What Actually Is Eve Online?

Took awhile to read through and after reading this a few times, had a sleep then returned to read again.

The part about the dreams, that you had explained. I feel it’s how many Capsuleers who stick with Eve Online experience subconsciously a dream about New Eden and reason why they continue to play.


You got all that from that word salad? :face_with_spiral_eyes:
Impressive. I guess that’s why you’re Frostpacker and I’m not.



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Fixed it for ya.

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I do not support that rectification nor any aspersions to the Frostpacker clan. They’re good guys and they’re my friends.
( Dramatic roleplay ) I’m not a ganker yet but if I were, I would blow you out of the stars for that!

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Over the weekend, I was told in chat, this is not Eve Online, it is EVE Online? That EVE is an acronym for Everyone Versus Everyone. If this is true, I would like some official citation on it, and wouldn’t it be EvE and not EVE?

I looked up some alternate possible acronyms and in bold are the ones I liked;

Evolution and Ecology
Easy Video Editing
Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator (Wall-E’s girlfiend)
Equal Value Exchange
Essay Verification Engine
Exemplary Voluntary Efforts
Emergency Medical Evacuation
Economic Value of Equity
End Violent Encounters
Epidural Volume Extension
Extreme Value Engineering
Electronic Vehicle Entry
Effective Visibility Execution
Expected Vertical Error

Have fun!

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You only want to know more!





Actually, I don’t care if you’re good guy or not :joy:


Had you been chatting with that Wormhole bloke who doesn’t gank in HS and also believes this is not the Eve Online from the old days?

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This tells the Prophet you have little understanding of economics, which is ironic at best.

If those ships did not explode, the need for your services would drastically drop.

That is because the argument is, and already has been won.
As soon as you undock your ship from the hangar, you consent to combat.
Anything else is just a lie you tell yourself to cope with your own tears.

Not sure, just another faceless name in help chat. I think if EVE is an acronym, I would like it to be End Violent Encounters. I guess is don’t matter, which makes it all antimatter and explodes.

Have fun!


It was actually a compliment :heart:

Happy Cake Day @Felix_Frostpacker! :cake:

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Wouldn’t it be cool to be able to deploy a sticky bomb that attaches itself to the side of a ship as you pass.

That is what I now want to do to one of your ships!


Instead of snowballs…

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Yes, for 10 yrs straight…

Edit; According to the tests, I’m smart and I do make good $$$ in rl. I’m also good at the game. Have a problem with that?

They did! :rofl:

So much so I gladly subbed them just for the scouting. Can’t kill Goons if you can’t find them and certainly can’t defend against them if you don’t see them coming. Never mind the mind-boggling amounts of isk from wh pi. (“Gain” your own wh with just 2 alt’s and get back to me on that one.)

Ever have your Noctis (Of all ships?) warp in and save your main? Alts were part of the spider web of how we found our targets back then. I just kept them active because even though they could pay for their acct’s, they are handy! :upside_down_face:

Shame we don’t have any intelligent new players posting on the forums anymore for me to give isk to…

I’m a new player!


Hardly! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Come with me, let’s mine ice this Wednesday​:grin::pick:

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I will mine ice, if you pay me 1 billion isk.

If you do not pay, I will block this alt, for replying to me without permission.

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