What Actually Is Eve Online?

No, that is the zkill of the forum alt of the person who PvPs.

Oh, ok, well that begs the question - who is your PvP main?

Someone not this character.

You understand the purpose of a forum alt, correct?

No, what’s the purpose?

I post with my main, like everyone else does.


I did.

Till someone got butt hurt over what I had to say and made it personal in game.

I’ve used forum alts ever since. I don’t need to have to sell another character just because some immature idiots have an irrational urge to grief people disagree with them. Ruins the fun for the people I fly with.

I think maybe you don’t PvP, and you are just pretending that this is a good reason to hide that fact. Let’s think about it logically…

If you are so bored, what are you so scared of? If you are such a great PvP pilot, why don’t you welcome “idiots” to PvP with you?

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I’m sorry. Who do you think you are that your opinion of how I play this game has any relevance to me in the slightest?

You should also get some f*cking self awareness. A ganker criticizing someone else’s PvP ability is the height of hypocrisy. I’d suggest you learn how to participate in engagements that last longer than a minute, but that’s probably a record for you.

Oh, hi, I’m Aiko.

As a PvP main, I am capable of deducing that you don’t PvP. What I say clearly matters to you, as evidenced by your salty posting. However, since you are whining about being so rich and bored (much like @Mr_Epeen has been doing for 15-20 years), I want to help and let you know that if you tried PvP, and quit being such a scaredy-cat, you might have fun and stop whining so much.

Instead of complaining about ganking, just try it - you are bored, right?

You are rich, right??

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Woah, calm down miner.

Now I understand why you won’t link your main - embarrassing Retriever loss, eh?

Yup. You participate in the least skilled, lowest risk style of play this game has to offer, but I’m supposed to be embarrassed over a mythical retriever loss?


You should be embarrassed you even call yourself a player. Your entire play style is that of a less advanced NPC, and you’re not ashamed of that?

That’s f*cking hilarious.

I refuse to associate with the dregs of society in real life, why should I do so in a game?


Are you feeling quite well?

Asks the one who considers being a badly written bot a valid playstyle?

Tell me more of your PvP stories.

Do you have one?

Why should I? I save my stories for actual players, not the ultimate in bot aspirants. Hell, if I played a game that had NPCs as bad at flying as gankers are, I’d uninstall it and demand my money back.

I mean, you’re worse than NPCs. At least the mission NPCs show up in multiple missions. Gankers are only ever in a handful of systems doing the exact same thing every time.

I see, so you are a ‘real pvp’ player, who has basically beat the game because you are so wealthy and bored, and you’ve done it all and seen it all, even though you have no killboard or proof that you’ve done anything other than cry in the forums… and here you have the perfect chance to tell everyone one of your MANY stories, right, and weird you actually don’t have any PvP experience do you?

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I have it. I’m just not giving it to you. I don’t have to prove myself to you in any way whatsoever. You can take your opinion, shove it somewhere uncomfortable, and rotate on it until the heat death of the universe for all I care about it.

You certainly seem to have a vested interest in dismissing my opinion because I won’t engage in some bizarre d!ck measuring contest with you. Why might that be?


I’m thinking you know my points are all valid, and it does terrible things to your mental stability.


So let me see if I understand, ok, so you have all these great PvP stories that would make you sound real cool, right, but you are never gonna tell them to anyone, cuz I might overhear it and laugh at you?

If that’s the lie you need to tell yourself to keep your fragile little ego intact, you go right ahead and tell them to yourself.

I could not care less than I already don’t.

If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t be yapping in the first place.


If you were right, you wouldn’t resort to logical fallacies.
