Wardecs are not the problem

I read this and started thinking of all the ways I could attempt to abuse this system and get peoples isk. Which side am I on?

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They may be restricted, but given the new limit of 20 mil SP, the ability to fly BS down with medium T2 weapons (on say a hurricane), and the ability to cross train factions (including the use of pirate faction cruisers), Alphas are no longer the simple 5 mil sp limited toon. They could be a dangerous force and should be included.

Also, why people want to exclude alphas seems odd. An Omega that is a few days old would be less skilled, yet people want to count that? No all toons should be treated as equal.

As for your proposal, i personally disagree with the premise. I don’t think war decs and watch list should be separate. I prefer that if you Dec or are deccer by a corp, both groups should be provided with a fully populated watchlist so that both sides get equal intel.

i think you should take the invite that was offered,
its not the circle jerk you might imagine
and we need as many reasonable heads in there from both sides as possible.

Invite expired :confused: Please resend.

You’re still not in the discord
You have no excuse it’s been 3 days now

E: it was a 24h invite link like it usually is

E2: I don’t see the point of buying a watchlist on its own. And it’s abusable as all hell too

We don’t have to imagine it, because they already have structures in holding corps in or near high traffic systems. How often are those holding corps war decced right now with current mechanics? CODE example is a bad one because they’re mostly -10s and can you can shoot them for free, but the war dec cost would be the same whether you’re deccing CODE or their holding corp to kill their structure. Most of them couldn’t assist since FacPo will come blow them up if they are on grid for more than a few seconds. Sure, they could get allies to defend their structure, but they can now, too. Maybe eliminate free allies with you shift the cost computation from defender to attacker?

I’m not in a big war dec corp, but I can only assume they also already have structures in holding corps. War dec costs would be alliance based not corp based, so splitting into smaller groups means they also have to leave the alliance. Probably not a big deal, but it would probably still cost them a lot more for 5 different individual corps to dec a small indy corp than it currently does. They’d still have the freedom to do it, but they’d either have to spend more or be more selective in picking war targets.

Would POCOs count as ‘structures’ if the structure requirement for war were implemented? They’re not currently Upwell.

– Musing Gadget

A purchasable watch list separate from wardecs sounds pretty damn good, actually.

Keep the price fairly high, target automatically gets to watchlist you in return and you’ve got a method to hunt specific targets rather than blanked watching anything of remote interest.

When the only counter to mechanic (watchlist) is to not log on, then people don’t log on. This is not good for the game as a whole.

Will people not log on as a result of watchlists? Considering the lack of watchlists has also done its fair share if damage by literally annihilating an entire play style, it seems some new compromise must be found, no?

War Dec corps were already mass deccing before that change. They and super hunters just want the watchlist back by any means or guise possible.

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I don’t believe free intel like watchlists were ever good for EvE.

Again its on par as a stalker list, and if you “need” this intel, I suspect you lean towards botting.

This is such a garbage response. “Oh, if you don’t agree with my position you must be a botter.” That is just pathetic.

BTW, guess what you do when you are hunting something…you are stalking it. :roll_eyes:

Sure, it is a lazy way of getting content.

Why would lazy people (mass war deccers) want something that means they have to put forth more effort?

This threads is a veritable fountain of hyperventilating, hyperbole, and tears.

God I :heart: GD


Sure, I suppose there could be this effect. But there is likely a positive effect too. Seeing an old buddy log on and chatting with him/her is a good thing. Seeing a super pilot you are hunting logging on and sending out a ping to form a fleet gets more people to log on.

Yeah, yeah, I know I’m probably botter. :roll_eyes:


You terrible person, you.


Pretty much this.

While watchlist removal contributed to the growth of the mass dec model when it happened, that growth was pretty inevitable given the benefits of consolidation.

Consolidation was going to occur regardless because of changes in target population and structure-related changes.

Adding watchlist back does not change much of anything wrt war decs because it only acts to make all decs more efficient. So, scale still wins.

The mass-dec portion of the argument against for watch lists is not viable.

Edit. Derped the last line

You can see the old buddy log on still though because you both friended each other… assuming they think of you as a buddy also. :slight_smile: .

I’m quite ok with locator agents giving online information though. Spun in some ic term like ‘active pod connections’ or whatever. But the notification the second they log on. Or even a five minute window. Is just too powerful.
Locator agents would require an active action on your part for a non buddy. And that’s a good level of opportunity cost involved also.

I don’t seem to remember him saying that. We can infer that the vast majority of players whose assailants were killed by CONCORD were, themselves, killed in high sec. But not all, actually, as pirates do slip up from time to time and enter high sec with a criminal timer, among other wonky scenarios. What we cannot infer is that anyone else was or was not killed in high sec unless he outright states that they only looked at players killed in high sec. Maybe I just missed where he said that?

Most corps were target deccing
And then hunting those targets…
