In your blindfolded dreams maybe…
You surely have NO clue how buisness works…
In your blindfolded dreams maybe…
You surely have NO clue how buisness works…
However little he may know about how business works he knows far more than you, the same can be said of Eve.
lol what a clown you are, was that supposed to upset me or something? hahahaha try harder.
i know your view on the game is twisted and you have this hate thing for CCP and cant’ help but jump up and down with glee that PA bought CCP adn you can’t wait for them to change the game into your little dream the Balos Bubble.
balos a.k.a. salvos?
replying to myself duh
don’t bother Balos, done talkin with ya, you’re a troll or an idiot, maybe both.
In no way i try to upset you nor out you as clueless…you do the job pretty dam well…
Not knowing how a buisness works but still denying that the decisions that were and will be made will be strictly profit driven and ONLY can lead into ONE direction is nothing but funny…
You think you are clever but EVERY word you post shows that you have NO clue…
Tradition is irrelevant,just the maximum profit counts and 90% of all games in the market are nanny games and so eve will be reconstructed to one…
And there is nothing you can do or say about it.
And that’s the ultima ratio.
Even if you taunt me i’m still right…
Carry on…i can take it and will not flag you…let it all out…
troll confirmed
Because i let you taunt and offend me and promise not to ticket you?
Strange definition of a troll
YES let it all out…
Are you qualified to proclaim this as the ONLY way things are going to happen?
Are you a specialist in corporate takeovers?
Do you work for PA or CCP?
Are you an authority in any way on the matter?
Did you know that not all takeovers are in the pursuit of direct fiscal gain?
Do you realise that changing a long established game in the fashion that you propose is an incredibly risky strategy to take when PA have potentially just laid the best part of 1/2 a billion on the table?
I don’t think that any of the above is true of you, every single answer apparently being a resounding I can’t hear over the sound of my own voice, because you’re too busy impressing yourself and polishing your own ego to realise you look like a fool.
Your posts aren’t about the game they’re about you projecting what you want, with zero concern for about whether or not it’s good for the game; worse still you’re claiming to represent those who remain silent on the matter.
That’s both incredibly selfish and egotistical.
TL:DR You’ve got nothing to say beyond “I WANT”, and you’re being incredibly loud and boorish about it.
Do not be ashamed of your tears…
Show the world that you are proud of your ignorance…
There’s more i am than you stated…you miss the major part of it…i am completely and undisputedly right in any way…
Anybody that does not see it is simply not able or not willing to see that i am…and this is sad…
what tears you feckin idiot, hahahaha, you really are a trolling gobshtie, anyways, how about we open a convo in game, no point forcing what we have to say to eachother on everyone else, unless, that’s what you need. it is isn’'t it lol
There’s that ego polishing again, you’re a legend in your own mind. May I ask if you’re like this in real life or are you using your forum persona to (over)compensate for real life?
We all do the latter to some degree, that’s part of the joy of being online, but it’s possible to go too far and make yourself look silly. I hope it’s this, you can change this.
If the former I wouldn’t be you for all the 21 year old blondes in the world, IMHO if this is you, the person behind the keyboards RL persona, someone should have metaphorically slapped some sense into you long ago.
Furthermore you completely ignored any part of the post that may have resembled what you’re all about, which is pushing your particular agenda by claiming popular support from those that are in the silent majority; regardless of any detriment to the long established playstyles of other players or to the game itself.
And you call PvPers spoilt and selfish.
They’re silent for a reason…
You really are a dumbass aren’t you? Scamming is allowed. Breaking the cliënt isnt.