What Actually Is Eve Online?

Icky Achio can have its monument, but only if it can be ganked.

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I was bitten by fang… resulting in a consul personality trait to spawn, one who shows interests and the welfare of the Miner Citizens of New Eden. Topic history for him can confirm some of his messages.

Is there a serious corporation attached to that? What concrete actions has it taken toward its objective?

There is never a serious corporation attached.



It’s an interesting thread to follow, and I would subscribe because it’s about space and stuff.

Do you agree?


Perhaps we should wait and see, unless @Uriel_the_Flame was right and let’s hope that was an actual leaked document.

it’s a sandbox moba

EvE Online is the Olympic Games for mud wrestling.
"Muddious, Treacherous, Dirtious."

‘Best played with a cold one,’ says CCP CEO Hilmar, visibly enjoying himself.


I wouldn’t mind watching @Aiko_Danuja mud wrestle @Uriel_the_Flame

Don’t think either of us is into such things, it’s more a Frostpacker kind of thing if anything. :innocent:

It was a metaphor for forum PvP

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Don’t think we would forum PvP either, especially if that would mean fulfilling your related desire… especially not for free, so if anything you should pay each of us 1 bil ISK to consider it. :smirk:

Oh? I read that you two had in the past.

It happened on that thread where I didn’t like how a random treated me like a 2 bit space heater

Not sure which you refer to but either way I don’t recall any interaction with Aiko on the forums (and had no interaction beyond it afaik) as forum PvP (or any other kind).

Maybe I’m too used to (forum) banter as being regular part of conversations since the several decades I frequent various forums for various amounts of times and always found this to be normal activity to lesser or greater extent.

Not everyone partakes in such but usually there are at least some who do and it is nothing special to them just part of usual business. It is somewhat similar to how you “roleplay” on the forums, it is a stylistic choice and matter of personality, nothing personal or such. Though some might not recognize this I guess.

Unless one considers that as forum PvP, but I personally consider it as just having fun while forum PvP (as any other kind) is to achieve victory (still could be for fun and not in a serious manner but still a competitive style act which I don’t consider some banter to be when it’s more for the sake of having a laugh instead of trying to win an argument and whatnot).

That’s the best way I can describe it.

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Q: What Actually Is Eve Online?

A: EVE is where the wheat is separated from the chaff.


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You probably don’t know what the original purpose of chaff is.

Wheat chaff is the dry, thin, protective husk or membrane that surrounds the seed of a wheat plant.

Yet, you’d condemn the protector?

Not sure what you’re onto but this will help you with the origins of that quote and clear up any confusion regarding it:

Where the quote: wheat is separated from the chaff comes from:

The wikipedia articles explains all details of the quote including historical background and the agricultural process it is based on.

Played with a cold means mistakes are made and ships are lost while the player, laughing about their loss. goes into her or his wallet to get more money.


I can sell you my master excel sheet of everyone’s alt accounts for 5 billion isk

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