When running agency stuff, I have the counter on my screen to track my progress, then I get a notification AND a mail from CONCORD for each completed goal. Is there a way to not get the mail?
It’s just too many redundant updates, especially since getting 10 points for the agency is not much of an accomplishment at all.
Ever since the extension to The Agency, the event has been very flaky. After some timers expired, my screen was showing that I had already completed everything. Logging out and back in reset these to 0, but now kills are not registering in the tallies.
Much more QA is definitely needed for events based on this system.
Ok, the Agency Event was shaky for me at first with all the bugs and what not (hope they got shaked out).
Some Thought…
1.) Its kinda of cool for the event(s) to be based around the idea for rewarding game play that a player is doing already anyway.
2.) They should add things in like the Serpentis event did, mining, drifter kills, seeker kills, maybe some PvP styled actions as well.
3.) Getting the points throws people off, cause if they dont focus on the event they feel as if they are not going to finish or get certain rewards. I can not help but agree with some, when i say…
A.) Allow for the daily thing to happen, dumb down the timer i agree 20 hrs is acceptable.
B.) Change the format with collecting awards. Let players accumulate the pts, and allow those
pts to be spent only during the event from an LP/AK style store (from a specified npc corp ofc)
With these options a repeat of the Agency Series can be tweaked, and the rewards in such a store can be interchanged so not always the same things are in it, and players can always hope to save their pts for next time. Forcing a dock up to certain NPC stations results in the fact EvE is not 100% safe when undocking with items, current Upwell Consortium member corps serve as an example for this.
4.) Things like Mystery boxes what not, i can not agree with unless its an item you can purchase with pts and sell on the market/scam with, like the loot crates that drop from the NPC miners.
5.) Over all i found the Agency Event, just ok and a bit of a grind for those trying to focus like myself with multiple accounts to get the reward.
A.) Gameplay was a little lackluster as the only thing new i had to accomplish was scanning sigs,
something i do not normally do.
B.) Even with 1 account, the rewards were really lacking only the skin mattered.
C.) Except for the Tengu/BC bug, there was no reason for players to congregate and socialize to
knock out this event. ie: Lack of grouping up, Lack of increased PvP occurences.
D.) Type of missions were not varied enough…no Bounty Hunter completions(ie KR), no mining
stuff, no ganking(or other criminal acts), no prevention/retaliation completions(killing suspect)
, no interdiction missions (kill in NPC miners), basically a plethora of playstyles were not
included that could have been to encompass all of EvE as an event portrayed as rewards for
doing things you already do.
and i think i will stop here, just my 2 cents.
T;LDR: Agency Event: 4/10
That was a lot of reading and I really appreciate the very detailed posts. Yes, even the lengthy ones.
Where are we now?
The major issues were ironed out. Extending the event helped us tackle a particularly difficult bug concerning the Challenges getting stuck at zero seconds. Another smaller, much less prolific issue has cropped up. Other than that, we’ve got most of the “new feature” parts of the Agency working.
What are we going to do now?
The next 2 events have used some feedback already provided, but not everything. We made minor changes concerning the rewards but please remember that not every event is intended for you. In the future, we want to move that direction but there is a lot we need to figure out concerning our capabilities.
Daily challenges work. That does not mean we will only use daily challenges for all events, but instead we will try to use it for a few events while we implement some new systems that scale. The problem with the challenges is figuring out how much effort is the correct amount of effort for a particular reward. This has a lot to do with the way we present challenges and daily challenges are just an easy (not the best) way to do it. A lot of this was in response to the “it’s too grindy” sentiment from Shadow of the Serpent and we feel that there is still a lot we want to change about how challenges work.
As for the rewards, we started small and will ramp up (not with the next 2 events, but soon). We didn’t want to start by giving away everything and then trying to nerf the rewards. Another thing that concerns me: many rewards are subjective. Not all of them, but many of them are. We are still experimenting with reward ideas and trying out a few things to see what might work.
In the end, we don’t want to introduce too many new things during a single event. However we do want to introduce a few new things each time and build up towards a better Agency system as well as better overall events.
Communication at the start was a bit slow, but once you got involved it has been really nice to read what is happening and most importantly, why. Very much appreciated.
Information from a dev is a rare thing, let alone a constructive conversation.
He means that daily challenges “work” for other mmorpgs by compelling users to login for a couple hours every single day and hopefully they stay logged in a couple more hours after they finish their chores.
LMFO. So the metric and status quo for you that you are basing your assumption that “daily challenges work” would be World of Warcraft. They have WEEKLY EVENTS.
1 week will be battleground pvp event, next week pokemon-esque pet battles, 3rd week mythic difficulty dungeon runs, next week arena pvp, 5th raid bosses, next doing lots of quests etc etc etc.
Notic there mr CCP DEV, your “DAILY CHALLENGE IDOL ROLE MODELS” have an event for specific players, yet you always get like 2 per month minimum DESIGNED EXACTLY FOR YOU.
New players, Pvp, crafting, dungeons, raiding, etc etc.
Your garbage system will have us waiting MONTHS before we get an event “INTENDED FOR US”
What a joke. Stop half-assing copying WoW dailies and just photocopy them
WoW got it right, they have the millions of subs. Dont halfass copy it and try to improve on it lol.
Wonder why www.eve-offline.net shows TQ player count crashing like the 2008 US housing market.
Keep on wasting time designing ■■■■ that isnt INTENDED FOR ME. GREAT IDEA
Make unique skins and unique clothing. Stop doing palette swaps.
No one wants the planet discovery battle suit or analysis coat. It’s just a blue and orange version of the sisters of Eve analysis coat and new battlesuit that’s on the nes.
