Warning-less Auto-Subscription Renewal - Now I can't pay Rent

Enter the ‘Red Box Business Model’. YAY CAPITALISM!! YAY!!


No offense but if you were that tight on money that 15 bucks caused you to not make rent then you probably wouldn’t have made rent anyway. That means your priorities are off.

It should go,
Real Life > Online Gaming

Not the other way around.

I pay 3 months at a time… If I have a situation that looks like I may be tight on money, I cancel Eve’s sub renewal then, RIGHT then… not when I think I may not make it. I also keep 500PLEX saved at all times just incase I need to plex up just for 30days.

I bought my PLEX with the ISK I made in game.

…Or just use a credit card. Not that I’m advocating anyone suffocating themselves with high interest debt, but if you treat your credit card like a debit card (spending only what you have to spend and being aware of how much that is), the worst you’ll ever run into is a declined transaction.

Even if you hadn’t accounted for and thus couldn’t cover the full expense when your credit card statement was due, you’d be paying interest on $20 and not wondering if you were about to get evicted.

If you don’t qualify for a credit card, get a pre-paid card.

Is there no company behavior too low for the CCP apologists to defend while blaming the victim?

Some of the stuff I see you white knight CCP for makes me sick to my stomach. And while there are plenty like you in other games, this one seems to have more than most.


I dunno how it’s in Australia but I doubt OP will get evicted because of one failed payment. Isn’t that what the deposit is for? Also at least over here in Europe would typically take at least a couple of months (i.e. the typical deposit worth) before you can evict someone.

Mate I’ve been shitting on CCP probably longer than you’ve played this game (can’t tell because that is probably your alt - post with your main). I’m just saying for anyone who plays MMO’s the way the payment system operates shouldn’t be a surprise, it’s been the same across just about any game I’ve played for the past 20 years or so.

  1. He’s a victim only of his own making.
  2. “warnings” for a subscription that you subscribed to are redundant.

Do you think netflix sends warnings when it’s about to bill you every month? How about your utilities (when you’re subscribed for direct debit)? What about anything that you have pre-authorized?

Literally by definition, pre-authorizing a transaction is saying “yes it’s okay to take this every X number of Ys”.


If you think he’s a victim, then you’re as stupid as it gets. This is no different from Netflix, a magazine subscription, Spotify… it’s not some predatory practice.

If you don’t wanna subscribe, then buy PLEX and go Omega with that.

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  1. Can’t
  2. You have certainly been here many years less than me.
  3. You are still trying to justify CCPs bad business practice.

■■■■■■■ everyone operates that way.


Go ahead and define subscription for me Foggy.

So that makes it okay?

Got it.

The OP literally agreed to it. It’s not like it was hidden, it was quite plainly visible in the account management when the auto-renewal would come out. Eve has always been a subscription based game.

So again, I’ll ask you, what is a subscription? (edited because spelling is hard).


I’ve said twice or thrice now that I wouldn’t mind seeing the policy changed.

Also, I’m not sure but I just realized that the reason the OP didn’t get their reminder email might be because they had an active subscription, meaning their sub wasn’t about to end as the email system understands it, and therefore did not send a reminder email. Just a guess though, as I’ve never used the active subscription model, I’ve always cancelled autobilling.

P.S. for someone who has played 11+ years then you seem oddly unaware about CCP’s policies.

The problem with people in a cult?

They don’t think they’re in a cult. It’s not my place to try and deprogram you.


Stop projecting.

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Gotcha. Your lack of answer is likely due to a lack of understanding. So allow me to educate you.

It’s literally a pre-arranged agreement to pay a sum of money (either static or variable, per the agreement) between two consenting parties.

The OP ■■■■■■ up on his financial management, and wants to blame CCP for it. You accuse us of being CCP apologists for defending a business practice that has existed since long before we even had electronic payment.

I charge you as an apologist towards financially irresponsible people who cannot shoulder the blame for their own mismanagement. The circumstances that lead to this are irrelevant; the end result, mismanagement was made, and it was entirely by his own choice. Nobody forced him to subscribe to Eve.


The idea of a subscription is that it renews on a monthly or yearly or whatever basis. Been that way before the internet. Always had to take extra steps to stop the auto deduction. Sorry bud…

Well if you don’t have it you don’t have it. May as well spend the $639 :wink:

I don’t think it’s the industry standard at all. Everything from my car insurance, to my phone bill, to my cable bill have an opt-in for auto-renewal. In fact, my insurance convinced me to do it by lowering my insurance premium.

In fact, now that I’m thinking about it, short of the things I intentionally and specifically remember opting into like Insurance, the greater majority of my subscriptions are opt-in auto renewal instead of default.


It absolutely is for any subscription based MMO you can pay with credit/debit card that is as old or older than EVE is. Ultima Online and WoW work exactly the same. Probably many newer titles as well, altough sub based MMO’s are a dying breed.
I never brought up any other subscription services.