Walk Ye Not the path of Gheth

Just to bring attention to the system of Gheth its the latest ganker hot spot so eyes open when traveling that sys.

There are one or two pilots fighting back but not enough to stop them so please use intell channels and ask for a sys report. Look on zkill for times and type of ship they are hunting, marauder and freighters seem to be top of the list even empty freighters🙄

We will have to see how long they make this there home but why traveling to Gheth for now be alert :warning:


Is this a supply route for FW? Why people go there?

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Yes i believe it is, the next sys on the gate has a massive structure at its gate, it makes the gate look small, anyone know what it is?

:reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :reversecongaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot: :congaparrot:

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A L E R T O! A L E R T O! A L E R T O!

A L E R T O! A L E R T O! A L E R T O!
A L E R T O! A L E R T O! A L E R T O!

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Calm down, miner.


Absolutely lie i just went past and there no gankers in this system :melting_face:


Thank you Sargon a colorful post indeed

Just look at zkill its not that hard, you cojld look why you are auto piloting next time


I can confirm. I was just there, it is a SAFE space.


Latest? The entire pipe from Esescama to Mehatoor has been a ganker hot spot for the better part of the last 2 years. :slight_smile:




a particular place or point.

“a nice secluded spot”

Well its nice you know that, as for the number of show boating freighters that don’t this post is for them.

But thxs for your input all the same

Are you just like this stoned out of your mind?

Nobody reads any of this, there’s just the same 12 people here as always.

Those freighters don’t even care, they are all nullblob AFK hauler alts.


May be, but getting more people to read the forums would be good, even wannabe gankers might come here and end up at your toxic blog, is that a bad thing

So just like eve in game its about content even if you dont like the subject matter

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But if Githany doesn’t defend the Frat and Goon RMT botters’ freighter alts auto-piloting their way to Jita to sell trillions of ISK worth of DED loot, then who will?

Githany and Co. are the only ones looking out for the little guys, who are most vulnerable to being abused by cheating scumbags like you.

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I really like intel like this as it makes the other areas so much safer.


I never once seen Githany try to protect Ventures in Unpas or Isanamo.

Always fixated on nullsec freighters.

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That’s a lie

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Anyway to my nemesis and arch nemesis good morning and i hope you have a good week.

You can refer to us as the Princess and the Cat Creature.

Instead of good mornings, we want ten year PLEX subs.