What Actually Is Eve Online?

Thats why your blocked until 3024. You are not able to engage in constructive comments. Meme is not a constructive comment, memes are data and phisphing scams.

EVE Online is a game where you sit around with your thumb up your ass until an extractor sale comes up. Then transfer the ISK to your builder to keep him busy until CCP figures out how to increase the player base so he can sell some of the ships piling up in his hangar.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

You sound salty.

The next expansion looks exciting.

/scratch that I read it as 2026


Coming from you it sounds like it will be an ice mining expansion. :thinking: :blush:

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Wouldn’t hurt tp have a nice Mining expansion… without all the nerfs if possible.

I guess. Am not a miner so I’m indifferent on the subject.

My comment was in reference to the Frostpacker clan (and in-game corp) and their prominent member Iceacid Frostpacker and the clan’s profession as expert miners and wordsalad (probably with iceberg lettuce) enthusiasts. :blush:

Yeah I’m aware of that, I read the papers…I mean the forum. You two keep going back and forth about about isk, debts, mining and a princess.

I’m not a miner either - unless completing the Industrialist Producer and Entrepreneur missions make me a Miner - but I am interested in what happens to Mining and Industry since it affects the prices of the ships I may want to buy.

Is it looking good?

we have seen them come and we had seen them go…No other pilot has ever achieved such greatness in New Eden not even Chribba

All pilots. not just miners should respect our Princess and pay off mining debts by sending isk to honor Princess Aiko Memorial Statue the legion of hope.

Even Aiko’s critics couldn’t deny her royalty,

I think I better keep my isk to play the game. I still have to buy a fifth implant, five more 150Hybrid turrets to fit my destroyer, one Magnetic Field Stabilizer, more hybrid charges, a Microwarpdrive and two or three Hybrid Collision Accelerators and make sure I have two or three of those fitted destroyers before I undock one ( as per the 8 golden rules stated in Q&A)… I don’t have the isk to give.
And if she’s really a princess then she’s not hurting for isk and doesn’t need mine.

What’s that all about?

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Uh oh by asking that question it’s over, you’re never gonna get out of it… ever. Too late now. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smiling_imp: :blush:

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It’s ok, it’s been too late for me for quite a while, I got used to it.

Wait there’s a second memorial in game? I thought the Alliance Tournament Monument was it.

It’s the next twisting adventure.

The next twisted adventure :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Yes, that twisted adventure involves Count Felix


Is he part of the Frostpacker clan too or just a cousin?

Is Eve Online taking different words from a name such as Dry and son and putting a thought pattern together that you believe is affecting your mind?

Thats your problem for reading between the lines and believing a persons name is a layered conspiracy.

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