What Actually Is Eve Online?

Maybe try paying attention and not take a short part of an entire sentence out of context. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

I’ll give you that if you can adequately explain why my last post was hidden…


Mine was hidden too so if you replied to that maybe that’s why. They claimed mine to be offtopic so I’ve edited it to make it clear why it is related to the subject currently discussed. For whatever it’s worth, they can still flag it so whatever.

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I thought it was spot on!

Me too. :thinking: Not that it matters much just was odd calling it offtopic when it was not. :man_shrugging:


It is a shadow of its former greatness.

That’s a generic statement.

I know a lot of people that think it’s at its greatest.

I guess it depends on where you’re at in the game.

*I’m space rich and bored.

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Maybe you should try PvP?

Nice RP

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Miners know that Eve Online is the greatest!

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I wonder, did you ever try EVE Echoes?


Now that I’ve had the time to try EVE Online, seen a bit of interiors and undocked, done a few missions and used the market, I feel that I have gotten a unique perspective and valuable opinion about what this thing is:

It’s a hmm, a… it’s- it’s a- it’s a game! :smiley:

Another 5 month old thread that won’t die. I would have thought by now this question would have been buried in soft peat. However over 250 replies later and you still don’t see this game is a simulation to mine ore and gas in space. I stated this way up there ^^… Eve Online is an Ore/Gas Sim.

Fly safe o7

Opinions may change over time. In a few months I may decide that EVE is a bad space simulator, who knows.

But it isn’t just that, it’s also an industry and market simulator, a space battle and piracy sim…

Sometimes it is, especially when I fit into a ship I haven’t flown before.

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What do you call it when you can make over a billion isk per hour?

Add on having so many alts with so many skills that you can’t decide what to do?

Personally, I’m space rich and bored as well.

On topic: Eve is a conglomeration of space nerds vying to be top space nerd, through various means.


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Personally, I don’t have any any alts and am all about fun per hour.

I’m not one to judge how other people RP, as long as they are legal and don’t show signs of bot-aspirant behavior.

In my view, people are only ‘bored’ in Eve as a result of failure to take risk. What’s the point of mining 50 Billion ISK worth of ore, only to sit in dock and congratulate yourself on mining 50 Billion ISK worth of ore ? Or feeling chuffed about owning a Paladin that never gets undocked.

Eve is all about destruction. Either your own or someone else’s. And even your own destruction provides content for others. People losing ships is what makes the Eve universe go round, and what prevents it all being boring.

Maybe you should try PvP?


The only time I ever log in anymore is for PvP fleets.

Check Discord to see if anything’s happening. Play something else if there isn’t.

Ok, for the record, this is the zkill of someone pretending to PvP.

If you are space rich and bored, follow these steps:

  1. PvP