Version 22.01 - Equinox - General Feedback

I agree 100%… that’s just too much… which is why I don’t interact with that content, same with the HyperNet gambling content.

Also it’s not just the SKINR system either.

CCP has been making most everything be account bound and auto-activate… I’m sure there’s a lot of other players who don’t like that aspect as well.


the issue is that ccp / black pearl are asking us to pay for content in a game we have already payed for (if you’re omega) and then charging us a plex on the transaction, so yeah that is a triple dip, the whole point of the Alpha / Omega system was that alphas were limited but they have been less and less limited and those who pay for omega are getting less and less and now being asked to pay more for in game content that should be included in the cost of going omega (by money or plex or isk) if you find people talking about issues they find bothersome and problematic please don’t involve yourself in the discussion, also don’t come here and tell me to “shut up” i have given ccp lots of money and ill make sure my discontent with their over reaches are voiced and heard.


these are just some of my concerns, selling of sp is also another issue as it degraded what it meant to be a vet and have spent time meticulously training and optimizing your skill que and learning attributes, it has killed the very spirt of the game, now anyone can just buy 10- 20 mill sp, and booster with cash, its not pay to win but its pay for the illusion of power, hypernet is a scam and illegal in some places, buy plex to sell for isk to buy hypernet chip to gamble with in a game of chance where the person selling the item has bought a third of the slots, the person posting the item on the hypernet should not be able buy slots on there own item first of all, all the issues that plague eve started with the creation of the Alpha / Omega system, now we got alpha alts ganking haulers on gates and flying around in faction fit faction battle ships, alphas should be limited to t1 destroyers or smaller and only t1 mods, and have zero ability to train any skills and any isk transactions should be heavily taxed, like 50% at minimum, i would even go further and restrict them from selling items on the market all together, if you want to play for free then you should pay for it and only get a taste.


Not in Highsec, I think; safety is perma-set to Green.

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$3.75 for a pattern that should be free to use. smh.

did they change it? i will admit I’m not up to date on everything that happened in eve as I stepped away for many years and have only dabbled in the past year or so until diving back in at the launch of equinox, i was unaware that they perma locked alphas to green safety, ill make a new account and check it out thanks for the information.

  • Changing the security settings for Alpha accounts and removing the option to disable safety (“Safety red”)

I agree with you but in that case it would simply be more honest to abolish the Alpha state and let those of us poor mooches uninstall and forget about it.

Right. A few hours’ trial period then the game locks and demands a recurring 500PLEX to continue for 30 days.

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It’s not a triple dip - it’s not even a double dip. You can create SKINs for ISK and also buy SKINs for ISK. I didn’t say ‘shut up’ - I said ‘stop with the drama’. SKINR is cosmetic and not a requirement for the game.

You don’t like it in its current iteration - we got that. Just stop exaggerating to make your point…

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I’m pretty sure CCP would make more money if they charged less in all aspects. That would then lead to more players.

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Alphas are free (there didn’t used to be a free option). So your argument is…?

Not true. Safety is still selectable for Alphas.

He meant to red.

still valid.

back in my day we got 2 weeks to play and then we had to pay up or make a new account. things were good, every one payed, everyone played and there were no sp packs, extractors / injectors and booster bs, you had to wait for every drop of sp, you earned it with patience and by being smart with your skill plans, no gambling, except on 3rd party sites, no blobs of alphas. ccp was happy to have us pay just our monthly fee and that gave us access to everything, now were being spammed with “personal offers” and “given” stuff we cant keep unless we use right away, quafe was a collectable. and i felt like ccp loved us and we loved them back. now not so much now its just feels like monetization is the goal and things like a proper bug reporting system and test server for eg got trimmed off to save some ISK. :unamused:


I remember seeing ads for EVE back then. I wasn’t into paying for games. I’m still not now but I will fork over a one-time payment if I know I will be playing it for years.
EVE being a niche game and different than any other game, it’s shortcomings, the fact that’s it’s only online ( while I am not online half the month ), subscription, hard to learn and hard to play puts it in my category of We’ll see… before I take it too seriously.
I agree with you the Alpha scheme shouldn’t be the way to go for a game that is only complete in Omega.

Unfortunately some people come up with ideas that are so great as to collapse an entire business. The examples seem to be all around us lately.

The world’s economy is in the sewer, everybody’s feeling the pinch.


i do like my new Deluge, nice for picking up my PI. and i must admit my Orhrus does look very cool but plex/isk cost/tax feel steep, especially since were investing sp, isk and plex into making skins, i don’t like the wait time and offer us to pay more isk to get the skin “now” feels unpleasant, id like to see more patterns. also id like to see corp and alliance skins implemented faster than Soon tm. also id like to state that i just bought a corp logo for my Orthrus and its very tiny and underwhelming, i think it would be very cool if we could apply our corp and alliance logs in the same manner as we can with patterns in the Skinr system so that we could mirror them and change the scale and orientation of them too, imagine a Barghest that could literally be a flying alliance logo, i have never like the fact that skins cant be resold after using them, i guess it makes sense with the ones from the NES but i would like to see our custom ones be repagageble for sale as i wouldn’t mind making a new one one for my regular ships and sell of my previous ones also please develop the ability to change lights and add effects like some of the NES skins. i get ccp needs to buy hamster feed to spin the wheels, but the cost of plex is too damn high! (by isk) i do feel the price point of plex (by cash) is fair. and i have my gripes but eve sure does look good but i am noticing more ui glitches in the last month or so compared to how many i have seen in my time playing eve, i would make more bug reports but i cant get any feed back or dialog on them or update them and that’s frustrating.

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I played with SKINR today for 20 or 30 minutes and I have to say that I hate it a bit less now… If you spend some time experimenting with it, you can create acceptable designs for 40 PLEX.

I could even say that I’m starting to like SKINR if the low-end price was a bit lower and you could create a basic skin for 15 PLEX. That would create a price range for skins between 100mln and 1bln isk which I think is acceptable.

I think the biggest problem with SKINR is that it should be the feature that could help to keep new players around. With current prices it’s mainly for older players who can afford to spend few hundred mil isk just to have their ships look better in the hangar…

I’m not sure I agree that SKINR should be the feature to keep new players around. After all, it’s mainly cosmetic. The prices to create a custom SKIN are relatively similar to most of the standard offerings in the past from CCP (with better color selection).

Can we get some tuning to the capital escalation item drops instead of entirely skinr focused patches?

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