Walk Ye Not the path of Gheth

yes , FW players had neutrals entering plexes , and had to wait for them to attack first , or lose SS . tags allowed the FW players to preemptively attack and easily regain their SS using (then) inexpensive tags . ccp changed the mechanic so those neutrals now go suspect . so , you’re correct , tag redeeming was to encourage explosions , but i doubt ccp intended the way they’re being used now .

doesn’t really matter much to me , tho i prefered pirates to be blinky , as I’m not above taking the opportunistic pot-shot at them …

My Pilot is who I make him to be and the more he interacts the more he finds out about the weakness of those who try to razz him.

Not gunna lie. I have many weaknesses.

The biggest one is being sent 1.0 bil isk (or more) with “just because.” written in the memo line.

That will give me an anxiety attack. I would have to know why. And what’s the catch. And I would then get really paranoid because no one is that nice. Then I’d start feeling guilty because I would have to do something back in kind.

So whatever you do, don’t send me 1 bil isk (or more) out of the kindness of your heart. It would result in pure torture for me.

I want to go out side of Highsec, I want to have fun. I want to be invited to dinner parties. I like to drink and online game/ sure I can float a donation… but what about me? Where is my invitation?

All I see is give me give me give me…
kekw table scraps that is all bottom feeders ever ask for…

Want me to really ruffle your feathers?


You do love me!


You fake scum Sargon!

Frostpacker despises your very existence in New Eden!

This could not be more accurate tbh.

Rich is right. When I read that people waste thousands of [currency] on these games just to “win” and be online big shots, makes me wonder about their psychological stability.

You need some proper Eve music. What I do when I’m not playing Eve…and I make my own Eve background music.

Can you make a couple songs about me?

Don’t you guys already have the Safety dance ?

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No I want a song about ME, mememememe.

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I been here all alone
Now that you’ve arrived, please stay a while
And I promise I won’t keep you long
I’ll keep you forever.

I dance with the dead in my dreams
Listen to their hollowed screams
The dead have taken my soul

I know where you are likely to pass
I’m gonna get you.

I’m the best

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:musical_note: :guitar: :notes:

I’m the best
I’m the best
I’m the best
I’m the best
I’m the best



I hope this is the case and he is not just silently enduring a lot of emotional pain and suffering in the process. :stuck_out_tongue: :thinking: @Iceacid_Frostpacker blink twice if you are not okay with forum banter. :eyes:

So we have Aiko self proclaiming to be the best

Im not linking her in the hope she doesn’t answer

And Frostpacker not blinking


Look there is far more at play here that is clogging the HighSec pipe…OKAY?

Sargon quoted;

I’ve been a little fed up with the way Safety has been managed by the “Princess”

Safety dance is dump.

Watch out Sargon…this last evemail and now looking at your safety dance above on this thread… it is clear who is playing the neglected house cat…


This is a sign she had sent you to communicate with me.