Wardec Nerf incoming

So mad about a computer game


Right I know. The point I’m making is that this change does little against our ability to farm Nullsec idiots. Let’s be honest that’s why all the crying is really about.


I think you are projecting lol… I don’t know if you’re talking to me but if you are couldn’t possible be more wrong :slight_smile: things are going my way since I came back to the game and as I can extract joy from the game doing a variety of things lately I’m enjoying just talking to people while I play something else and keep an eye on my contracts and market orders :slight_smile:

Sounds really mad though

well… nullsec + idiot? please be my guest, blow them all up

nah :slight_smile: my words are pretty neutral… I think you are reading too many strongly worded evemails from miners and is this is starting to affect your reading lol

The truth is that the targeting of small noob corps hasn’t been the motivation or interest of the major groups that are constantly complained about.

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It could be… but sometimes the complains of a “minority” are aligned with the complains of a “majority” and in this case will work very well for noobs and such… and the best part is that the big corps will still be affected by the war… the only problem I see is that now if you guys wardec a giant alliance they can just come to HS and gangbang your structures and put a end to the war… but let’s be honest? if you wardec a bigger fish you deserve to be eaten… lets see what will happen :slight_smile: I’m hopeful

…because CCP has been kissing their asses forever. Not because they’ve been harassing noobs.

Learn your history, brother. Not the revisionist kind you’ve been reading from CODE mouthpieces, but the kind you’ve actually experienced by participating in for the last ten or more years.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Yep we have no issues with that. If a group want to come to highsec and continuously grind our structures them more power to them.

We enjoy brawling on structures against a larger force. We’ve done it in the past and it’s been fun.

Do you know who Cannibal Kane is? How many times have you heard complaints about him?

The “big 5” referenced in all this have never been groups that take a personal approach to wars. They have been blanket dec groups farming content around a watering hole. The blanket dec groups that are least likely to stretch their legs and pursue a specific new player target and have an impact on them aren’t likely to have the negative impact on new players that has been discussed.

I think it’s much more likely to be the small group or solo guy that is playing in a specific small area and actually being a present threat to the defenders.


Trying to say those corps just sit at a gate and never use locator agents and pursue their targets is untrue at best.

Saying those corps don’t attempt to find the least capable corps that can defend themselves is also untrue at best.

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I’m Just A Witness, Not A Salty Nub.

Except it is true. We use locator agents mostly to find out where other mercs are that we’re at war with. We use them defensively and offensively in that we want to know if they are trying to setup a trap for us, as well as knowing where they are at so we can attempt to trap them.

We also use locator agents on big targets like Jump Freighters and known cyno alts. Today we got baited by Ranger Regiment and they did very well at honeypotting the whole thing. We wanted revenge so we fired off locates on some of their members to see if a second crack at it was going to be possible.

We aren’t running locates on players in thrashers and thoraxes because we don’t care about killing those guys unless we’re paid to do so.

So we keep rolling blanket decs going on the Nullsec groups that historically feed us the most. I would say that a very high percentage (like 95% of the decs we have) are because they are either a Nullsec group that’s worth farming or they are some random corp that we saw hauling 10b in a Freighter. I can’t speak for the random “mercs” that don’t actually have clients and don’t take contracts. I’m saying that the “big 5” don’t fall into that role. Groups that do what you describe do exist though, I agree with that. It’s just not “us”.


That died with the loss of the buddy list, which was lobbied for by the CSM.

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You’re half-correct. Hunting and stalking is still possible and is mostly done by the smaller more focused groups. They generally stick to a smaller area and dec things that are near them. This cuts down on the amount of running around and chasing ghosts that they have to do.

We lost the watch list. The buddy list is what we have now.

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You wasted your time there. But your conflating is textbook and transparent as you made the mistake of touching on other activities. Perhaps players who do “nasty” things, but don’t permadec corporations of noobs, are not here to be your shield?

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Trust me they don’t, they used to but only time VMG/PIRAT actively hunted was JFs and Marmite.

Or we just won’t show up as we’re sooooooo risk-averse and just keep dropping structures everywhere to be a bigger ass.

Its funny that guys like Jennifier En Marland & Cyber Fighter manage to solo kill mercs yet everyone else cries on the forums about these unkillable entities that constantly stay docked.

No one called you unkillable, just that your basically killing the Bambi of space.

Looks at killboard

Sees most people in battleships or PVP ships
