Version 22.01 - Equinox - General Feedback

Scarcity 2.0


They added high sec ore minerals back to nullsec. How, exactly, is that scarcity 2.0?

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I am absolutely not a fan of these 3D preview icons. Not only do they cost more performance, they also make it harder to recognize the ship at a glance from the icon. This is not helping with the gameplay experience, with UI clarity and usability and also not with immersion.


You can only use them if you find a system where you can spawn them. :joy:


the rocks are so worthless most are worth less than veldspar and all are worth less than arkanor.


Didnt yall complain about not being able to mine the high sec stuff from the comfort of your blue umbrella?


in NS, they can indefinitely go site to site doing this. in a C6, once your 5-15 sites are done, they are gone until they respawn, hence people only really C6 rat for an hour or two every week.
Also makes things harder as the timezone tanking for C6 ratting tends to be the best way to stay safe doing it.

100%, and it’s been like this for a damn long time.

Take the Yacht rollers, for example. We complained and complained about how OP it is for a ship to be insta-warp, cloaky, bubble immune, and have a higgs anchor + 100mn afterburner attached FOR YEARS, ALMOST GOING ON A DECADE. (the removal of the higgs part a few years back was a minor improvement to the situation, but failed to addresss the larger issue).
Years go by, no change, eventually we give up complaining about it.
Then CCP does one WH event stream, they have this happen to them, and immediately that ship is nerfed and no longer able to do that anymore.

It really does make me wonder what the point of the CSM is when half the devs don’t even play the damn game, and the other half are null sh**ers that make the 90% null bloc CSM redundant.

The C5/C6 site changes were very poorly thought though, and feel like a knee-jerk half-assed change that both fails to address the core issues and reinforces the current level of stagnation where the farm holes with caps are the only allowed form of WH ratting.


The CSM can only do so much against a stubborn, stuck in its way company like CCP. If anything, CCP has proven in the last 6 years that they are very capable of ignoring all better advice and follow through with their broken, not thought through and oftentimes outright perilous plans. And then they blame the players for exploiting their plans’ weakpoints. Oftentimes, CCP is the worst kind of Pikachu.


Dear Eve-Team
The new planet textures for planets especially in the pi setup are barely playable especially on low settings!

Some planets are okay gas is okay on the other hand plasma planets are barely playable they are killing my eyes!

I mean find the boarders of the extractor

is this a me problem or are there some settings other than buying a new pc to improve pi?



Well…if I did understand the patchnotes correctly - and understood the numbers…we can delete eve as soon as someone pushes the red button or latest in 6 months. the system we hold would be dead. we cant even bloody rat in those systems despite producing because of the lack of energy…

But thanks for this dumb SKINR-PLEX-Sink…


What are your graphics settings? I haven’t seen such a glaring plasma planet yet. Which system is this planet in? I want to check if it looks like this for me as well.

Please CCP explain why development time and money was spent on adding new ores to the game, and the new upgrades required to spawn those, and why is the mineral content of the new ores below the value of Veldspar?

It seems to me all that was required/desired from an mineral availability perspective was to add back the pre-scarcity asteroids that were removed (Spod, Cork, Gneiss, etc )and their original mineral compositions and volume back into the anoms and belts. We would have been elated, ecstatic, and more importantly GRATEFUL, to have those back. I suspect that could have been done without much hassle and expense, allowing more time/money to go to other areas such and capital PVE, and ratting improvements. This should have been a slam dunk, low hanging fruit opportunity to improve the industrial value of sov null that was missed.

The fundamental lesson learned from Econ 101, rational people respond to incentives. It appears that due to the direction chosen, many of players, corps, and alliances will have to seriously evaluate the value proposition of continued ownership of sov null. Is any null space now worth fighting over and keeping or taking? If not, is the entertainment value of our subscription(s) worth the price to move on to other areas in the game?

It will be interesting to see if the juice is worth the squeeze at an individual, corp, and alliance level. I suspect that for those who have been waiting and praying for true invigoration may have discovered that the meh system(s) they have been inhabiting have been devalued substantially. It is kinda like the old new player experience for Eve from years and years ago “Welcome to Eve, here is your ship. Go FU%K Yourself”. Now it is "Welcome to Equinox, here is your krappy star and planets, install your cyno beacon and Go FU%K Yourself(s).


Barren Planets are very bright when doing PI, you cannot see the extractor radius properly


I wanna join and i know its a small issue from my side BUT pleas make this small ship type marker optional! This small white marks at the top right corner is just braking the immersion. Looks like so stupid and totaly not matching with the nice ship icons. So please make it possible to turn on/off. Thanks!


I think it is the Optimize Settings for Memory Option

I realyl hate when we foreced to use something. This game is so deep and i dont know why they dont let us to choose. Let the player choose what they want. We are happy you creating new things but not everyone like it. Like the new photon UI was so epic. I use only this and its feel to me like i useing from 2004, but we have a option for classic. So why you cant make everything like this?

How about we get null ores in HS at the same time?


They were in HS before. 0.5 moon drills had R4 in addition to HS ores and other ores found now in LS and Null. LS and Null moons had the R4 - R64 plus other ores found in HS, LS, and Null. Gib back the goodies to all. More minerals means cheaper ships and more pew pew bang bang shootie booms. More miners in space, more targets, more activity, more market PVP, more incentive for small groups to form to gank, mine, build, and enough reward maybe to try and drop a few structures or try and muscle out existing groups off their moons/space. Juice > Squeeze people will do it.