What Actually Is Eve Online?

So what will you do now?

Absolutely nothing.

You’re not that important.

Nothing? That’s it?

Yup. Take my toys and go home.

Good riddance, troll.

This is how you win Eve.

Edit: Wow. Kinda strange you got yourself muted before Dryson did. I figured you’d have more sense than James did, but I see your community is at the same level it always was.


  1. Why “bottom atoms”? Are there also top atoms?

  2. “… to create steels” What?? It’s ok for you not to understand metallurgy. It is a complex process at times. However you should not just say things about things you don’t understand. It makes you sound silly. You should stick to things you are good at, like your patented Scissors Technique :tm:

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Not atoms, but two of the quantum particles are Top and Bottom. :wink: :wink:

Are you new dealing with Dryson. That’s his entire gimmick for almost 20 years now.

YES!!! THANK YOU!!! Someone else remembers.


I was PvP’ing when you were still in diapers, boy!

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You don’t even have a Zboard.

But Sargon holds a zboard…

/Princess just doesn’t want to admire the Titan

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Dear Friend,

This is not my main.


And is on a top team this year for the Alliance Tournament

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To be able to spew a load of BS without anyone saying ’ hey…that guy doesn’t appear to have ever even undocked ’ ?


Just makes me wanna admire Sargon all that more now knowing that!

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Nah, it’s so crybabies can’t come find me in game when they get butt hurt that I disagreed with them or didn’t give a sh!t what they thought. Also so I don’t get kicked from certain channels for not strictly adhering to the dogma. For example, I’m in both ganking and antiganking chats in game, and if people knew that I’d get kicked from both.

Both of these examples have happened to me in the past.

*Has school bus.

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Sargon the son of Bob who ganked his brother James

Praise Bob


eve online is a salt generator


Now I understand why it can’t keep players, new or otherwise.
Who really wants to pay to play a game to cry? :laughing: Usually people play games to laugh… unless they play games to cry in Iceland :sweat_smile:
Never know :woman_shrugging:

Edits are a forum bug.


The purpose of a forum alt is to mask your activity on the forums, either in game or out of game.