Version 22.01 - Equinox - General Feedback

That’s exactly what I stated in that thread and got booed at for by quite a few people.

CCP do you test things before releasing them? Does not seem to be the case with this expansion.

  • Carrier conduit fuel values shows you did not test this feature.
  • Sov hubs meant to be 10000km away from structures, yet you needed to fix that.
  • Haulers meant to be new exciting things only to be nerfed into ground on day 2.

This expansion has so little positive about it, what you were selling promoting it and what you actually delivered is like day and night.
It should have been called Scarcity 2.0 because it is what you delivered currently.
Less mining anomalies, less ratting sites, poorer systems and emptier space, so even more travel for people trying to find any signs of life in already empty null.


SKINR has a skybox with a greenish light, giving all the ships a green hue/ sheen for no reason.

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Like, I did a quick align MWD/Cloak Squall, for 1 ‘1 jump into null to scoop up PI’. Could get a respectable 32k EHP out of it. slightly under 6s align, too, in case I could not cloak up due to clutter.

Would have allowed me to do my own PI runs through Uedama for selling, and survive solo attempts with the align, if I would be decloaked due to piling garbage onto the gates.

Now, back to selling to a Buybacker who then has to shoulder the risk. As I don’t pay my sub with PI, it is not that much of a dip into profits.


Check patch notes, if they tested things they would not need to have such significant fitting nerfs.
People taught of not fitting guns and instead fitting tank and CCP just dropped nerf bat on that.
If they did any testing they could have fixed that before release.

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The T1 got its Grid cut nearly in half, the BR got more than half of its Grid removed, the DST lost half its Grid and about a quarter of its CPU.

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It’s amazing that even old things somehow got broken by CCP, just one example is T1 fighters showing with T2 icon…

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And now, you either turn like a cinder block at the bottom of a pond, but with tank, so you get whittled down anyway.
Or you fit for ‘Tackle clearing’ and Align, but are a twovolley, at most.

MWD/Cloak is pointless without a backup in the form of EHP, because otherwise, the everpresent ‘zone of garbage’ at gates will decloak you or prevent cloaking in the first place and you sit there in your undies. The Squall for example has, what, 4.5k EHP without tank?


SKINR is a massive let down.

Why you went full mobile cash grab with it is beyond unreasonable.


Structures & Deployables:

  • The Maximum deployment range for upwell structures around Sovereignty Hubs has been increased from 1,000km to 10,000km.

You deliberately did not implement this in the first place, as some CCP “friendly” groups can take advantage of this and already placed structures near the sov hubs !
Shame !


scarcity 2.0

bring ur ■■■■ back ccp, there was never a promise, only lies


FYI, I don’t know if it was so from the beginning but if you hover your mouse over the panel with Total PLEX Cost for the current SKIN sequencing, a PLEX Vault balance panel pops up with an option to manage PLEX - ie. buy moar of it lol

But noticed there is no sequence binders owned visible even if you hover over the required numbers. With one exception when you have not enough of it.

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I filed a support ticket and was told to “I would encourage you to also consider posting your thoughts on the EVE Online forums, especially here Version 22.01 - Equinox - Known Issues. I see other players have reported the same thing, the more people report it the more likely it is that it will be fixed.”

So here’s my issue I submitted verbatim:

"I have run into problems with the update when dealing with text lists in “hangars” vs all other textual UI.

There is unnecessary “leading” spacing which causes more trouble selecting multiple items with the possibility of clicking into a “non existent area” which DE-selects everything one has multiply selected.

Please fix this because, of all examples I’m providing, when you have 250+ blueprints, it takes forever to scroll with a mouse wheel…


Win10(64bit), 64G RAM


Have completed two days tasks which indicates I’ve reached the 1st Milestone and yet it still states Milestone not achieved.
Do the Milestone prizes only become accessible after you reach the next Milestone, do they only become accessible when you reach the final Milestone or what?

The new card layout for ships in the hanger is neat but could you please add the option to NOT send the active ship to the top. When you are use to your ships in a certain order and it just changes it’s just annoying and distracting. I know some will like it but I personal don’t.

Thank you


3 days per milestone.

I prefer the previous ship hanger layout.
New layout makes it difficult to find the desired ship


The NET Resonators should’ve been added as a loot for pirate datasites and DEDs and not give pirate LP bots even more money.