Wardec Nerf incoming

Hopefully “Temporary Measure” doesn’t mean the same thing it meant too CCP in 2012…

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An interesting question would be, if this change would discourage highsec corporations to spam space with citadels? I mean, those things are freaking everywhere.

But then again, heard citadels are a pita to take down in highsec. So maybe not.

I want a no PVP button so I can rat in peace instead of pieces In low/null/WH and immunity from high sec ganks.

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Maybe you just don’t know how to reddit and understand that there are multiple ways to view a thread.

By top comment for example, the thread agrees with the change:

I didn’t know one half of all wars come from only 5 corps, or that they destroyed over 100 ships for each of their losses.

That is a bit, off.


I can’t disagree with you there. Reddit is one of my least visited sites.

I click the link and read what I’m presented with. And what I was presented with was as I stated.

You may filter out the stuff you don’t want to see, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Ratting safely in Jspace? what else? one trillion and a buccal massage?

no real need, but goons/test can now own highsec too!!

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Its an interesting change and one that forces curre… aah what am i saying; it does give new entities and folks that dont want to pvp a chance to actually come together into groups properly but yeh, if they dont flesh it out more i’m not sure it doesnt just break wardecks and eve up more.

Concerns could be not being able to wardeck a wh corp before an invasion because structure is in someone elses name or being able to wardeck lowsec pirates because they have no structures at all or indeed any rental alliances and well… i think everyone knows that though it has some merit corps dont need structures anchored by them to use them and that if both parties dont need a structure then again; its a one sided war.
highsec structures could also open up to being a huge rental empire… though to be fair ccp probably think this would be good…

many issues could arise

I thought you were talking about this thread. Still, some random on reddit talking about screwing with people means nothing at all, as it was pointed out, the most popular comment is supportive, as I think most people are.

But hey, don’t let me stop you from trying to make a childish dig at Ima.


Another half-measure that will be exploited to find out who has structures. Great job.


Was this announced anywhere other than on Reddit ? Do we know it’s really a genuine CCP statement ?

Which is a good thing. It makes EvE a tough game and it is supposed to be hard. If you as a new player after a few weeks don’t understand you are used by the CEO you mentioned than you are not suited to play this game. Not a game mechanis problem but a player common sense problem.

Eve Vegas, it was part of the key note.


As a war decker, this makes absolutely bugger all difference, it will just continue to prove that we don’t actively go for newbie corporations as stated by CCP in the minutes.

For the guys who are saying ‘rip wars’, you obviously have zero understanding of the mechanics. I’ll see you all in December when the forum is full of posts still complaining.


As much as I support blowing up newbies and showing them what actually makes eve unique.

Forcing newbies into mining ships just to stare at rocks is not something I can condone. They basically get bored out of their mind and think eve is all about mindless mining or rat grinding. Losing players because some people won’t allow others to explore eve in its fullest is not healthy.

Forcing newbies? Nobody is forcing them. Were you?

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True. Eve have no problem with player retention. Nor people misunderstanding what actually eve is about. Never heard these lines before “eve is just spreadsheets in space. BORING!” or “It’s too hard to get into, so why even bother”.

Jep jep. Nothing to fix here.


Where did I say there is nothing to fix? My opinion is that protecting new players from the harsher parts of the game will not help eve in the end being a better or more fun game. CCP’s “fixes” of player retention ccpo introduce the last years (what I have noticed since I started playing) have NOT worked. More nerfs will NOT fix the problem.