This observation makes absolute sense, based on locally low dietary selenium (Se) and its mooted implications for reduced immunity.
Popular science articles were published 30 years ago noting that global influenza outbreaks tended to become more virulent once they had gone through Se-deficient populations in China. Coincidentally, an example of a Se-deficient population in China would be in Hubei province (capital Wuhan). The possibility that COVID-19 did therefore originate outside China does seem quite possible, but then so is the likelihood that it subsequently took off in China simply because of naturally limited immunity.
This same mechanism was mooted to be the reason why initial HIV infections in southern Africa were inexplicably high in the heterosexual population. The three initially at-risk populations identified 40 years ago (for AIDS, before HIV was identified) were gay men, intravenous drug users and Haitians. But, no-one seemed to take much account of this high heterosexual infection rate in southern Africa and a potential correlation with the underlying soil geochemistry. Now, if you look at that same African soil geochemistry, specifically Se, the low-Se geochemical regions correlate very well with high Ebola incidence across the combined Congo, Angola and related regions. (No idea how other Ebola hot spots compare with alternative micro nutrient deficiencies but idea is still seductive.)
Given this proposed underlying susceptibility to viral infection based on micronutrient deficiency, the concentration of SARS in regions where Ebola is already âendemicâ makes absolute sense. Back in China, it has been known for 60 years that a particular form of heart disease was caused by an otherwise benign virus, specifically in regions of low-Se, and that this could be prevented via Se-supplementation. What makes less sense is that human trials of the impact of Se-supplements do not seem to have advanced very far since then. The form of the Se, method of its delivery and dosage all seem to play a part and yet there doesnât seem to be a definitive protocol out there for how to ensure high enough levels? Nor does parallel research appear to have gone much beyond papers noting that Coxsackie virus, influenza and even progression of some cancers appear to be limited by good dietary Se levels but again, without proven human trails on how to ensure that dietary level.
Bottom line, the potential to protect yourself from COVID-19 via Se-supplementation is empirical but appears sound enough. So, if you really need to start hoarding food stuffs, I would potentially stock up on Brazil nuts.