Walk Ye Not the path of Gheth

I’m Capsuleer numero uno. The best of the best of the best… with honors :saluting_face:

Isn’t this song about you?


Fixed it for you.

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You’re delirious.
Take your meds🙂

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Are you a licensed psychiatrist?

Because diagnosing and prescribing treatment (even as simple as saying “take your meds”) is against the forum rules and a violation of community guidelines.

I’m flagging the post and ISD can decide what to do with it.

Calm down pirate

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I am not comfortable with where this discussion is heading, please change narrative ie; “I feel…,” “ I’m doing this!"

He should take his

:smirk: :innocent: :partying_face:


Why don’t you take it to the Supreme Court? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Alert the F.B.I and the N.S.A while you’re at it. :sweat_smile:

I’m a Clinical Psychologist but I specialized in Slapstick in Drama, too.
For your case there is no meds, you’re S.O.L, sorry.:laughing:

PS: I flagged your post for being off-topic :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Sure you are. :roll_eyes:

Sounds to me you don’t like following the community guidelines. Given your little rants with the ISD. Take it to the supreme court? What kind of nonsense is that. That right there tells me that you’re not educated in anything let alone psychology.

But I forgot, you’re having a stimulating conversation with your alt so I guess it’s fine to give yourself medical advice.

Flagged your comment for being off topic and childish.

Now you’re in denial :grinning:


Look at you guys, a little attention and you go right off rails sigh

Yes, I’m in denial over you lying about your real life profession.

You got me.

I flagged your post for being too darn sexy.

Stop it!

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Of course I did, wouldn’t be the best of the best of the best otherwise😃

And they call me delusional.

Simply the best of the best of the best better than all the rest :hugs:

my heart’s on fire :melting_face: :ice_cube:

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