Viridian in Focus - Updated with Lancer T2 Dreadnought + Structure Customization

The way I see it so far , the impact on the average player will be an increase in jump freighter service cost, also with possibly slightly increased cost on t2 subcap hulls, if a lot of the moon goo will go into the production of these new dreads.
As for the new toys, there will obvioulsy be just a handlful of players to own them and will prob just spin them in the hangar the way they are designed now.

Why should it. They stated it to be a big expansion, not that it would apply to most people. Not everyone is you, or me. None of those stated changes and new stuff will affect me in any way but I’m fine with that, because I’m not a narcissist.

You haven’t been following CCP’s business model. Unfortunately, CCP has a longstanding somewhat adversarial attitude toward the playerbase. It’s “CCP knows best, players are bad for the game, we don’t need player ‘feedback’, only their cash. Send more cash, less opinion.”

(You’ll note more than a few forumites apparently agree with them.)

Sometimes they place a trial version of upcoming changes on the test server Singularity. When they do that, they generally ignore whatever the players say about it, and go ahead with whatever they choose.

Quite often they simply drop the changes in without player feedback at all. The CSM is supposedly another “player feedback and input” mechanism. Although they do what they can, CCP mostly ignores CSM input and just uses them as a smoke-and-mirrors “See, we’re listening!” distraction.

CCP only appears to respond to mass protests that make public news or spill over into social media. Not mass forum protests - they don’t care about forums, or “likes”. That’s why you get Summer of Rage and the Jita riots.

If you want something a typical player can do that might possibly reach their attention, start a thread on the EVE Reddit and hope for lots of replies and upvotes. CCP devs actually pay some small attention to reddit, but they mostly ignore their own forums.


But what if we do want this in the game?

These T2 dreads seem interesting to me, shake up the current capital meta, make transportation less safe and are a new way to fly a dread that does involve a little more than ‘jump, siege, lock, fire’.


Like all updates we will gradually accept and use them. The forum is not representative of all of New Eden.

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It’s true the forum is only a small percent of the playerbase. That’s completely irrelevant when it comes to evaluating the worth of a new addition to the game.

I’m not knowledgeable in the area of capital combat in practical terms, so I don’t generally give feedback on it except in the most general terms.

A ship class that neuts the ships around it, affects both friend or foe, requires targets in an (apparently) narrow line, with a spool-up before firing … seems problematic to me.

Hopefully the capital warriors will figure out ways around the apparently finicky positioning, perhaps using them as “dread neut-bombs” as @Gerard_Amatin mentioned. (Not sure if that was the post that was deleted.)

If they aren’t more useful than they currently appear however, I suspect they’ll be about as popular an addition as Edencom ships - a niche of a niche, more for novelty effect than anything else.


How do they make transportation less safe? You cannot impact a JF with this beam after it jumped in. It is invulnerable to any kind of interaction, and during that invulnerability it docks in the structure or station. If this was an idea floated by CCP, it only goes to show that they do not understand their game whatsoever.

That’s an expensive neut bomb for a ball of ships that have cap boosters anyway to boost up the cap after a jump in and to compensate capital neut pressure, structure neut pressure or other already existing neut pressure.

CCP Will This Stop Our Jump freighters from jumping in to hi sec from low sec if the lance hits durings the jf warp?

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Read the patch notes.

That’s not the moment it impacts JFs.

The T2 Dread will impact the JF travelling to high sec.


Only in CCP’s pipe dream.

What do you mean?

Anyway, ‘making transportation less safe’ is something I conclude from the upcoming updates. It’s not that CCP mentioned it or intended it.

Jump freighters cannot jump to high sec, so they will take the gate into high sec.

While in warp to that gate (which takes a long time in a capital ship) you can easily be hit with some AoE lance in the last 100km towards that gate. If that AoE weapon also disables the ability of the JF to take the gate or to jump out, that’s a dead JF.


It’s impractical to use the Lance for this purpose. The bumping blops on the gate is much more reliable and much cheaper than this dread.

Have you tried bumping blops on the gate?

I have tried, haven’t managed to do so, it’s really tricky to pull off.

On the other hand, having a dozen seconds to hit a slow-moving target with a huge beam seems a lot easier.

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Gid good, right? Snuffed Out manages to do that just fine. Maybe take some lessons from them. :slight_smile:

CCP will need to address the jf impact in some way or it’s going to kill them. Logistic lines are stupidly important for null sec and general manufacturing (null materials brought to high sec.). And I’m not sure how they could do it really.

Yep, sure I could do that too if I did get good.

My point is, it’s tricky.

And hitting capital-sized target during the last 100km of a very slow telegraphed warp with a wide beam does not sound tricky to me at all.

But from your earlier assumption that these T2 dreads would attack the JF while it jumps to a station, I assume you don’t have experience flying a JF?

It may kill some JF pilots.

I don’t see why CCP needs to address it though, there are plenty of ways to deal with that scenario.

  • pick another HS entrance that isn’t camped
  • work together with your corporation to escort you out to HS
  • use a DST for the NS/LS → HS gate
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Considering that I fly them on a regular basis, your assumption is moot. :slight_smile: But so far it’s common occurrence that dreads or supers drop you on a structure or station and insta-gib you. Didn’t know that? :slight_smile:

All great ways to make an already tedious and unrewardig activity even more tedious and more unrewarding. Yeah, I totally see CCP think along these lines.

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If you do use JFs, why would you assume that:

… while it’s clear that the vulnerable moment of JFs that these dreads will exploit is the entrance to HS, not a jump to station?

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