Im can confirm that every one im know some how think this is going to be op and aoe everything.
The fact that TITANS already have this abylity whit much better damage and aplication but nobody use it cause its hard to hit anything and wery dangerous they some how dont care.
The 50% for 1 minutes is ridiculous you will kill max
3 people in that 1 minute and thats if you wery lucky.
Cause 50 % does not mean 0 and target still can catch lot of reps keeping him alive long enought to limit kills to 1 - 2 … and you are risking 10B dread to do that … RIDICULOUSLY stupid and non efective.
Remember that dread will sieage and become primary literary imidielty.
Every single stuff those dreads do exept 50% debuf for 1 minute thats usable maybe in few instances.
Can be done by cheap normal ships. Im now just w8ting for stats and fiting cauce maybe they can be used like haws for solo content but everything else MEH
Still waiting to see anything that makes this worthy of the “Expansion” title. Or, anything that the average player would remotely care about. What percentage of players will ever use or encounter one of these? One percent? Less?
On paper, these things are really amazing. On paper, the Lance and Reaper Doomsdays were also really cool. We all know what happened to that paper coolness.
If you would have read my lines correctly, you would have seen that this is NOT about skins but about holograms in base hulls.
Actually I love skins, and have already gathered 804 of them (more than there are even ships in the whole game).
But I expect as paying CUSTOMER to be able to decide on my own if I want a ships flying with weird lightings, clownish colors or holograms (via skins) or not.
OT Smithers has the style. Eve Online needs new and great content interaction. What would be great content would be if CCP had a secret server that only select subs were allowed to join. The platform would be similar to EvE Online. The two platforms would be connected for a serious, ball wrenching battle royale as the secret platform tries to conquer New Eden and vice versus.
T2 dreads design follows the same principles used for every other T2 ship: the base hull, with stuff added. EVE has hundreds of ships, and game designers try to find a role and balance that doesn’t make any of them so obsolete that they don’t get used anymore, when something new is added. Game balance is hard, and adding entirely new ships to the mix gets harder and less frequent, with every new thing added.
If I read the devblog correctly, the t2 dreads will have area of effect weapons. The game absolutely should not go down that route. Are such weapons good on a titain? Maybe, but the devs felt the need to nerf Bosonic Field Generators. Area of effect weapons should absolutely not be on something that every null power can pull 30 out of their butt to replace some loses. Except maybe smartbombs, but at least those are stuck centered on the ship itself. And even then maybe they should use more capacitor for what they do.
Hey everyone, and for those of you in the U.S. O7 Happy Memorial Day Weekend! I have just finished watching the new Viridian LANCER T2 DREADNOUGHT Preview video and spent time looking around in here to see if anyone asked, and didn’t see this question listed… For those if us in the Industry Biz, will I be able to use my current T1 Dreadnought BPO’s as a research tool to create the new T2 Dreads? Or am I looking at dropping 10 to 11 digits worth of ISK to purchase new ones? Typically CCP has pulled the T2 BPO’s from the game waaaay back in the day, so I’d be surprised if that was the case. I’m hoping for the chance to start pumping these new toys out [All frame sizes of ships involved with new Expac] right away so please let me know yeah? Thanks a million! - Duke
How do people make feedback to CCP about possible changes? The patch post is the most obvious one… but it’s a bit too late to say “no we don’t want this in the game” when it rolls out.
Well… I don’t know about the whole “CCP catering” to a certain group bit, however, let’s put that aside and think optimistically here for a moment. Whether for Good or Ill, these new ships are here to stay and we can hypothesize and theorize what players will or will not use them for until the cows come home. One thing I DO KNOW is that time and time again, we Eve players will constantly seek out new ideas, builds, and ways to utilize just one specific ship design. I have a feeling it won’t take long for these T2 Dreads to end up with multiple purposes within Fleet Alliances and Large Ship Fleet Corps.
Regards - Duke
Duke, I just don’t see a place within fleets for this dread. it’s a JF ganker, and not much more. possible specialized supercap first tackle, but a hictor is just as good and significantly cheaper. it’s AOE neut would be more of a hindrance to a cap fleet than anything.
maybe dreadbomb ganking rorquals… not like they need the nerf
i love the idea of specialized t2 caps, i just think this particular implementation was planned out by people without any real concept of how capfights actually work.
I feel we shouldn’t have to rage in Jita. Shouldn’t there be some way to express opinion before the patch rolls? Sure not everyone might agree, but feedback with lots of likes from people with omega accounts should count for something. Would CCP really have made on-field compression only on the Industrial command ship (like it was originally going to be) if a post with 3000 likes says it should have gone to the whole fleet?
The lack of replies tells us everything we need to know about just how many people are excited by these teased changes.
What have they announced so far that is worthy of the word “expansion”?
What is there that would make the average player take notice? What have they announced that would even POTENTIALLY impact the average player’s game in ANY way?