Here is my proposal:
Wardec vs Watchlist:
Wardec and Watchlist should remain separate.
Purchasing Wardec enables legal conflict.
Purchasing Watchlist enables, well, Watchlist.
You dont need to buy a Wardec to buy a Watchlist, or vice versa.
Reasons for this:
- Not everyone that buys a Wardec, wants Watchlist.
- Not everyone that buys Watchlist, wants Wardec.
- It helps adjust costs for either, as separate, especially in regards to mass wardec vs mass watchlist purchases.
- Helps mitigate against 1man alt corps buying Watchlist info for cheaper, and transferring data to Wardec purchasers.
Wardec mechanics:
- Wardec max quantity scales with Corp member count.
—1-10 man Corp has max 10 nominal wardecs.
—10-100 man Corp has max 20 nominal wardecs.
—Thereafter, for every 100 men in Corp, the max nominal wardec increases by 10.
Wardec costs:
- All wardecs by Corps within the nominal max allotted above, cost as per usual.
- All further wardecs bought beyond the nominal max (as above, dependent on member count), incur an additive 10% increase in cost.
Watchlist mechanics:
Individual character Watchlist:
—Purchased through the Bounty interface.
—Unlimited in number.
—24hrs in duration.
— Target is not informed, nor receives Watchlist on purchaser.
— NPC Corp members cannot access this service. -
Corp-wide Watchlist:
—Purchased through Wardec interface (even if not currently at war)
—Unlimited in number.
—24hrs in duration
—Targets are not informed of being watchlisted (largely to reduce spam mail)
—Is individual per character, per purchase.
—If character swaps Corp during this duration, they lose the Watchlist data.
—NPC Corp member characters cannot access this service.
Watchlist costs:
Individual character Watchlist:
—Cost is reduced scalar to the amount of Bounty on the target.
—Cost will not drop below 1million isk. -
Corp-wide Watchlist:
—EVE calculates the difference between Watchlist purchaser’s Corp data and their target Corp data.
— Such that the greater the difference, the less it costs for smaller Corp members vs larger Corps, and the more it costs for larger Corp members vs smaller Corps.