What Actually Is Eve Online?

Well, there is also a benefit to having 16 chars all over Eve, and multiple clone jump locations.

Indeed. Although am not that involved with EVE especially nowadays, having one alt for each NPC starter corp is a good way to reach more people with promoting giveaways and events. Also useful having some of them at trade hubs.

It’s MY cake day, and you are jelly???



What is eve Online? While numbers seem to be growing, it’s still a shell of its former self.

Happy cake day Aiko!

CCP should sell extra cake days in the store.


“Let them eat cake”. :rofl:


People use “char”. Sounds wrong to me, but I’m curious what other people use. Let’s conduct a scientific poll of what people use.

  • Toon
  • Char
  • Alt
  • Manidoowag
  • товарищ
0 voters
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/ wait I believe All would work.

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Alt accounts should not be considered a countable account because of the same person playing all alt accounts.

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To me there is a distinction. ‘Alt’ implies ‘alternative’, which implies simply an alternate login of the same ‘character’, for game purposes. Thus my AO characters are all really just ‘alternate’ logins for Altara. On the other hand, some of my new Omega chars have nothing to do with AO and are living completely separate lives. So I regard them as ‘characters’ but not ‘alts’.

Sounds right to me.
A personage in a video game is a character.
Extra characters for the same player are all Alts ( Alternate Characters )
A ‘toon’ is a character in a cartoon ( looney toons )
I’m not familiar with the other choices.

New Eden is so pretty!

That was the thought that came to me just now as I warped to a Desolate Asteroid Belt.

Even though there was no mining there, I felt it is a very pretty place to stare into the wonderful universe of New Eden.


A meditation aspect, good advert for the environment. What would be nice is if CCP Games, better known as, CROWD CONTROL PRODUCTIONS, would add a mediation center for each Capsuleer to select a certain solar system from and then mediate to the sounds and visuals. The capsuleer clicks the solar system, sits back, turns on Floyd, and takes a tour around the solar system. Thus, New Eden is also therapeutical.

Or maybe CCP could create solar system mediation sessions that would allow a Capsuleer to pick pre-made sessions based on actual solar systems with pre-made events in the system, such as mining or watching a rogue drone enter a station for repairs. The repair process inside the station would be shown as well.

The meditation sessions would not disclose any locations of real ships and players, that would be an exploit.


Looks like he has a pink cck on his chest. Captain Pink Cck.

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Me Vs. New Eden, the best fight to take.

Medical clone bay transmission central mainframe is under your control sir.

Very well. Begin transmission into all clones.

Eve Online is a real dream within a dream. The colors, shapes, sounds and people are all part of a living dream. Every time we interact with New Eden, the events are stored in the brain as light, deconstructed and shaped into intermixed dreams. Some might seem frightening, but when you remember the dream, you’ll soon realize, your sub-conscious is taking cures from your consciousness. You are taking in the light and molding the light inside of your mind. Your mind is storing the living inside of mind that is made of light. Capturing those dreams is paramount to our next stage of evolution, progress, ascension, or whatever you call it. All you have do is to train your mind to associate various events during the day, such as a cardboard box becoming a cargo can. When you train your mind enough, you can turn any object in the real world into a living dream object from New Eden. The conversion will probably be different than what one would expect, but that’s how the dream of infinity works at the speed of light. The dream must travel so fast not to be consumed by the darkness, where there is no light, nothing will exist. The dream is the light that escaped. We need to train ourselves to catch the dream from the black hole of the mind and bring it into the light of the living. For all to see, so that when two dreams are brought to life and seen by others, the light will have its own life, our life given to it by the Dream of the Capsuleer.

But how do we do that?

  1. Develop a dream catcher device that would capture a dream of words spoken. The device would also capture sleep talking dreams of course.
  2. The Device is then connected to an AI central core that would mold the dream from words into a painting that can then be printed off or sent to #3.
  3. AI 3D Central Core would then convert the painting into a 3D image and even a 3D animation or moving picture, that can be edited and other dreams added as well.
  4. The 3D model of the dream can then be sent to a 3D printer and printed out and painted. The life of the dream imbued in the artifact. The artifact is life. The artifact, when seen by others will meld with other dreams, that will take us into infinity, where the darkness lives, where Capsuleers, Saviour’s, will bring the light to darkness.

Because we want it all. And not even the bars of the darkness can stop us.

Capsuleers, defend your universe, shields up.

The geometric lattice of the dream. Every time a person dreams, processes in the brain take place. When the patterns of nerves in the brain flash, based on the dream characteristics and then lines are drawn between all points, what type of geometric shapes are formed? With the Geometric Characteristic Shape containing firing pinpoint nodes that is based on the dream itself, which is based on how the host perceives itself based on daily interactions of near infinity, and when then Geometric Characteristic Shapes of numerous dreams are placed into the clone brain, will the subconscious GCS, the dream, unfold and restructure into the actual thinking consciousness of the host based on how the consciousness would extract components of the GCS that drives the hosts daily life style?

Basically, the characteristics of the subconscious dream reverse engineered to create the consciousness.


What if I pay for my alt acct’s yearly?


Why aren’t your alts paying you?


An·nu·al alts?

Was this before or after the LSD flavoured Quafe ?


I think safe to assume you’ve got it backwards which was the majority and which was the added falvor. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smirk: :blush:

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