War On Corona Virus!

I was reading this article about using the MIT-Patented “At Home Eye Exam.” that involves using your smartphone

If a person is asymptomatic, is there a way of detecting the asymptomatic conditions of the person using an eye exam?

If the EyeQue is able to be used at home to detect variations in the eye due to a person being asymptomatic, then more people will be able to test themselves at home with the EyeQue device.

If a person’s pupils dilate to a certain degree due to being asymptomatic then the EyeQue and app would be able to read the dilation and confirm asymptomatic conditions.

The more people who are able to test themselves at home means that the virus can be detected and contained that much easier to drop kick the virus in the jimmy.

The eye test comes with an attachment for your phone to look through plus the app.

Preventive measures to protect yourself from getting the virus because you don’t know if you don’t have it or becau you don’t know if you have it can be harder to accomplish than when the fog of war , lack of knowledge, is
Tests can give you that detail.
Accurate tests even more so.
Selling trusts and comfort is not going to solve the problem when the problem is not going to solve itself with it.
Lots of people think it’s ok, unfortunately , it has the other consequences.

If you take precautions while you have it, you may prevent the spread.
If you know you have it and don’t take precautions you may be liable.

Since many don’t know if they have it, if they don’t have it, if they had it, if they had it twice or more, precautions are more important to improve control and prevent higher percentages to gain more control.

The worst control scenario is everyone has it 10 times ASAP.

I’m checking tests in China but data is not published, South Korea is not on the global listing from a phone search, but had data on new deaths.

Physical distancing is good to prevent spreading, but , how long, and , how did it work when used effectively. Was the economy also collapsed then due to it, or did the distancing end before economic problems.

Realize if you cause worse or worst economic problems due to distancing and lack of business it is going to be worse or worst, not better.
There are ways to go about and prevent spread.
Hospital staff couldn’t work without it.

There are fines to be in parks or unauthorized places due to lack of precautions to prevent spreading. If people don’t want to wear protective measures or can’t, they should be fined, if they try to mislead authorities with communication gap and abuse public funds, they can also be fined or charged. Because authorities are too stupid to do so and support crime doesn’t mean other global authorities can’t find out how and why.

I will always remember events from 1983 as another subsequent intent to cause me criminal damage for life since 2012 during the Sean Smith case due to communication gap. The same one which causes them response delays now. They are liable.

That is in Canada by the way.
My system captured illegal data , however authorities tried to hold me liable while trying to cover up robberies of inventory programs to record them doing it.
If I support them, I would forfeit my international rights.

China also does that.

I screenshot the rest because the connection was interfered due to spying.
I will add it later from a system with less restraints.
I’m also in courts against those spies btw.

They refuse to accept evidence of crime , to forfeit legal actions I may have against those committing crimes and attacks against me, while trying to confuse, lead into non-sense, and try to credit themselves, while trying to incriminate for reporting evidence of crimes they refuse to accept report of , treacherously so. They are not doing their job and are getting paid for it, and lie about their intent to cause the psychological warfare.

The same crimes they try to hold liable of , including after other refusal of reports of robberies while trying to forge evidence in courts and interfering against engagement in marriage and security, literally , disrupting intelligence to render more stupid and make their targets be idiots as act of war.

I don’t need an electronic system to prove it because my systems are designed to work offline as well.

It is stupid of them to try to justify it in courts because it is worse than immoral. All I can do is design system related to it for after I’m dead because of the fraud they do. I have to write to a US court judge about them.

Preventive measures are needed , because, the virus was spread from cases with no symptoms, and , the surfaces it’s on, may have to be cleaned from them.

I don’t know how effective spreading of substance is to prevent it from spreading, but something or some other reason caused it from stopping .

I don’t know if it’s going to solve the problem or do nothing but those applying it need protection to avoid contracting it , or spreading it.

The lower the amount of spreading the better it probably is to slow it.

For data protection , it’s important authorities abusing security are reported other to authorities because they try to team up to cover their attacks and justify it.
Like now, they want police and other they decide to get paid while others are potentially denied like me if stolen, robbed or denied security in the past, like if it wasn’t part of the cases. They also try to make systems to detect them seem non-sense, idiots and so on.

Ohio had another increase of 358 new infections today.

Coronavirus: Trump announces hold on US funding for the WHO

The total number of global cases has surpassed 1.4 million, including more than 80,000 fatalities. Over 290,000 patients are reported to have recovered. Get the latest updates from around the world:

:us: President Trump calls the World Health Organization “China-centric” and vows to withhold US funding

:fr: Death toll surpasses 10,000 in France

:canada: Canada to manufacture 30,000 ventilators

:brazil: Brazil reports largest daily increase in cases

:uk: UK Prime Minister in intensive care unit

:jp: Japan declares state of emergency

:cn: China eases lockdown restrictions

:kr: South Korea has fewer than 50 new cases for the second day

:it: Italy sees lowest rise in total cases since March 10

These guys rather pay everyone else before me, even if their lives depended on it.
It was the same thing during the 9-11, before, and after.
The same thing during the Attack on Benghazi.
The same before, and always, and, they try to justify to refuse the facts and numbers.

