Preventive measures to protect yourself from getting the virus because you don’t know if you don’t have it or becau you don’t know if you have it can be harder to accomplish than when the fog of war , lack of knowledge, is
Tests can give you that detail.
Accurate tests even more so.
Selling trusts and comfort is not going to solve the problem when the problem is not going to solve itself with it.
Lots of people think it’s ok, unfortunately , it has the other consequences.
If you take precautions while you have it, you may prevent the spread.
If you know you have it and don’t take precautions you may be liable.
Since many don’t know if they have it, if they don’t have it, if they had it, if they had it twice or more, precautions are more important to improve control and prevent higher percentages to gain more control.
The worst control scenario is everyone has it 10 times ASAP.
I’m checking tests in China but data is not published, South Korea is not on the global listing from a phone search, but had data on new deaths.
Physical distancing is good to prevent spreading, but , how long, and , how did it work when used effectively. Was the economy also collapsed then due to it, or did the distancing end before economic problems.
Realize if you cause worse or worst economic problems due to distancing and lack of business it is going to be worse or worst, not better.
There are ways to go about and prevent spread.
Hospital staff couldn’t work without it.
There are fines to be in parks or unauthorized places due to lack of precautions to prevent spreading. If people don’t want to wear protective measures or can’t, they should be fined, if they try to mislead authorities with communication gap and abuse public funds, they can also be fined or charged. Because authorities are too stupid to do so and support crime doesn’t mean other global authorities can’t find out how and why.
I will always remember events from 1983 as another subsequent intent to cause me criminal damage for life since 2012 during the Sean Smith case due to communication gap. The same one which causes them response delays now. They are liable.
That is in Canada by the way.
My system captured illegal data , however authorities tried to hold me liable while trying to cover up robberies of inventory programs to record them doing it.
If I support them, I would forfeit my international rights.
China also does that.
I screenshot the rest because the connection was interfered due to spying.
I will add it later from a system with less restraints.
I’m also in courts against those spies btw.
They refuse to accept evidence of crime , to forfeit legal actions I may have against those committing crimes and attacks against me, while trying to confuse, lead into non-sense, and try to credit themselves, while trying to incriminate for reporting evidence of crimes they refuse to accept report of , treacherously so. They are not doing their job and are getting paid for it, and lie about their intent to cause the psychological warfare.
The same crimes they try to hold liable of , including after other refusal of reports of robberies while trying to forge evidence in courts and interfering against engagement in marriage and security, literally , disrupting intelligence to render more stupid and make their targets be idiots as act of war.
I don’t need an electronic system to prove it because my systems are designed to work offline as well.
It is stupid of them to try to justify it in courts because it is worse than immoral. All I can do is design system related to it for after I’m dead because of the fraud they do. I have to write to a US court judge about them.
Preventive measures are needed , because, the virus was spread from cases with no symptoms, and , the surfaces it’s on, may have to be cleaned from them.
I don’t know how effective spreading of substance is to prevent it from spreading, but something or some other reason caused it from stopping .
I don’t know if it’s going to solve the problem or do nothing but those applying it need protection to avoid contracting it , or spreading it.
The lower the amount of spreading the better it probably is to slow it.
For data protection , it’s important authorities abusing security are reported other to authorities because they try to team up to cover their attacks and justify it.
Like now, they want police and other they decide to get paid while others are potentially denied like me if stolen, robbed or denied security in the past, like if it wasn’t part of the cases. They also try to make systems to detect them seem non-sense, idiots and so on.