Version 22.01 - Equinox - Known Issues

Fitting Simulation Window has with Avalanche, When offlining or onlining the cargo ex pander modules don’t change the stats until unfitted from ship

Nice troll on the Advanced Logistics Network Power change. Maybe want to bring back day 0 jump fatigue while you are at it?

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Thanks for reporting this. Yes, we disabled the fitting icon on all ships besides the active one for now. We should be able to turn this back on for all assembled ships in hangar soon.


With the DLI being replaced entirely, what will this mean for the Halcyon Dawn skinline and the Halcyon Boosters?

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Removed as they said it was

Yep, if you warp the cap away then you lose the escelation.

FW battlefield wave respawns were significantly faster than previously.

Multiple instances of them respawning in 5 seconds. Average was around 30 seconds. Max observed was 2mins per the npc combat timer.

Took over an hour to run an uncontested battlefield.

Most of the time the SKINR screen overlays alliance and corp chat so you can’t see them…which seems correct. But sometimes it doesn’t…

you lose escalation but you don’t lose drifter

Attention all CCP developers… effective immediately mandatory enslaved forced overtime dev work is required in order to return our hobby lives back to fully functional state. That is all… Wait… I cannot hear your keyboards click clack as you knock out the bugs… GET TO IT… SNAP SNAP NOW! :slight_smile:

Probably Squal dupping isk throw insurance payment with self destruction, payment is more then production cost

These buttons in the Skinr window are wrong and don’t follow the Photon design guidelines. They ought to look like this:

No surprise, though, that CCP can’t use Photon properly. It’s an unusable UI system after all.


CCP - Why can’t you release a major upgrade without any bugs! I would of thought you would test this before releasing it!

for some reason looking at my jackdaw’s info, the pic of the ship is the skin display window


I think Shigeru crashsite is no longer visible on planet Caldari Prime (Luminaire VII)…or has been cleaned up - it’s been almost 10 years since the event :pensive:

It used to look like this

Now it’s nowhere to be found :confused:

Is it intentional?


Carrier conduit currently uses an enormous amount of fuel, and due to this, it cannot even achieve full LY jump range as it requires more fuel than can fit in the carrier’s fuel bay

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More UI issues in SKINR

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SKINR Issue:

When reopening a previously saved SKIN design, if you click on pattern to adjust it, the pattern location settings reset, meaning you have to manually align it all over again. You cannot make small adjustments to the pattern on a saved skin without resetting the position

Zero skill alt

Haha, classic