What do you expect.
They only charge you 10,000% more, and rather lose 10,000% each instead of saving over 100 trillion percent by paying me first instead.

Must be good to learn that way.

If they made more than asteroids, they would die from emotions, or, to be able to get them, and bring more tough viruses.

New York suffers its highest single-day spike in deaths | WNT

20,928 views • Apr 7, 2020
ABC News
8.36M subscribers

Deadliest day, but how many died in the US that day, and New York?

I tried to verify how many died in Toronto and Montreal but they only have provincial numbers published, those city related numbers are not displayed.

Now would be a good time to move out where there are less people around.
Before now would also have been a better time.

However, if you only have mild symptoms, I’m not sure if it is better to work there than somewhere else with less people around, since mild symptoms may or may not mean you have it.
In fact, some people have mild symptoms, but they are symptoms of other causes.

Needless to say, not only does police have to deal with the problems to themselves, which, was already worst before, now, they have to inform the families of who didn’t pay me enough before, and died before.

Coronavirus is infecting, killing black Americans at a higher rate; U.S. reports largest single-day death toll

I’d have to say that Sickle Cell Anemia is too blame.

Sickle cell anemia is one of a group of disorders known as sickle cell disease . Sickle cell anemia is an inherited red blood cell disorder in which there aren’t enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout your body.

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China’s new coronavirus cases double as imported infections surge.

BEIJING (Reuters) - Mainland China’s new coronavirus cases doubled in 24 hours as the number of infected overseas travellers surged, and new asymptomatic infections more than quadrupled, pressuring authorities to tighten measures to stem local transmissions.

Unless there is a vaccine the notion of a peak to the virus is nothing but false hope. The flu season has a peak, then again this isn’t the flu.

This virus may appear to flicker and go out but it will spark right back up like a fire in paper factory.

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This article has a video:
With the Supreme Court expected to soon decide the fate of DACA, some health-care workers worry their future in the U.S. could be in jeopardy. (Zoeann Murphy/The Washington Post)

Which, DACA, is a program for illegal immigrant, to have their children work in the US for 2 years, if they don’t have a felony, or, serious misdemeanor, although, they don’t include , if others who speak their language try to cause problems against families providing global security, with serious misdemeanor charges, while they are related to the army in that exact same country they go and get 2 years contract for work, while entering there illegally, besides the misrepresented fraud, and other viral problems caused against information systems.

It does cause global problems of the same magnitude as the pandemic.

My mother had anemia most of her life, amongst other things, and people are not sick for no good reasons.

Btw, the exact same fraud reasons to interfere against programs and work are used to interfere against security to have enough accurate data to solve the pandemic problem.
It doesn’t take a global military intervention to figure it out even if they do intervene because of misrepresentation of criminal cases leading to viral pandemic.

I just can’t wait for the next stupid eeeeeeediot to come and sell me his ways to be more stupid as mean of disrupting my intelligence.

Ah, so, I get it now, the reason the Virus was slowed in China was due to “their” lockdown, not due to lockdown.
The people doing the lockdown there took good measures against spread and it is those measures with proper PPE that stopped it, not the people in lockdown.

As soon as the lockdown ended, all the cases with the virus are going around, unprotected, and spreading the stupid onto others as they would have done to them, onto them, and on the sole of their shoes, so they can bring it hone, and change into slippers or sandals when they get home.


Coronavirus: Half of all confirmed cases worldwide are now in Europe

The total number of global cases has surpassed 1.4 million, including more than 80,000 fatalities. Over 300,000 patients are reported to have recovered. Get the latest updates from around the world:

:us: US reaches 400,000 confirmed cases

:fr: France to extend nationwide lockdown

:brazil: Brazil reports largest daily increase in cases

:uk: UK Prime Minister “stable” after second night in intensive care

:ethiopia: Ethiopia declares state of emergency

:cn: China eases lockdown restrictions

I just wanted to get more ppl off the streets and into New Eden.

Somehow it didn’t play out as intended…


Did you tell them that it was free to play?

Comment’s being made like this one coming from Anti-Covid-19 Fighters is reason why the virus will continue to be exponential.

Find those in your community who are like minded and separate them from the rest of community.

Stupid Comments

Probably not enough, given that incidence of sickle cell disorder (SCD) in African-Americans is less than 0.3%. However, those with SCD are definitely an at-risk group and need to take greater care. For anyone concerned, this is a pretty informative site (noting it is UK-based, which is interesting in itself):

This actually raises two related but separate issues that are relevant to spread and outcome of this disease. In terms of outcomes, question is why African-Americans appear to be dying at a (much) higher rate. In terms of spread, question is why they appear to be infected at a higher rate.

The analysis by WP tries to address question of outcomes ie it’s through greater incidence of underlying chronic health conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure. But it doesn’t really try and address the higher infection rate.