If I didn’t like the first analysis coat or spend Plex why do you think I want a recolored blue/orange version of those items.
Make racial clothing, if you want to make a battlesuit go look at the medium drop suits from dust514. Or create racial this like new hoods/cloaks for amarr, or sleek business suit style stuff for caldari, industrial clothing for minmatar etc.
No one wants a blue T-shirt with some dumb writing on it.
More facial implants, more accessories and customization for Wis stuff later on.
Same for ship skins.
No one cares about sukkevesta skin on tengu. It’s just the default tengu skin slightly recolored. That’s lazy and uncreative.
5 Plex is useless. I need 500 a month for this account alone.
5 Plex from the event is worth less than the time it takes to acquire it. Either drop meaningful Plex drops or don’t bother.
I did 200+ sites during rogue swarm, maybe 300. Only got 4 Plex during the event. I actually lost money on the Plex drops when I could have gotten and sold a booster.
If it’s not going to be a meaningful drop of 100-500plex for an ultra rare drop I don’t care. 1plex is worthless under the new failed Plex system.
Boosters… Don’t know where to begin
Less than useless. Haven’t even redeemed mine yet. I have no use for it and it’s not worth anything.
Good rewards: real amounts of Plex, good skins, creative clothing/augmentations or accessories and tattoos, implants, skill training boosters, bpcs, bpos, large isk sums, LP, rare modules or ship hulls that are unique to the event.
No one wants a one use booster for 30 minutes of +3% armor rep or a 100th of Plex needed for game time.
Also @CCP_Dragon one more thing the daily timer needs to go completely.
You are flat out wrong, 100%.
Dailys don’t work and please don’t try to spin that. No one here will be fooled.
Also don’t bother making events that aren’t for everyone. At that point it’s not an event. It’s career agent missions.
If someone chooses to spend their time grinding event sites that’s their choice.
I would not have bothered with rogue swarm if I was limited to 1 site per day. I hopped to highsec, did my 200-300sites I don’t remember anymore and got my grind itch scratched. Then I was done for the rest of the event. Never got any meaningful rewards worth much isk wise but I have a fairly sizable skin collection from it now even if the skins are all worthless.
(Should have dropped ALL skins, like serpentis skins or Sarum or nugehoevoi or whatever. Not just kador,justice,valimor and wiyrkomi. Those are largely some of the ugliest worst skins in game next to ratta sunset and blue tiger.
Timers are bad and there should be no limit to how much work one can do towards acquiring what they want from an event.
If we’re gonna start daily stuff and login bonuses just making project discovery one level per day. Everyone would still be level 20 or so at 1 level per day. Not 100+ already and some up I the 200s or 300s.
Im liking to grind it down fastly, too. Or im not interested. Rogue swarm? a some funny losses, didnt quite catch me, but whatever. For the agency… i dunno. I already gave my feedback as polite as possible, i dont like being blocked out of content. You know, i dont even got anything like double XP for the first 10 PD samples a day. It doesnt block me from doing it like theres no tomorrow (level 314, woozaa).
In the end, you guys at CCP will decide what you think is right anyways, and probably say again theres always critic in something new.
Hi. First time posting in Eve forum here, and I just want to say that I really, really enjoyed The Agency. Could it be made better? Yes, there is room for improvement, but conceptually, this has motivated me to log into Eve more than anything else has this year. I hope that there will be a 2.0 of something like this in the future, and that it will be made permanent. Please think about it.
If you need to give people incentives to play, then you try to address the fact that people actually have no reason to play. While it seems like a good idea to thus add a feature which baits the baitable into logging in, it is counter-productive for the long term.
Without an automated system able to constantly create new content, you will find yourself in the situation where you need increasing amounts of dev-time specifically for those who demand new bait.
Culture is affected by the increased amount of players not playing simply for what the game offers naturally, which is has been player-driven content… Culture is affected by reaching out for those who have a consumer’s mindset. Changes implemented in the last years, combined with CCP’s marketing tactics (see respective threads), make it clear that CCP is trying to attract consumers who are easily baited (see: The Agency) and also easily manipulated (see: marketing).
It’s a downward spiral. Of course, on the surface, it makes sense to implement something which baits people into logging in. Looking deeper, though, it becomes obvious that this is a band-aid to a situation which CCP caused by themselves.
It is either a (real life) cultural phenomenon preventing you from realizing that you need to address issues at their roots (aspirin does not cure headaches, it simply masks out the pain making it look like there is no headache. The Agency == Aspirin), or all decisions in these regards are deliberate.
I perfectly understand that a society, driven by consumers who create their own products makes perfect sense, but unlike real life, people can and will opt-out of participating in such a society eventually, because fun is all that matters to them. You can not force them to participate. That only works in real life.
As it will be CCP’s responsibility to provide fun due to the constant reduction of the amount of content creators (or people willing to create player-driven content simply because of the MASSES of consumers who WILL complain and demand), and as efforts and rewards will have to increase over time, over every new generation, all you achieve is pushing the inevitable a bit forward into the future.
You have a good point with fun vs. satisfaction. I figured I’m more the satisfaction seeking type of player. My motivation and fun to do something comes from the expected result. Doing something (in the sense of work) for the sake of doing, I consider waste of time, you can better spend the time on some maybe useless but relaxing stuff. In EvE this means, rather chatting and posting during play session instead of cooking some products which only would bring a measly profit … or participate in an event with miniscule loot and no kill mails.
We’re a dying breed, waiting for extinction. though don’t make the mistake thinking that higher rewards change anything for the better. on the contrary!