VNI changes?

Can you be more specific? Which faction ship would you like it compared to? Most of the other faction ships will take out a VNI that is fit for ratting pretty easily. The problem is NOT the ship.

Thats a very poor argument, imo, because it applies to literally any ship in game. If we were to compare ships - it should be done in same application: as you complain that VNI wont be able to rat as efficiently do name another faction ship that is capable of 500+ dps at low-ish (alpha) skills while maintaining respectable tank and has damage projection of 60km AND kills rats in relaxed semi-afk manner.


All this is going to do is reverse of what they were trying to do this just going to bring them or supercarrier rattingand it’s going to kill it for the new player who can’t afford anything else but a good vni way to go CCP


the new player who can’t afford anything else but a good vni way to go CCP

Life… will find a way.

Erm less dps.

2 heavies
2 meds
1 small

Does more dps than 3 heavies.

And like i said, the extra bonus is necessary to make this ship match other faction ships.


Why do I see a lot of OCD people Twitching…

This is a poor comparison, imo, because other factions are not Gallente Navy. Gallente ships are known for high bandwidth drone boats. That is their thing. An Omen Navy Issue can easily get over 500 DPS, but it will be using turrets to do most of the damage rather than drones as Amarr ships do not specialize in high drone bandwidth ships. What this nerf does is take away from the Gallente Navy the thing that they specialize in. I wouldn’t want to try to brawl in a VNI so much, but I wouldn’t mind doing it in an Omen Navy Issue. Again, I say, the problem is NOT the ship.


Yes it does need additional training but it works rather well and you can train other ships off of Gallente cruiser 5 which are worthwhile. I recommend that all players should get into HAC’s because with the Assault Damage control unit, their DPS and other possibilities with Ancillaries and stuff you can do so much more.

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[Cheapskate, *Simulated Vexor Fitting]
Medium Armor Repairer II
Energized EM Membrane II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

100MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
Medium Cap Battery II
Medium Cap Battery II
Cap Recharger II

Drone Link Augmentor II
Responsive Auto-Targeting System I

Medium Ancillary Current Router I
Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

Warrior II x5
Acolyte II x1
Imperial Navy Praetor x2
Infiltrator II x2

Alpha compliant ratter for 30m. It will rat just as well as the new vni, 10-14m ticks. The problem is that these anoms can be sig tanked in the first place, and you don’t have to ruin an awesome pvp ship to fix that.

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VNI is not the only thing they are planning to change!

So good luck with that Vexor (btw DLA II is not Alpha compliant, you can also swap one Medium cap battery II in favor of 2nd Cap recharger II - that would allow to drop ACR rig for another CCC for overall better cap)

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dla1 is, and it still works. That’s not the point though. The point is none of that is nessecary if they just add a stasis tower to anoms, or give them sleeper ai.

How do you propose this would work?
Does it only target the VNI? The first ship in the anomaly? What happens if a Retribution or Slicer comes in for a solo gank (or any other ship that relies on speed to tank)

Does it point all player ships? Or just the VNi? How far out would it reach and how strong is the web?

It behaves the same way that stasis towers do in say a sansha 5/10.

And for those who don’t know how it works in a Sansha 5/10… ?

It would mean the end of sig tanked ships in null anoms. They are killable though.

That doesn’t answer the question though. How do they work?

Short answer is npc sentry drones who web the ■■■■ out of you out to 50k or so(range can be tweeked) they can be killed but should spawn at least one with each wave.

I don’t want the short answer.

I’m asking for exactly how they work.

Do they only web the first ship? Do they only web 1 ship? Do they web all ships? Do they have a priority of things to target?

If you’re trying to solo gank a ratting ship, will this stasis tower web you? If you’re in a fast ship that relies on speed to survive, this webbing tower is going to make almost every frigate unviable for ganking.

Does it constantly web? Or does it have a cycle time? How far does it reach?

You can’t just take something from on type of PvE content and just drop it into another without knowing what kind of effect it’ll have, much less not even understanding how the thing works.

Needlessly nerf the ■■■■ out of a ship?

All of those questions you want hard answers for are in fact variables that could be tweaked. As such their behavior in one type of pve is largely irrelevant to another.