This article in The Guardian has a better attempt, linking greater likelihood of African-Americans having jobs that do not allow them to “work from home” and to be congregated in more concentrated urban spaces, etc. Links are also made to greater percentages of people in poverty (which seems a reasonable causal link with outcomes) and also to racism, which latter I suspect will muddy the waters for a lot of people.
'It's a racial justice issue': Black Americans are dying in greater numbers from Covid-19 | Coronavirus | The Guardian

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Alao, when you come back home, and picked food to bring home with your gloves, make sure not to infect yourself by not taking precautions at home.

Clean the material you touched with potentially infected gloves, to help prevent the spread of the virus.

Also, don’t get in contact with your hands with dirty material you might have caught on the way out and touched with your gloves, after you throw them out.

It would cause the same problems.

As for specific conditions causing more statistical problems than others, those conditions need more protection to prevent it (better).

New Canada-wide clinical trial aims to help find coronavirus cure

3 minutes 21 seconds video
61,650 views • Apr 8, 2020
660 NEWS
3.97K subscribers

Don’t worry, no one could have seen this coming. This happens randomly. But it will go on forever :joy:

SPECIAL REPORT: China’s deadly coronavirus cover-up

3,044,558 views • Apr 5, 2020
Sky News Australia
310K subscribers

World Health Organisation refuses to name staff who blocked early COVID-19 travel bans

181,144 views • Apr 8, 2020
164K views - 17 hours ago
Sky News Australia
310K subscribers

Then we make a ■■■■■■■ good couple.

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World Health Organisation and United Nations ‘as useless as each other’

64,022 views • Apr 9, 2020
64K views - 7 hours ago
Sky News Australia
314K subscribers

Those Plastic transparent 3D Printed face shield are becoming pretty useful to protect the whole face, not just the mouth, from contact, directly going into the mouth, or, eyes. and/or to prevent from touching the face.

Store staff(s) using precautions to prevent the spread (not fool proof, but better than nothing, even if it doesn’t defeat all idiots), also wear those plastic transparent face mask.

Pretty much like one of those cat cones, or , dog cones (also plastic, and, maybe not as transparent, depending)…

Ontario needs wider criteria to expand COVID-19 testing

9,020 views • Apr 8, 2020
CBC News: The National
721K subscribers

He should get a test for $300, as, he’s a doctor, and earns over $60,000 a year to start.
Also, he should get the test for working with patients, or, COVID-19 patients.
People will eventually also need tests, and, potentially tests or records, to verify how many times one had it, if it is useful.
If the numbers of times someone had it is not useful to know, then, that data should not be gathered at large, except for sample cases, for other related research.

Ah, he’s not a doctor, it’s his doctor who recommended it.
Then, he should pay for it, until the system to test is more available to regular insurance.

No private labs test to the general population unless in critical conditions, or possibly, dead.

What (Hydroxy)chloroquine Does To The Body

422,860 views • Apr 6, 2020
1.34M subscribers

Trying to take medicine to get in emergency, hoping to beat the virus, is not a good idea.
Not only does it potentially steal medical resources, you will probably be taken off, to help diminish the amount of theft in fractions of seconds, per seconds.

A Guide To Designing Low-Cost Ventilators for COVID-19

520,843 views • Apr 4, 2020
Real Engineering
Real Engineering
2.33M subscribers

How a long-forgotten virus could help us solve the antibiotics crisis | Alexander Belcredi

266,333 views • Dec 7, 2018
16.7M subscribers

3 mins ago

Racism usually does muddy the water, especially during a pandemic such as this one where people are finding out how life really was before laws came into play. Basically as the situation erodes, the primal fear of emotional savagery will set in. Emotional savagery is the point when a human loses control over the ability to see other humans as humans but instead see humans only as a predator coming to kill them. Even if the person is not coming to kill the person, the fight mechanic overrides the flight mechanism. Once the flight mechanism has been overridden, all the person sees are demons.

Its a classic example of the mindset of people who are serial killers or orchestrate mass murderers/suicides. In their mind there is no alternative other than to kill all humans in their way until enough humans have been satisfied to ensure the safety and domain of the person. Such a primal thought would then involve establishing barriers, such as building pits around the domain of the person and filling them with the dead bodies or putting the bodies on a stake and raising it high in the air.

When another group or person sees such, horror, they will either walk away or see the domain as a sign of strength. The group would then ascertain if the domain is controlled by one person or a group. If the domain is controlled by a large group, the wanderer group might try to join the group adding to the security and well-being of the domain as a whole. Or the wandering group might try to kill the group or single person and take the domain for themselves adding the bodies of the owners to the pits. The domain might even try and kill the wandering the group to add their dead bodies to the pits.

In the end the aspect of racism factors into the equation as the person who is the most brutal, most intelligent and most sympathetic being the traits that the females of the domain are looking for which then translates into racial culling of those who are not just like the dominant female or male of the domain wants everyone to be.

If you read about cannibals and tribes belonging to the H. Anteccessor group of humans, you can see how fast human can and will de-evolve back into a primal state of basic instincts as a result of an exponential pandemic such as this one.

How the government delayed coronavirus testing
