Walk Ye Not the path of Gheth

Wait, which one is the cat creature:
Iceacid or Destiny?

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Besides, if people are so concerned about RMT why dont you go find the actual bot, thats just an excuse to kill freighters and any other ship, anyway somebody already said itā€™s a faction Warfare supply route, thatā€™s not killing Bots

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Helooo forumšŸ˜„
Iā€™ve been taking notes of the main routes between empires/territories on the Map. I love looking at that thing and noting interesting places, mulling over certain courses of actions, traveling, staging, scoutingā€¦ @Githany_Red Thanks for the info. Gheth sounds like a nice destination for a holiday :smiley:

Hey, itā€™s PvP, someone has to diešŸ˜„
If I were a hauler I definitely wouldnā€™t undock anything over a billion without the means to defend it but oh well, someone had fun.

Fifie & the Few

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We all know that is Destiny.

cat creature confirmed


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you could have posted this in Aikoā€™s ā€œlook at meā€ thread in this same forum .
notice that our princess is no longer -10 , must be nice to afford keeping her minions and herself over outlaw status .

ccp should take a look at their tag mechanic , which allows the rich to profit from ganking with impunity ā€¦

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Buggs LeRoach Even I can tell that reply was saltyā€¦

There is a thread for tears for complaints such as the one about;

their tag mechanic

Calm down Buggs.

Iā€™m a lawful tax paying citizen, protected by CONCORD.

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Not true.

Aiko shared that you would pay her 1 billion isk to roleplay as a neglected house cat.

Itā€™s working as intended.

You all whine and complain how -10 didnā€™t come with high sec consequences so you pushed to remove tethering and moving ships about. And now that that has happened, you whine and complain that they arenā€™t -10 anymore because they use a legit in game mechanic to bribe concord (or maybe, just maybe, they are farming tags. Gasp!) and then complain how only the rich can gank.

You call them poor plebs, then rich plebs, you complain that they target newbros, then whine that they target high value targets to pay for tags.

Just sounds like you enjoy whining.


Who you hired

I believe this is a hinge route that gets you an all highsec path from Amarr to/from Jita.

If you go from

Jita > Hek

Hek > Gheth

Gheth > Amarr

All highsec.

Been doing it since the idiotic Triglavian garbage storyline that removed the Niarja path.

I could be wrong, I think this is the system I use, but I canā€™t access my accounts atmā€¦ Iā€™m working (ha!).
I will return and report if I happen to discover Iā€™m a complete moron and am wrongā€¦

yeahā€¦ Lawful Evil.

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Nothing Evil about taking from the rich to give to yourself.

Nothing idiotic about it. You had the opportunity to fight to keep it out of the hands of the trigs, and failed. Itā€™s your own fault. You obviously didnā€™t want it that bad.

There is a lack of clarity in that comment.

There, I fixed it for you.

Youā€™re welcome!

(I hope you know that the reason why I razz you so much is because I like you and you donā€™t seem to take forum banter personally.)

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Umā€¦ thatā€™s kinda why they made the tags to begin with. They want ships blowed up. Lots of them.

We did fight all day, we even had the upper hand untill a Good fleet arrived and tipped it back at the last minute

Personally i enjoyed the Trig thing it was pve, pvp and ganking all in one, yes i know it had to follow a story and maybe if the minmatar havenā€™t done so well we could have kept Niarja.

It was amazing, and there should be more content like this were capsuleers have to fight for something or loose it.

It was the most amazing event. I loved undocking in systems under trig attack, the that ominous red, and all the warning holigraphics. Trigs warping in on top of you.

I miss it.