In all honesty, bring back some form of the watch list coupled with a limited number of war decs per corp/alliance.
Not sure of the numbers but tie it to a CEO skill. Say maybe 10 per level, with an advance that grants 10 more per level. Make it train the same as weapon upgrades/advance weapon upgrades.
Bring back the watch list but make it a warlist. It is limited to showing online activity of war targets and have it be pre populated so you don’t have to add new contacts but give it to both sides, so if you Dec me, I can which members of your corp are online/offline and you can see mine. You would still have to run locator agents to find people (or use real scouts/Intel).
Costs, maybe tweak at both ends so it cost more to dec but the per member cost is decreased so the range is maybe 100 mil to 1 bil. And still allow mutual war decs.
No one would be exactly thrilled at those settings. However it would up the cost on the low end but limit big corps from cost immunity to decs, limit the number of wars, help find targets, provide fair Intel to both sides without out using evewho, but would probably be hated. I know I am missing glaring flaws in that idea so rip away.
Indeed, on top of people inviting members mid war to avoid costs, you’ll get war deccing corps that don’t want new or casual players because they aren’t pulling their weight. And defenders will not want new or casual players because they make them a more attractive target.
And what we have now is the opposite problem. Corps spamming invites or fluffing numbers with alts to ramp up the cost of a dec against them.
How about a delayed activity tracker for war targets. So it doesn’t show current online status but a score for activity showing who might be worth hunting? This might limit much of the potential for tracking titans / supers etc. I dunno it’s late.
we had it for years.
was also used defensively by clever targets
read the thread i linked.
a hard limit on # wars wont help,
and dont think im for this hub humping warpspamming station gamy shite either,
just that further restrictions arent whats necessary.
I think we can all agree that war decs at the moment don’t make the attacker ask the question "is it worth it ". Is it worth my time and isk to war dec this corp/alliance .
Depends on the limit and cost per Dec. If it is say 100 war limit, at a minimum of 100 mil isk per war per week, then that is some very pricey immunity. If it’s say 5 wars and 50 mil per war them yeah way too cheap and easy.
And I think this is the problem. We all have a general idea of what we want but argue about the actual numbers.
I think the issue is that what is too expensive for one person will always be cheap for another. You think 10B (100 x 100M) is prohibitively expensive? It is for the little guy or even the medium to large guy, but there are corps who could afford this as a dec shield.
Any price based restrictions will screw the poor guy while still becoming the standard for the big guy.
Limit to number of decs is also exploitable. And what happens when a corp that is decced joins an alliance that is already at its limit? Does it shed the dec?
The difficulty of deccing loads of corps should be that you have lots of enemies. It’s not the wardeccers fault that the thousands of enemies they have don’t want to work together. It’s like anti-ganking all over again. Don’t be ■■■■ and you won’t have a problem.
Having observatory arrays as an almost necessity for gankers to hunt targets will give defenders something to focus on as well. Take out their infrastructure in the area, they can’t hunt you.
This. Mass war decs are only a problem for weak targets that depend on NPCs for safety instead of creating their own safety. If those targets would understand that EVE is a PvP game and fight back effectively the war would rapidly come to an end.
The problem with a high-end limit that would sufficiently discourage using alt corps to fill your own cap is that it does very little to discourage real wars. Allowing 100 wars against a corp is more than enough for everyone with an interest in fighting them to declare war, unless you’re talking about major corps/alliances that don’t need protection in the first place. To have any kind of meaningful “this is too much” limit you have to set it low enough that it’s plausible for real wars to fill the cap, and at that point it’s easy to fill your own cap.
Make it so that mutual wardecs don’t count towards the cap (since there’s no cost for that now anyways). So if a group wants to try to make themselves immune to wardecs they’ll have to keep spending ISK to maintain the wardec’s against the multiple shill corps. Sure this could still allow carebear groups to make themselves immune by filling their own cap but they’re going to have to pay for it, just like people can pay higher taxes in an NPC corp for immunity to wardecs right now.