUmbrellaā€ but we all know people still get caught and die.

I dont think if these sites paid closer to what a C6 citadel + drifter paid, there would be any complaining.


There is a lot of FPS drops when even opening the item hanger and scrolling over items. I am seeing a 20-40fps drop. This is both inside the station and looking outside. Both result in massive lag / frame drops.


Iā€™m not concerned about losing the drifter. Itā€™s just more evidence that CCP just shoehorned these changes in without thinking about the repercussions or understanding their own mechanics.

3NFIs for a 1 cycle C6 site doesnā€™t account for hole prep + lack of umbrella+ roll ins + citadel assets required to be able to do it.

Iā€™m also not arguing that high class wh money didnā€™t need something changed. But to hear NS whine about risk reward is just hilarious.

Like my comment said. Put the capital escalation isk in the capital escalation bucket rather than the drifter. Way better than warp in a cap to spawn the house and then warp it out to moonwalk the avengers.

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As a PVPā€™er. I donā€™t rat, mine or manufacture anything. The Daily goals are completely useless to me and other like minded pilots. Meaning the monthly SP bonus has all but gone unless you play a certain wayā€¦
The ship cards for the hangers are completely pointless, The new icons on the ships when you revert to the original style of ship hanger are also pointlessā€¦


Youā€™re right, it doesnt take that into account, but general prep is pretty easy when you are setup for it. But IMO, C6 krab is literally the cream of the crop - high end - endgame ratting. So Iā€™d expect it to come with its own challanges and risks.

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There are goals for other playstyles too. I could just as easily say that as an indy character I donā€™t do damage to capsuleers, capture FW plexes, or logi others.


To expand on this. It appears that this primarily occurs when the Fittings window is open and you are selecting items in your hanger. With the fitting window closed, there are slight FPS drops but not to the extent when it is open.

Just going off what i seen today. I donā€™t know what other activities theyā€™ll be doing.

Default ship name

Boarding a new ship now opens the window to set the ship name. The default ship name has also changed, but it does not take into account 20+ years of gameplay. The most rookie mistake which you can make is to leave the name of the ship to include your characterā€™s name. That directly gives the ones who are hunting you information about which ship are you in.

Since the default name has already changed from ā€œAntihrist Pripravnikā€™s Rokhā€ to ā€œRokh - Antihrist Pripravnikā€, why not eliminate another layer of complexity for the new players and just leave the default to ā€œRokhā€.


Hello team.

I believe the default view ā€œCardsā€ in the ship hangar is awful. However, as there is an easy way to switch back to the icons view, I donā€™t want to labour on that more than needed and I will go to a positive thing:

When in ship hangar in ā€œIconsā€ view, I can now see the size of the ship. This is such an awesome way of info that it moved me to post a feedback on that. Really good job, thank you!

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A few points from a null-sec resident.

The patch was marketed as reinvigorating null sec, the marketing team did a great job.

After the release of the power requirements, it does seem to be the opposite of ā€˜reinvigoratingā€™ as it has nerfed sov nullā€™s ability to customise null-sec massively.

The majority of systems do not generate enough power and while it should definitely be a challenge to fit upgrades and not every system should have the capability to fit upgrades, thereā€™s definitely been a bit of an over correction.

In addition to the above, Isk generation activites in null are still outstripped by other areas.

  • The new mining anoms are worse than Veldspar, bar two which have an increase of 70 isk p/u.

  • The new anoms earn around 300M and require commitment of Supers or multiple dreads. For owning sov, commiting supers/dreads, and defending sov, the reward doesnā€™t seem worth it.

  • The addition of new reagents is unlikely to provide huge isk generation opportunities as itā€™s unlikely alliances will switch to the new system until forced.

I think the overall power requirements are a poor design choice if we want to see more conflict. It makes sov null less valuable for residents, and potential enemies.

If itā€™s less valuable, there is little to no reason outside of RP to create conflict.

Thereā€™s already very few conflict drivers in null and with a reduction in super cap output will likely see more hesitation in the usage of the bigger toys.


100 million ISK for a T1 hauler BPO. Really?

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They daily goals arenā€™t changing, all they did was add monthly rewards.