By finding people who love to fight. People with Warriors’ attitudes. People with actual self esteem who care more about the fun of fighting, than about winning. The problem isn’t the game, but a society made of weaklings. It doesn’t matter if you’re outnumbered. it’s a moral win if you manage to outsmart even a single one and kill him.
That’s a fine theory. I even agree with it. My ancestors were Samurai. But gunpowder. Oh, a new mechanic that allows a peasant to kill a more highly trained, virtuous, real warrior. With little training or effort.
I see wardecs as that gunpowder, if that makes it clearer. I get what you’re saying, and 510 to 9, IF the nine were trained, spiritually, as well as tactically, and knew what they were getting into… Fine.
This? This is not that.
queue the Godfather music
I’m sure this is a cultural reference. I’ve seen the movie. Your ‘godfather’ crap is like the Yakuza, or the Ninja. Criminals who have no honor. I’m not sure what the music represents, even having watched the movie.
Is there an additional connotation to the musical scores chosen?
its much much worse than that out in null mate
incidentally, have you considered using mercenaries?
This is also true.
Only the guys with the blue armbands are friendly.
Well… friendlier than the guys with no armbands.
It’s really not, because null is sparsely populated, whereas high sec is saturated with contacts.
Its sparsely populated with people that have in your previous view graduated from High Sec
Whereas high sec is mostly full of NPC miners and Weplay YouDon’t’s Jita and Amarr alts
It was in response to @Ramona_McCandless
yeah it is, for many and varied reasons, not least of which being the hordes bloodthirst savages that blow through.
if you cant stand up in the relative safety of highsec , what makes yoiu think null would be any different ?
Let’s be real here… Highsec is a lot more dangerous than nullsec…
Because I happen to know that it is, AT A CERTAIN minimum competency level.
The real issue is the new players, grinding their queues, getting isk, and getting ready for dipping into the high end of the pool.
It’s mental, more than anything. If you’re afraid, then you will lose. If you think ‘I can handle this,’ then you maybe can. At least you will try. Whereas if you are sure you can’t, then you’re right, you can’t.
We need to be allowed to develop.
Here’s a better solution. Have your members join a large corporation that is already well established. Over time a lot of people (especially those in Eve University and other training corps) will feel ready and compelled to go off on their own and start their own corporations already with solid ISK capital. Once your members feel ready, they can go back to your corp with the experience in hand to help you deal with the problem.
War Declarations are a risk that every player corporation has to face
You are developing, by the way. The players war deccing your corp are helping you do just that.
Either spend time training, or spend it making isk.
Doing both without risk is not probable.
I’ve read your post, and CCP Falcon delivers on all the points. He tells you the bad news, and he spins it in a way that makes CCP bugs and flaws seem like features, intentionally designed.
He’s a great PR rep. But aside from telling you how wonderful you are at letting yourself be blown up, your dreams dashed, your players not even allowed to safely develop, he says nothing.
He even admits ‘every other mmo’ allows this. It’s like a backhanded apology.
As outlined by CCP the last time they made changes to the mechanics in 2012 (Changes to War Mechanics):
The first question we asked ourselves is why touch the war dec system at all? Isn’t it functioning fine? The answer to that is yes, and no. The system is not broken, it’s not useless (though underutilized) and it does what it’s supposed to do (allow people to fight legally in hi sec). But things were not absolutely peachy.
Allowing legal fighting at the corporation/alliance level in highsec is exactly why the mechanics are needed.
Not only does it allow characters to kill other characters, it allows structures (POCO, POS, Citadels, Engineering Complexes, Drilling Platforms) to be attacked. Without wardec mechanics, corp assets would be 100% safe.
If this is the case, then surely wardecs should be embraced.
No better way to prepare for the ‘real’ game in null than needing to be careful and responsible for your own and your corp mates safety?
Wardecs turn highsec into null without bubbles. To be safe, people at war need to use scouts, intel networks, watch local, use instadock and insta undock marks, create gate tacticals, etc. Wardecs bring those useful skills to highsec.
So if it’s true, that highsec is about preparing for nullsec, embrace it and go proactively declare war on the wardec groups. Then teach your corp members how to survive.
They’ll be much better prepared for null as a result of it.
Personally, I think highsec, lowsec, null and WH space are all equal choices in terms of spaces to play in. Null isn’t end-game and high just a starter zone. It’s perfectly fine for people to stay in all 4 their entire time, because each area of spacxe has its own unique mechanics that people can find enjoyable.
Either way, the wardec mechanics serve a real purpose and highsec would be less interesting without them (and all assets would be 100% safe, which would be a poor situation).