Warp Core Detonation

Rather than just pew pew until killed by CONCORD in a suicide gank you can do this at like 1% which then does way more damage to the victim than the pew pew was doing :skull_and_crossbones:

So basically smartbombs?

Only similar in that it’s area effect, it’s not a module think of it as immidiate self destruct with a bang

You won’t be able to suicide gank because you would need to be in 25% structure to detonate.

This already sort of happens with titans nowdays allowing it on smaller ships would be complicated-how much should a cruiser do or how much a dreadnought and still fall shorter than a titan destruction aoe

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I already answered that… if I were making up the mechanics, that is.

I wouldn’t make it a module. Or if I did, I would simply disallow its activation in High Sec.

But it could be a side effect of the standard explosion / Self Destruct of our ships. And the amount of current Cap would factor into how big and how painful of an explosion you would make. With a High Sec balance whereby your Cap automatically drains the moment you explode (maybe you leave behind a few Cap Charges in your wreck).

That way, Titans exploding still make a big boom. And a Shuttle or Corvette makes a tiny pop. But you could throw a bunch of Cap Batteries into something to increase it’s effect when it goes.

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Wouldnt be the Warp Core…

Try the PEG system, that is the actual power generating devices you are looking for.

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Wanna know how I’d abuse this?

Hull tanked battleships. Hundreds of them.

Imagine UALX with self destructing battleships… they’d have a full rack of smartbombs, prop mods, DCU, and bulkheads.

When you get into the middle of the hostile capital fleet via MJD (get a warp-in 100 off, MJD in, you’ll be in before anyone can do anything) and then start smartbombing. Because of TiDi you’d have at least a week to turn on your self destructs whether there’s a 25% limit or not.

The server will be spewing flames from trying to calculate many thousands (possibly even tens of thousands) of hit calculations. And by spewing flames, I mean it will quite literally freeze exactly like when the Goon supers made the mistake (lol) of jumping into the system.

Assuming the node survives, you can bet that 4-500 hundred battleships would nuke every single fax, carrier, and dread within range, as well as take a substantial amount of buffer off the now unsupported supers. Titans wouldn’t really care much, save for the fact that they’re now unsupported too.

Kamikaze would definitely be a thing.

Another way? Hundreds of Atrons. They’re so cheap they can be insurance frauded, fit with nothing but a prop mod and a medium smart bomb (as well as enough fitting stuff to make the medium SB fit). Next time there’s a hostile gang, we won’t bother fighting, we’ll just get a bubble on them, cyno in the atrons, and see them in Valhalla.

Edit: Sorry, my forum fu is sucking today. Meant to reply to the thread, not directly to Marcus.


What is preventing me from setting up a duel, getting my structure to 25%, and docking the ship without repairing it?

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Space Bushido obviously.

Use smartbombs and do it on grid with your prey… much more honourbru.

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no definitely the warp core not the battery

totally depends on how much damage it does, as I said damage output would need to be determined as not to be abused like this

25% structure with no armour and no shield

Even at a “mere” 10k damage(a single arty volley, so “meh” already), 4-500 battleships will cause 4-5 million damage. There’s a reason smartbombs only do a few hundred damage. Any less than 10k and it’s not even worth doing, as you’d usually have more damage output via your guns.


…affect affect your shield, armor, and hull according to your resistance profiles.

With 4-500 battleships you can guarentee that you need just one SB each, all you have to do is make sure that “wing 1” has SBs fitted/onlined, and “wing 2” does not. Then you put the right number of people in wing 1, tell them when to push the button, then tell everyone to light the fuse and bam.

ok so just add a rule into the mechanic that says if you have smart bombs fitted warpcore can not be detonated, solved.

Make it like a cloak with a GO/NO GO switch you can turn on at any time but that wont activate the explosion until you reach a certain hull % and needs a short amount of time to trigger. Try using it in hisec and concord neuts you dry to prevent suicide bombings.

You sure do have a lot of caveats and addendums to this idea of yours. I think mine is simpler.

Don’t call it a Warp Core detonation. The warp core is nothing terribly exciting in Eve. It is for Star Trek, b/c the Warp Core is their primary source of power. But in Eve, the Capacitor is the primary source.

Which is why I said we could make it contingent on the amount of remaining Capacitor when you die. And in order to make sure it doesn’t cause collateral damage in High Sec, you could have it automatically dump the Cap at the last second, leaving some Cap Charges in your wreck or something. Or as @Nico_Boru just suggested, a Concord frig could spawn in at the last few seconds and Neut you.

And speaking of Neuts, there’s how you prevent losing people during a battle when something pops and you’ve got drones or allies nearby. If you Neut them down enough, they won’t hurt too much when they explode.

On the other hand, it would make Batteries, and Nos or Cap Boosters almost an Offensive weapon b/c it would make you more lethal when you die.

Agreed; the more "well except if"s you add to an idea, the less sound it is.

It should slide right in, no K-Y needed. The moment you start adding extra lube, it gets a whole lot harder to handle as a concept.

As for neuts/cap, it does nothing to prevent me from using smartbombs.

And if @abandonship’s smartbomb caveat is added, I just make it a doctrine requirement to pre-duel someone and get to 25% hull first. Ships don’t autorepair (do I sense another caveat coming?). THEN we titan bridge, undock/warp/mjd, or whatever form of delivery we intend to take, and it’s even easier because we just activate as soon as possible.

Last time I checked, Smartbombs were pretty damned Cap hungry. If you’re Capped out, you can’t run them. Although I’m not entirely sure what the argument is about Smartbombs vs Power Core Detonation? Just following up a bunch of AOEs with one more?

It’s was just a basic idea, not a finished product. The point of posting was to get ideas to make it work. This was stated in the initial post. This forum was named player ideas not game developer ideas. Yeah so hopefully more caveats coming from lots of different people. Now you have poked holes in it regarding exploits, now put your creative hat on and pretend you work at CCP and they gave you this and said make it work