What Actually Is Eve Online?

Does a successful PvP player need to ‘mask’ their activity?


Not everybody is a cool composed Asian princess. Some people aren’t comfortable with renown. :laughing:

Edits are a forum bug.

Yes, counter intelligence comes to mind.

Of course, you might end up countering the unintelligent…


Since Metenox have been introduced, which passivly mines moongoo which wouldnt be on the market, means that for miners it’ll be less lucrative - on top the new mining belts are still a time waste. not enough ore to mine and a 4 hour respawn timer.
The only alliance, which seems to play this content right (they just dont build skyhooks and so on) are Goons - afaik

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Yes and yesterday salt was enough to keep my blood pressure up for the whole of next week @Uriel_the_Flame

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Quite expensive though considering your due fees you owe Aiko for it. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smirk: :blush:

I’m just glad he didn’t try and make four antiganker griffins, cuz wow it sure would be embarrassing if he absolutely failed to stop us from ganking 20 freighters.


@CCP_Hellmar thank you so much for the cake.



Attention-seeking behavior is when someone acts in a way to get the attention of others, and to be the center of their attention and admiration. It can be normal, but it can also be a sign of deeper problems, personality disorders, or low self-esteem.

Why ? People have ample opportunity to target Altara or any of my alts in-game if they don’t like what I say. Bring it on.

That’s against the EULA…

Only if they do it excessively and first and foremost only if the targets consider it harassment in the first place, which in this case is safe to assume they wouldn’t (especially as she suggested that course of action to begin with) thus they would just consider it fun pew pew (aka part of the game PvP). :wink:


If only I could share GM communications.

Some people really play the system.

You can describe with your own words what they told you without actually quoting or providing screenshots of their actual messages.

Eve Online is having fun with Blingy Ships.

The Party Bus is ready for Uedama!!!

I’m not risking it.

Then pointless to bring it up as the mere mention of GM communication and implying they said something can come off as rumor mongering or worse as deliberate manipulation and spreading lies by implying things that might not even been spoken.

You could get into worse trouble if you misrepresent their words or outright spread misinformation and untrue implications that could be misinterpreted than quoting them.

So that case the best is not to say anything at all. As by doing so you’ve already put yourself at risk of breaching the EULA.

:eyes: :thinking: :psyccp:

That’s a terrible argument. To say that I’m “more at risk” for saying less is silly.

It stands to reason that you’re trying to bait me into sharing “privileged information”.

This will not happen, my friend.

You seem rather paranoid, in my latest post I didn’t imply to share anything, not sure how you got that false idea. Try paying better attention.

What I was contemplating is why mention GM communication at all, because doing so you don’t just risk revealing GM communication, because of its vagueness you also risk being identified as rumor mongering and spreading misinformation.

Both of which lead to threads closed, comments removed and some cases maybe even other actions by CCP.

Edit: Just one example for the sake of reference…

Or…I could be getting people to waste their ISK on agent fees when Altara is actually not currently active as I devote my time to new Omegas :slight_smile:

This is why I tend to sign off in space so they can never know whether I’m actually online or not when they run locator agents on me. They can waste more to map out when I’m online and still get less info. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush:

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