Agreed a few eggs need to be broken, Personalities and egoo’s need to be focused! If a few people get pissed off then they need to refocus!
Only if they have a structure
Maybe CCP should add; if they have a structure or; if they have recently declared an active war themselves.
Or you know, actually come up with a real solution other than a quick fix that crumbles if someone sneezes nearby.
Wardec Nerf incoming
A real solution might not be feasible due to how the current code is or what else it touches; in the time-frame they need to move on this.
Edit: /me “thinks” I wonder what the fine print says.
I’m basically happy I can pretty much just be an interested bystander as all the bugs crawl out from under this change.
My scout (main) is in a basically one man corp and it used to get wardeced from time to time because some mad miners payed mercs to hunt me. Vendetta even got me once
With this change they can’t wardec me anymore. But I can still wardec local miner corps which most likely have a structure.
This is once again an effect of what is known as Malcanis’ Law and some carebears still don’t understand how it works after all this years.
The same thing is true for all the other merc alliances. They don’t have to fear wardecs from other mercs anymore if they have no structures which gives them even more control over their wars.
You aren’t updated as you think as CCP just stated that probably you too will need a structure to be able to wardec someone
Maybe being the aggressor in a war, current or past should make you a viable target of a War Dec as having a structure in this new “temp” band aid.
Edi: Kalldaar’s point would have the same affect as my suggestion, as long as you can’t deploy a structure, declare war, take down structure, to get around that. It needs to be something like having deployed a structure in the last 6-9 months or something.
What are you suggesting, Sol? A grand coalition of hisec ne’er-do-wells? An army of psycopathic, sociopathic basement dwellers galloping through clouds of dust across a wasteland of mediocrity and trite, boring inanity to fight the hordes of change?
I would. I really would. Sadly I hate everyone.
sorry can’t provide you… was a talking point on today’s keynote
Ok, I didn’t watch that yet
All of the above!
It was said on the keynote.
Kinda obvious to normal people.
But we play EvE…
Lol, you want to tell me you count yourself among them?
I watched it now. It was mentioned with a big “possibly” and given all the other loopholes they face it’s still possible this will not be in the December release.
The 5 groups that have historically made up of 50% of Wardecs have found most of their content from Nullsec groups.
Those 5 groups aren’t targeting newer player and really have no interest in specifically killing a newer player. They are interested in killing a nice ship with potentially good loot. So Nullsec groups have been the primary focus of these “big 5”. Don’t believe me? Well I’ve been in 2 of the 5 and I’m telling you from experience. Still don’t believe me? Go trowel through the War history and you will see that most of the war are against Nullsec groups.
the statistic is irrelevant in this case… still a handful of people ■■■■■■■ the lives of thousands